Body Paragraph Sample and Structure for Research Paper

Read the beginning of a comparisons paragraph below. Note the structure of the paragraph, as marked by numbers corresponding to the structure below. The thesis has been provided to give you a context for this paragraph.

Thesis: Although the Holocaust and the Cambodian genocide appear very different on the surface,the two share similar roots.

[1]Despite their differences, the Holocaust and the Cambodian genocide share many similar features. [2] In fact, both genocides began with the same political motivation: to create a native land characterized by“purity.”[3]In Germany, Adolph Hitler desired to rid the population of all Jews, “as well as members of some other persecuted groups, such as Gypsies and homosexuals,” in order to create to a more Aryan (blonde-haried, blue-eyed) nation; he accomplished this through systematic murder of the persecuted groups (“Holocaust”). [4]Similarly, in Cambodia, Pol Pot founded the Khmer Rouge guerilla movement, whose goal was “to deconstruct Cambodia back a primitive ‘Year Zero,’” where all Cambodians would have to work in rural projects, and Western advances would be taken away (Walker). To meet his agenda, Pol Pot killed those who could not endure daily physical labor, including the “elderly, handicapped, ill, and children” (Walker). [TRANSITION]One might wonder how these murders could have even been allowed to happen. [5] The answer brings up another similarity between the two: the genocides began at a time when the country was weak, a time when a powerful leader could manipulate the nation for his own purposes. . . . [6, 7]. . . . [8]The similar motivationand [paraphrase of main idea #2]for these two genocides make it clear that, despite their differences, the two are not all that different.

Please note a change in requirements: Only TWO points of comparison and TWO points of contrast will be necessary for this paper.

Paragraph Structure

  1. Topic Sentence (sets up that this will be a comparison between the two genocides)
  2. Main Idea (presents first idea to be compared: motivation for genocide)
  3. Evidence – Holocaust (introduces, cites evidence, and explains how this information is relevant)
  4. Evidence – other genocide (introduces, cites evidence, and explains how this information is relevant)


  1. Main Idea
  2. Evidence – Holocaust
  3. Evidence – other genocide
  4. Conclusion Sentence (re-caps main ideas; links to topic sentence and thesis)

Please note a change in requirements: Only TWO points of comparison and TWO points of contrast will be necessary for this paper.