Stretch and Challenge Policy
North Kesteven School is committed to providing all students with the environment in which they can maximise their potential. This includes students who display high levels of ability or aptitude in one or more subjects.
North Kesteven School will ensure that staff have lists of the More Able or Talented students, so that they can plan their lessons accordingly, ensuring that these students are stretched and challenged. Not only are we committed to providing stretch and challenge in Key Stages 3 and 4, but also for our Key Stage 5 learners.
What makes More Able and Talented Learners?
A More Able student is one who demonstrates a higher level of ability than most students in their cohort in one or more curriculum area. These students have the ability to excel academically in several areas of the curriculum.
A Talented student will show marked aptitude in a specific subject or curriculum area. Individual departments will be responsible for identifying their own Talented students.
Subject areas could include creative, performance-based, physical and practical areas.
Identification of More Able learners
When students join North Kesteven School from primary school, they undergo CATS testing and Reading tests, to supplement their KS2 SATS data. A combination of the three test scores is used to identify our more able students.
For KS5 students, this is based on their GCSE grades.
In-Class Provision
At North Kesteven School, we ensure that:
- All teachers have consistently high expectations
- Tasks are tailored to individual learners
- Extension activities are in place for those More Able or Talented learners
- Homework is regular and is also used to stretch and challenge students
- All teachers are aware of students’ prior attainment
- Literacy is further developed to enhance reading for understanding
- Learning objectives are tiered for personalised learning
- Debating and oral activities are used to develop analytical skills and essay writing
- Higher order thinking and Growth-Mindset are built into lessons
- Students are given opportunities to work with like-minded peers
- Seating plans facilitate stretch and challenge, as well as supporting weaker students
School-Based Provision
More Able and Talented students are provided with:
- A variety of school clubs
- School societies and councils
- Leadership opportunities
- Bespoke mentoring
- Enrichment opportunities
- Recognition of achievements
- Diagnostic assessment in all Key Stages
- Opportunities for performance
- Specialist teachers
- Guest speakers
- A range of real-life opportunities
At North Kesteven School, we will:
- Mentor our More Able students closely, measuring their progress
- Ensure that KS3 Schemes of Learning are suitably challenging so that these students do not lost momentum
- Audit More Able provision within each Key Stage
- Test Y7 students and intervene with those whose scores fall below their SATS scaled scores
- Provide KS4 students with the opportunity to study a second Modern Foreign Language
- Ensure students have aspirational targets at all time
- Use Doddle to help with diagnostic assessment, ensuring all students have sufficient “steps” for their year group to be able to excel
- Use Walking, Talking Mocks and Pre-Public Exams to enable our More Able students to access the most challenging questions on exam papers
- Keep a close focus on More Able and Talented students who are also disadvantaged to make sure there are no barriers to their learning
- Further develop our use of literacy within the school
- Discuss our More Able learners in all departmental meetings
- Have a rigorous homework policy which supports the stretch and challenge drive
- Nurture a Growth-Mindset through language used within the classroom and in the wider school
- Encourage students to develop confidence and self-belief through a range of leadership opportunities
- Share good practice in teaching and learning for stretch and challenge
- Liaise with primary schools to ensure transition for More Able students is as seamless as possible
Success Criteria
Our aim is for our More Able and Talented learners to be independent and resilient, whilst achieving significantly above their peers nationally. At North Kesteven School, no student’s potential will be capped, ensuring they fulfil their high expectations.