TITLE:Good Governance

STORYLINE:The Need for Peaceful Elections



TECHNICIAN:Oppong Yaw Foster




SIGTUNE: Osee yie Ghana OO! (Patriotic song)

PRESENTER: Good evening listeners and welcome to Dormaa-FM the premier station of Brong-Ahafo. This is your weekly programme on good governance brought to you by AMARC-CIDA, GCRN, Dormaa-FM and DOTHEBA (NGO), I’m your host Nana Asare Baffour-Sekyire. To commence with, tonight’s topic deals with, the need for peaceful elections to enhance development and good governance. Well tonight’s programme took us to Ahenboboano community, where we interviewed some people on the topic under consideration. We first interviewed young woman called Afia Yeboaa on the need for peaceful elections. Let’s listen to what she told us.

PLAYTAPE: Madam Afia Yeboa

I’m Afia Yeboaa, a young woman in my mid-thirties, a native of Dormaa-Ahenboboano. I’m glad to be part of this good governance programme. Now I would want to answer the question you posed. To begin with, nothing good comes without peaceful environment. If we say we want development and good governance then we need peaceful environment before, during and after elections. When there is war women and children suffer most. So I therefore urge all politicians, Nananom, Youths, Pastors to preach peace all the time to ensure peaceful election 2012. Finally we should tolerate one another and accept election results in good faith irrespectively of who wins.

PRESENTER: You heard Madam Afia Yeboaa on the topic: the need for peaceful elections. Now let us go ahead and listen to Opanin Kwaku Mensah on that same topic: the need for peaceful election before, during and after.

PLAYTAPE: Opanin Kwaku Mensah

My grandson thank you very much, I’m Opanin Kwaku Mensah, a native of Dormaa-Ahenboboano. First of all, may God bless Dormaa-FM and its partners for this broadcast. In fact without peace we cannot do anything interns of development and good governance. For what we know, without peace we farmers cannot go to farm, teachers, nurses, everybody cannot go about his or her normal duties. So peace is very paramount in nation building. I therefore advice the youths not to allow themselves to be misused by selfish politicians, but concentrate on what will bring development and good governance. Come 2012, Ghanaians will be going to polls, I therefore pray that, God will take us through safely. I strongly belief that, with peace, Ghana will move forward. I then again thank Dormaa-FM and its partners for this opportunity given me.

PRESENTER: You heard Opanin Kwaku Mensah on the topic: the need for peaceful elections. At this moment, let us invite Yaakrom Presby Singing Band to give us one song.

PLAY MUSIC: Music by Yaakrom Presby Singing Band.

PRESENTER: That was a wonderful performance by Yaakrom Singing Band of the Presby Church of Ghana. Again we interviewed a young girl called Akosua Anima who is a student of Dormaa Senior High School. Let us hear what she said on the topic.


I am Akosua Animah, a student of Dormaa Senior High School and a native of Dormaa-Ahenboboano. I am glad to be given this opportunity to speak on radio. In fact this is my first time. I therefore thank Dormaa-FM and its partners for this. Now, back to the topic, I will say there is the great need for peace before, during and after elections. Why am I saying this? To me, peace is the pivot of everything, without it as a nation we may not develop. I categorically state that, if we want actual development and good governance then all stakeholders should play their respective role to ensure peace come 2012 elections. Do not forget that, when war comes, women and children suffer most.

PRESENTER: You heard Akosua Animah on the topic: the need for peaceful election. Since elections go with political parties, tonight’s programme took us to the offices of the two major political parties in the country (thus NDC and NPP). At the NDC chairman’s office, we interviewed Mr. Kwame Addae Dickson on the topic. Let us hear what he told us.


I am Kwame Addae Dickson-chairman, NDC-Dormaa West Constituency. In fact, I’m overwhelmed for this radio opportunity given me. May God richly bless the initiators of this programme namely Dormaa-FM, GCRN, AMARC-CIDA. To start with, peace is very vital in nation building and for that matter every Ghanaian should look for it. As a politician and a party father, I therefore urge party supporters to be tolerant and accommodating. Party leaders should desist from insulting opponents on radio and campaign platforms, to ensure peace before, during and after elections in order to promote development and good governance. Finally I urge the youth not to allow themselves to be misused by selfish politicians, thank you.

PRESENTER: You heard Mr. Kwame Addae Dickson-chairman NDC-Dormaa West Constituency on the topic: the need for peaceful election. After this, we interviewed Mr. Edward Ansu-second vice chairman NPP-Dormaa West Constituency on the topic. This is what he said.

PLAYTAPE: Edward Ansu

My brother thank you. I am Edward Ansu, popularly known as night is sweet (Anadwo yεdε,) second vice chairman NPP-Dormaa West Constituency. Truly, I’m happy for this programme on good governance. I first of all, thank Dormaa-FM and its partners for this programme. Peace is something, I always talk about simply because, and without it we cannot do anything meaningful as a nation. If we want development and good governance, then all of us should try as much as possible to protect the current peace we have. As Ghanaians, we have only one country and nothing else. As we all know 2012 next year we will be going to polls. This is not fight despite the fact that we belong to different political parties. After the declaration by the Electoral Commission, all should accept the result no matter who wins.

PRESENTER: You heard Edward Ansu-second vice chairman NPP-Dormaa West Constituency on the topic. Let us invite Yaakrom Presby Singing Band. We finally interviewed MR. Amankwaa Boateng who is the Director of NCCE-Dormaa West on the topic. Let’s hear what he told us.

PLAYTAPE: Mr. Amankwaa Boateng

I’m Amankwaa Boateng-NCCE Director-Dormaa West. To begin with, no nation can develop without peace. If we want peace, then we have so many commitments to make. We should tolerate one another. Politicians should strictly observe political code. Security agencies and the electoral commission also have roles to perform to ensure peace before, during and after elections. This will eventually attract foreign investors and loans to boost our economy. To enhance development and good governance the MCE, as well as the MP are doing their part. I have strong belief that, come 2012 there will be peace before, during and after the election.

PRESENTER: You heard Mr. Amankwaa Boateng-NCCE Director-Dormaa West talking on the need for peaceful election. Tonight we have established that, we have to do all that we can to ensure peace before, during and after election to promote development and good governance.

PRESENTER: SIGN OFF: Thank you for being part of tonight’s edition of good governance programme. I’m you presenter Nana Asare Baffour-Senkyire, catch you next week same time, bye-bye.

SIGTUNE: Osee yie Ghana OO!(patriotic song;hurray Ghana) to end the programme.

TITLE:Good Governance

STORYLINE:The Need for Women in local government system



TECHNICIAN:Oppong Yaw Foster




SIGTUNE: Osee yie Ghana OO!(patriotic song : hurray Ghana)

PRESENTER: Good evening listeners and welcome to Dormaa-FM 100.7MHz the premier station of Brong-Ahafo. Listeners you are welcome to tonight’s edition of our weekly programme on good governance brought to you by Dormaa-FM, GCRN, AMARC-CIDA and DOTHEBA. I’m you usual presenter Nana Asare Baffour-Senkyire. To start with, tonight’s topic deals with the need to include women in our local government system or process to enhance development and good governance. Tonight’s programme took us to Kyeremekrom where we interviewed some people with Mrs. Susana Opoku Kyereme. Let us hear what she told us.


I’m Mrs. Susana Opoku Kyereme, former headteacher of Presby K.G, former board chairperson chance brothers cooperative credit union and CUA BOD ex-officio member. At the moment am on retirement. Well, back to the topic: the need for women in our local government system. Yes there is the great need to include women in all spheres of life, be it politic, development, good governance just to mention few. Anything, without the involvement of women is incomplete. Even in our homes, when women are not there we feel their absence. As women we keep the house clean, prepare food for the family and look after the children to compliment the efforts of men. With this, I therefore urge Government, Nananom, Opinion leaders, NGOs to try as much as possible to include women in our local government system at all levels. Again women should be encourage to aspire for higher positions at all levels in order to ensure development and good governance that we are all looking for.

PRESENTER: You heard Mrs. Susana Opoku Kyereme on the topic: the need for women in our local government system. Now let us invite Asikasu S.D.A Christ Ambassadors Choir to give us one song.

PLAY MUSIC: Music by Asikasu S.D.A Christ Ambassadors Choir

PRESENTER: That was a nice song from Asikasu S.D.A Christ Ambassadors Choir. We went ahead and interviewed Vera Opoku Mensah who is field officer for DOTHEBA on the topic.


I’m Vera Opoku Mensah, field officer for Maternal Health for Community Empowerment formerly known as DOTHEBA. First of all, we are glad to be part of this programme and as NGO we therefore urge Dormaa-FM and its partners to sustain programme of this nature. To me there is the need to include women in our local government system to promote development and good governance. It is high time we encourage women to fully participate in the local government system. A time has come for a woman to become Dormaa-West MP and even to become the president of Ghana. When you go to Dormaa Municipal Assembly, we have few Assemblywomen. I therefore urge my fellow women to have the courage to aspire for any position in the local government system. I for one, I have contested twice and lost but I will not give up until I win that seat.

PRESENTER: You heard Vera Opoku Mensah on the topic: the need for women in our local government system. Once again let us invite Asikasu S.D.A Christ Ambassadors Choir.

PLAY MUSIC: Music by Asikasu S.D.A Christ Ambassadors Choir

PRESENTER: That was a wonderful performance by Christ Ambassadors Choir - Asikasu. We then again interviewed Honorable Rose Gyamfi on the topic. Let’s listen to what she told us.


I’m Honorable Rose Gyamfi, Assemblymember for Atoase electoral area and a native of Kyeremekrom. To me, there is the need to include women in our local government system. Why am I saying this? It has being established that, what men can do even women can do better. Gone were the days they used to say women sell garden eggs and not gun-powder. Currently some women feed the family, pay utility bills and even school fees and other things. I therefore urge all Ghanaians come 2012 elections vote massively for women aspirants. So that we may get more female MPs who will take part in formulating policies concerning women and children in order to promote development and good governance.

PRESENTER: You heard Honorable Rose Gyamfi on the topic: the need to include women in local government process. Let us take another song from Christ Ambassadors Choir.

PLAY MUSIC: Music by Asikasu S.D.A Christ Ambassadors Choir

PRESENTER: That was another melodious song from Christ Ambassadors. Finally we had the opportunity to interviewed Nana Akua Ameyaa – Queen mother of Kyeremekrom. Let us hear what she told us on the topic.


Nana Akua Ameyaa is my name. I am the queen mother of Kyeremekrom community. I feel great to be part of this important programme. I am of the view that, women should be included in the local government system at all levels. Let me start with creation, Adam was incomplete without Eve. And for that matter he became full fledge Man when God created Eve in addition. So without a woman even creation was incomplete. Hence the need to include women in our local government system for development and good governance.

PRESENTER: You heard Nana Akua Ameyaa – Queen mother of Kyeremekrom for her part on the topic. From tonight’s programme we have established that, there will be no developments and good governance without the involvement of women in our local government system. We should encourage women to aspire for higher positions in the local system.


Well precious listeners, all too soon, this is where time will permit me to say goodbye. Thank you for being part of this episode on good governance. This has being your presenter Nana Asare Baffour-Senkyire, bye bye.

SIGTUNE: Osee yie Ghana OO! to end the programme.