Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 The pirates who … any fish had to eat rotten meat and vegetables.

A has not caught

B had not catch

C not caught

D had not caught

2 The ship had already left the port by the time the storm … .

A starts

B started

C have started

D had been starting

3 The chef … supper for the pirates when he suddenly heard a shout.

A had made

B had been making

C made

D had making

4 The pirate had been sewing his shirt when the others … him to come and play cards.

A had been asked

B asking

C asked

D has asked

5 ‘The prisoners … and they were very thin and ill.’

‘How awful!’

A have not been eating

B are not eating

C had not been eating

D were not eaten

6 He … to eat some bread but insects had got into it.

A wants

B has wanting

C had been wanting

D wanted

7 ‘In the film, … when the murderer went into his room?’

‘Yes, but the murderer woke him up.’

A had he slept

B had he been sleeping

C has he slept

D have he been sleeping

8 When I …, I couldn’t remember what I had been dreaming about.

A wake up

B had been waking up

C had woke up

D woke up

9 When Johnny Depp … at the studio, they had been waiting for over an hour.

A had arrived

B had been arriving

C arrived

D arrives

10 By the time the captain … the other ship, it was at least a mile away.

A had been spotting

B had spotted

C was spot

D has spotted

11 ‘At the end of each night the children … very tired because they had been working for hours.’

‘I’m glad I wasn’t a child back then.’

A was

B had been

C have been

D were

12 They cancelled the voyage because the captain … some very bad news.

A had been receiving

B was receiving

C had received

D receives

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 If you … read maps well, then you will be a good ship’s captain.

A could

B is able to

C can

D were able to

2 When I was a teenager most of my friends … to sew blouses and dresses.

A are able

B can

C were able

D could

3 In the book Papillion, the prisoners … survive for long because of their hard lives.

A were able to

B couldn’t

C can’t

D wasn’t able to

4 My little boy … walk, but he isn’t able to talk yet.

A can

B could

C is

D is able

5 By the time you have finished your lessons, you … play the piano.

A can

B will be able to

C are able to

D could

6 From time to time the people living in the fort … to go out and walk by the sea.

A will be able to

B could be able to

C are able to

D were able to

7 For those who … sew, life on the ship was more difficult.

A wasn’t able to

B can’t

C won’t be able to

D couldn’t

8 ‘Excuse me, sir. … swim by the end of the summer?’

‘Yes, if you listen to me and practise very hard.’

A Can we

B Could we

C Were we able to

D Will we be able to

9 ‘… to use satellite navigation when he was a young man?’

‘No, because it hadn’t been invented yet.’

A Could your dad

B Will your dad be able

C Were your dad able

D Was your dad able

10 The prisoners … get off the island because of the sea that was all around it.

A was not able to

B can’t

C were not able to

D will not be able to

11 At the time Mary … to swim and she nearly died in the wild and dangerous sea.

A will be able

B couldn’t

C can’t

D wasn’t able

12 ‘Sorry. Can you tell me where the port is, please?’

‘No, but ask that man over there. He … help you.’

A will be able to

B can be able to

C could be able to

D was able to

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.

1 We heard a scream and then we saw the ghost standing by the ship.

We saw the ghost standing by the ship ………………………….. a

scream. AFTER

2 The pirates started looking for the jewels in the morning and stopped in the evening.

The pirates ………………………….. for the jewels all day. BEEN

3 They had a rest and then they continued with their work.

They continued with their work ………………………….. a rest. AFTER

4 Could Johnny Depp sew like a pirate from the 17th century?

Was ………………………….. like a pirate from the 17th century? ABLE

5 The pirates wanted to find the gold before they left the island.

The pirates wouldn’t leave the island until they ………………………….. the gold. HAD

6 There was a lot of talk about how wrong it was to make young children work so hard.

They ………………………….. a lot about how wrong it was to make young children work so hard. TALKED

7 She remembered the murderer.

She ………………………….. the murderer. FORGOTTEN

Marks / 7

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 The main character in the film Papillion wasn’t able escape/to escape from Devil’s Island.

2 You was able to/can learn a lot about History from this programme.

3 The children, who had been finishing/finished their work, went home to bed.

4 We had been walking around the old ship when we thought/were thinking we saw a pirate.

5 Joey will/will be able to write his own name after he starts school.

6 Could/Can you read a map when you were the captain of the ship?

7 My dad never was able/was never able to work in the garden when it was too hot.

8 By the time Alexander Graham Bell was six, he was/will be able to think of things that most grown-ups couldn’t.

9 Were/Was you able to read the whole book in one week?

Marks / 9

Total Marks / 40

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