FOR the next unit we will be on the following project. You will be required to complete several tasks during this time. You can use both computer and text resources to complete your tasks it is very important to remember that plagiarism is against the law and can result in a zero for the project. USE MY WEBSITE FOR LOTS OF HELP!You will need to search the net for the information. When visuals are required drawings are preferred, computer graphics are not.

You can hand in the parts of this project on an individual basis to get it pre graded before the specific due date, once the due date is passed you can only earn 80% worth up to two weeks after the due date.

Tasks 1-2 worth 100 points, added to gradebook January 29th

(TASK 1 - Terms 45 points) DUE January 22nd


1)Define the following terms (1 pt each)

2)Give an example of how it pertains to any animal (you may not repeat animals). (2 pts each)

Limiting FactorsInstinctsCircadian rhythm


Insight learningBiological Carrying CapacitySocial carrying capacity



(TASK 2 – Pamphlet 65 points) DUE January 26th

Make a pamphlet on an ecosystem from Wisconsin, your ecosystem must be pre-approved.

Utilize specific sites such as a weather site to gather temperature/rainfall information. Find a city within your ecoystem to gather valuable natural information.

Include the following in your pamphlet

  1. Find amount of rainfall/snowfall per year(10 pts)
  2. Find the average temperature for the four seasons (10 pts)
  3. What is the topography of the ecosystem, what is the land look like, is the soil fertile or poor quality. (10 pts)
  4. Include at least two visuals from your ecosystem. It could be a view, or animals and or plants.(10 pts)
  5. Find 5 interesting facts about your ecosystem, it could be natural or man-made. Why would someone want to travel here and what could they do or explore. (15 pts)
  6. Map (10 pts)Make a map (drawing and color preferred) of where your ecosystem is located, include the whole state as well as just your ecosystem. Label it properly.

Tasks 3-7 WORTH 100 points In Gradebook Feb 13.

(Task 3- Introduced Species 20 points) DUE Jan 31st

* Find an example of a newly introduced species into the state of Wisconsin that

seemingly fits in. Describe how it fits into the ecosystem and how it is managed.

* Include a drawing of this organism

* Find an example of an invasive species in the state. Explain its status, what is being done to manage or get rid of it and how it is harming the environment.

*Your drawing should be a poster on computer paper that would be suitable for

Display at a public area warning of the dangers of the invasive species to prevent

The spread of it.

(TASK 4– Symbiosis 20 points) DUE Feb 2nd

  • Make a list of three animals that show various types of symbiosis with something else and the

benefits that each one receives from the other. 2 of the 3 examples must be from Wisconsin. Don’t forget definitions of all- symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism and parasitism.

(Task 5- Endangered Species 20 points ) DUE Feb 5th

  • Find an example of two endangered species from Wisconsin (plant or animal) and their

status, include why it is endangered, how many there are and what efforts if any are being made to resolve the problem.

  • Include a drawing or picture of each organism.

(TASK 6 – Cycles 20 points) DUE Feb 7th

  • Make a drawing or obtain pictures that explain a natural cycle besides the water

cycle. Choose from: nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, or phosphorous.

  • Make a drawing or obtain pictures that explain the water cycle, full details are


(TASK 7– Succession 20 points) DUE Feb19th

  • Do either a report or drawing of succession in your ecosystem. In other words if a fire to come through and wipe it all out, how would it grow into a climax community?