Individualized Major

Wartburg College

Student Name: ______ID#: ______

E-mail Address: ______Expected Grad Date: ______Classification: _____

Title of Major: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Advisor Signature: ______Date: ______

The individualized major is designed by a student in consultation with the academic advisor. This major represents a coherent grouping of courses pertinent to the student’s educational goals. Individualized majors must be significantly different (at least four course credits) from majors currently available at Wartburg College.

An individualized program of study must include:

1.  Completion of graduation requirements as described in the Wartburg College Academic Catalog.

2.  Completion of a student-designed individualized major with a minimum of 13 and a maximum of 20 courses.

3.  Completion of nine of the total 36 course credits at the 300 and 400 level.

Request for the individualized major must be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty and approved by the Educational Policies Committee no later than the end of the first term of the third year. The request must include a rationale for pursuing the individualized major as well as each course that comprises the proposed major.

______Date: ______

Chair of Educational Policies Committee

The student will prepare and submit the following documentation with this cover sheet:

1.  A typed rationale for pursuing the individualized major. You must identify the capstone course and explain how it synthesizes your learning to address issues in the proposed major. Other Suggestions: Relate the major to your career goals. Explain how each course in the major supports your goals and contributes to the proposed program of study. Explain why other majors offered do not support your career goals.

2.  A spreadsheet using the template below to identify courses that will comprise the major. List the courses alphabetically by department. Then, at the end of the spreadsheet, include all courses that will be applied toward the 300-400 course level requirement. (See 3. above.)

Course No. / Course Title / Credit / Major Requirement / Ess Ed
Requirement / Term
AC 121 / Principles of Accounting I / 1.0 / X / X / Fall 2009
PSY 211 / Adolescent Development / .5 / X / Fall 2010
RE 310 / Living with Death / 1.0 / X / Winter 2012

3.  If an independent study is included as a major requirement, it is recommended that the proposal include details regarding potential project titles as well as descriptions and rationale to support the proposal. The Independent Study Learning Contract will need to be submitted at a later date for enrollment in a specific Independent Study.

4.  If a special topics course is included as a major requirement, the course must be for a topic approved by EPC. Identify the topic in the proposal.

5.  Contact the Registrar with questions regarding preparation of the proposal.

Revised /Approved by EPC October 2011