Chapter 3 study guide questions Mrs. Mckniff

Of Mice and Men

1. Why does Slim wonder why George and Lennie stick together?

2. Why does George want to talk to Slim?

3. If George's voice is taking on the tone of confession, what is he confessing?

4. Why does Slim comment repeatedly that Lennie isn't mean?

5. Why does Carlson keep pressing Candy to shoot the dog?

6. Comment on Carlson’s statement, “Look Candy. This ol’ dog just suffers hisself all the time. If you was to take him out and shoot him right in the back of the head. . . right there, why he’d never know what hit him.”

7. Why does Slim agree with Carlson, and why does Candy allow someone else to kill his beloved dog?

8. Comment on the sentence, “Slim’s opinions were law.”

9. Why does Carlson take his Luger (his gun) out?

10. Why does Candy finally say, “Awright-- take ‘im” (47)?

11. Why does Slim remind Carlson to take a shovel?

12. Why does Candy “[roll] slowly over and [face] the wall and lay silent?

13. This chapter introduces Crooks, the black stable buck. What is the tone of his comments to Slim?

14. Why does Susy say her place is better than Clara’s?

15. Why doesn't George want to go into town with Whit?

16. The Golden Gloves is a national amateur boxing competition that started in 1927. What kind of talent must Curley have to make it to the Golden Gloves?

17. Lennie has heard the story about the future ranch many times before. Why does George tell it again?

18. What is the tone of Lennie's response, “We could live off the fatta the lan” (57)?

19. George says, “An’ it’d be our own, an nobody could can us.” Why is this important to him?

20. Why is George entranced with his own picture?

21. Why does Candy ask to be included in George and Lennie's dream, and why does George agree?

22. Why does Candy say that he should have shot his dog himself?

23. Why is Slim able to stand up to Carly?

24. Why does Curly start a fight with Lennie?

25. Why does George say, “Get him Lennie. Don't let him do it” (69)?

26. Why does Slim get involved in this fight?

27. Why does Slim tell Curley to say his hand was caught in a machine?