Councillor Tim Hill’s Report to ElstowParish Council

- For 13 Feb 18


-I am currently planning to attend this Parish Council Meeting.

Parish-wide Issues

Covanta Incinerator – It is absolutely terrible news that the Environment Agency has issued its Environment Permit for this. I have submitted a complaint regarding the issuing of a Permit by the Environment Agency to Covanta on grounds of ignoring local residents and objections made and not recognising potential health risks (including traffic movements) when the operation of the plant comes into place.

Massive housing proposal submitted - Shift Living – a development company only incorporated on 23 Dec 16 – have submitted a very late bid to the Local Plan 2035 consultation, for 9,000 homes across the south of the Borough. This awful proposal will stretch from Stewartby to the Cardington area. If approved, this would mean houses from Junction 13 of the M1 to Cotton End. This proposal was received late in 2017, nearly two years after the call for sites submission closed. The Borough Council has a policy of villages not merging with other villages. This particular proposal would merge the villages of Wootton, Marston Moretaine, Stewartby, Wixams, Elstow and Shortstown into one.This proposal is not part of the Local Plan currently out for consultation by Bedford Borough.

Abbey Middle Demolition – This is planned for the next financial year. The building is unsuitable for any alternative use, so it has been proposed for demolition. The land, including the sports pitches, is to be held for any long term need for additional schools capacity in the area. There are no plans to build houses on the school land, although there are for the small green area just to the south of Moor Lane.

Aldi and B&M Planning Applications at Hardwick Hill – I received confirmation from Planning Officers that the proposed access is off the Wixams road network. They also confirmed that the S106 linked to the outline consent for the Wixams Northern Expansion Area, includes a contribution of £100k towards off-site highway works to be informed by traffic surveys to be undertaken at various stages of the development. I believe many of the employees will rat-run through Elstow Old Village. So I am pressing for some of the S106 money to be spent on traffic mitigation measures for the Elstow Old Village.

Local Issues

Since my last Parish Council Report, I have amongst other local issues progressed the following raised by residents, sometimes with the valued help and support of the Parish Council:

Weeds on Wilstead Road and High Street, and between Cow Bridge Cottage and the Interchange Roundabout – I raised these concerns with Borough Officers and the weeds have now largely been cleared.

Flooding at Cow Bridge, and at the junction of High Street and West End –I have asked Borough Highways to investigate to ensure the flooding stops happening.

Selfish parking outside Elstow Primary – I hosted a Parking Enforcement Session with Borough Enforcement Officers at Elstow Primary in January. Unsurprisingly, the small minority who are used to parking wherever they like, resorted to swearing at us, but most drivers accepted the invitation to move on rather than be issued with a Parking Fine Notice. I am pleased to report that Sam Baxter, the new Head, was supportive of what we did. Also, I have arranged a meeting with Sam on 20th Feb to get to know each other and discuss common issues.

Extra disabled bay in first parking area at Bunyans Mead –I have raised the issue with the BPHA Liaison Officer at Borough Hall.

Salting Bin on Bunyans Mead –I have asked Borough Highways and the BPHA Liaison Officer at Borough Hall if this could be provided.