Narda Butler, 10501 Schuss Dr., Anchorage, AK 99507

907-250-6987 (cell & texting)

Chemistry ILP

Chemistry 242100/242200

Description: A beginning course that will include a study of the following concepts: atomic structure, mole concept, chemical periodicity, writing formulas and equations, nomenclature of compounds, chemical bonding, use of symbols, valence, physical and chemicalproperties, elements, mixtures and compounds, kinetic molecular theory of solids, liquid and gases. The second semester will include the additional major concepts: oxidation, reduction, reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, acids, bases, pH, ionization, stoichiometry, heat of reactions, gas laws, molar concentrations, solutions and solubilities. Laboratory skills will include: measure mass and volumes, measure temperature, measure melting point and boiling point, filtering and decanting, graphing, interpretation of data, observation, description, recording, measuring pH, titration, pressure of gases, calorimetry and preparation of solutions. The class begins with two weeks of math refresher information.

The class meets one time per week for two hours. Students are given daily homework assignments that are to be completed at home and overseen by parents.

Curriculum: (This is currently pending availability. Other options are being explored.)

  • The Spectrum Chemistry by Wilemon and Dobbins, Beginnings Publishing; ,$90

Order the text by phone – 1-800-831-3570 and be sure to let them know that, though they do not regularly ship to Alaska, you are part of an ongoing co-op that began before the policy change.

  • Constructing Chemistry by Jason Neil (provided by the instructor)

Requirements: Students are expected to:

  • attend class regularly,
  • complete homework assignments and
  • participate in any online or in-class group activities offered.
  • bring to class the first day a 3-Ring Binder with 31 numbered dividers

Students must have access to a computer, a printer and to the Internet. I use a great deal of supplemental material from the Internet.

Standards: While there are no Alaska GLEs for chemistry nor are there common core standards for chemistry, I have adapted the DC Public Schools standards for this course. They can be found linked at the top of the chemistry homepage of my website, or by clicking here.

Grading: Letter grades, A-F with ten point cuts, will be assigned based upon percentage correct on homework assignments (10 points each), lab reports (10 points each), quizzes (20 points each) and one midterm and one final (50 points each). <65% correct is failing.


I have permission to distribute copies of the Spectrum Chemistry text until the books come in if we choose to use it. You will get them faster if you buy them personally then submit a request for reimbursement. It is important to request that the publisher ship them Priority Mail; otherwise it takes weeks to get them.

Please requisition "Chemistry Tutoring" from Narda Butler or DreamSpinner Learning for one year of instruction (service), for $480.

Finally, parents, Please find appended to the end of this document, and print out, the Tutorials Requirements and Commitment page. Read it and, if you agree, sign it and send it with your student on the first day of class.

Classes will be held only on Mondays, from 11:30-1:30 at Crosspoint Church.

Homework assignments will be available on the website:

Course Calendar

DateWeek #Topic

Sept. 9, 20131Math Review

Sept. 162Significant Figures, Scientific Notation

Sept. 233Density, Chemical Properties

Sept. 304Periodic Table

Oct. 75Atomic Theory

Oct. 146Electron Configuration

Oct. 217Introduction to Bonding

Oct. 288Bonding and Lewis Dot Structure

Nov. 49Unit Conversions

Nov. 1110Chemical Nomenclature

Nov. 1811Percent Composition, Chemical Formulas

Nov. 2512Hydrates, NO CLASS, but homework will be assigned online

Dec. 213Types of Reactions

Dec. 914Solubility

Dec. 1615More on chemical reactions, redox equations

End of fall semester


Jan. 6, 201416Reactions review

Jan. 1317Oxidation Numbers

Jan. 2018NO CLASS, but homework will be assigned online

Jan. 2719Stoichiometry

Feb. 320Limiting Reagent

Feb. 1021Gas Laws 1

Feb. 1722Gas Laws 2, NO CLASS, but homework will be assigned online

Feb. 2423Phase Diagrams

March 324“George” and Specific Heat


March 1725Solutions

March 2426Molarity. Molality and % mass

March 3127Concentrations

April 728Water, Acids & Bases

April 1429Acid, Bases

April 2130 Chemical Equilibrium and Final Review

April 2831Comprehensive Final

updated 5 August 2013