Rivera Middle School

STEAM Explore (Math)

Ms. Gomez 6th Grade Room 2



The focus of the STEAM Explore course is mathematics. This course reinforces the basic concepts that are required to master the fundamental concepts needed for understanding grade level math. This course will also provide an opportunity for students to develop a better understanding of the concepts taught in their 6th grade CPM course. STEAM Explore will be utilized to enrich students mathematical thinking in order to ensure success in future math courses, while also connecting the importance of math in real world situations.



*Follow all classroom rules*Show respect to self and others*Reply with a “Yes”

*Work hard*Stay focused*Listen to all directions/pay attention

*Be organized*Come to class on time – Excessive tardies will affect citizenship mark

*Always be ready to work*No excuses *Exemplify the qualities of good character

*BE RESPONSIBLE**Refer to the Classroom Matrix (See attached)


*Turn in all assignments on time (including absent work).

*Any assignments not completed in class will be homework.

*Turn in neat and appropriately labeled work.

*All papers must be correctly labeled with:

First and last name



*All math work completed with pencil only.

*Must show all work and thinking.


•Follow directions the first time given.

•Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.

•Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.

•Have all books, supplies, and materials with you at all times.

•No food, gum, candy or drinks in class...with the exception of water.

•Follow all the expectations of the classroom routines (Classroom Matrix….See attached)



•Teacher note to parent in agenda and Tele-Parent

•Phone call to parent from student.

•Referral to office

*Severe cause: Extremely disruptive behavior will result in an immediate referral to the office.


*Homework is posted, as needed, each day or written in the student agenda (rms.erusd.org).

*Homework is due at the beginning of the period. Late or incomplete work (fixes) will be accepted within a week of the due date. After that, the work may not be made up. The grade for late or incomplete work will not exceed 75% (C)

*Parents will be notified by a written note in the agenda or by Tele-Parent of missing or incomplete homework.

*Homework may take longer at the beginning of the school year until the student learns how to organize, study more efficiently, and use their time wisely. Please help and encourage your child to manage and develop effective work habits throughout the year.


*Students are responsible for picking up their absent work from the “Absent Folder.”

*Work must be turned in within a week of the absence and placed in the absent tray.

*It is the student's responsibility to find out what all they have missed.


Grades are available on Parent Portal, or you may notify me for an updated grade and citizenship.

Grading:Participation50%Grading Scale:A = 88-100%

Classwork/Homework30%B = 75-87%

Group work20%C = 58-74%

D = 38-57%

F = 0-37%


*I am available for conferences during 6th period and after school.

*Call the office to make an appointment (requires 24 hour notice) or send in a note with your child.

*Parents must check in with the office before entering campus.


6th grade is a transitional year for the kids. Students may have a hard time adjusting, but do not worry. Once the kids learn the expectations and routines of their teachers and school, they will be fine. I have been teaching for many years and see this happening each year. Believe me, the kids will adapt and be successful. Please be assured that your child is like my child now and that I only want the best for them and will do what needs to be done to assure an easier transition into 7th grade.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (562) 801-5088 or .

Thank you and welcome to my class.

Ms. Gomez