Tim Ellis

Brigadoon X Country Clinic 17/7/11

(water jump will be available)

(18 positions available - So be quick to email and pay to secure your spot)

The process for riders attending clinics has been made easier.

Just email letting me know you wish to attend, complete the form and return via email and make payment through Direct Deposit;

Account Details: T Ellis BSB 086 918 ACC 198515092

And I will confirm your times and what class you are allocated in accordance to horse and rider experience a couple days before the clinic.

(Assumption of Risk forms can be signed on the day .)

Cost = $145 per rider for two group lessons, includes course fee.

1hr.15mins per lesson. One in the morning and one in the afternoon .

To keep fees affordable unfortunately we have a no refund policy,

Riders will be grouped accordingly to their comments written on the clinic sheets, detailing their experience and the level of education of their horse and best matched appropriately in classes of similar level.

Approved helmets, boots body protector are compulsory, as is approved as per EFA rules.

Clothing also to be of EFA safety standard. no singlet tops.

Riders will be required to bring their own drinks and food.


Tim Ellis

Mobile 0417928965



ABN 47 018 498 178

NAME______(if under 18)PARENTS______


PH______MOB______DOB ______

Please circle Experienced – Novice – Beginner Rider

EA MEMBER = Yes - No

Ambulance cover = Yes - No

Private Health Cover = Yes No




Level of competition experience ______

What are your goals ______


What would you like to improve ______

I agree to pay the amount of $145.00, per rider, being payment for two lessons

Account details: T Ellis BSB 086918 Acc 198515092

AMOUNT PAID$______Direct Deposit Receipt No______
