Notes of the meeting of the Kirkbymoorside Surgery Patient Participation Group 17/12/15 12noon to 130pm Kay Lund Room
Dr Tim Hughes (TH -GP partner) and Gilly Allanson ( GA- reception team support to PPG and voluntary sector and carers in practice) introduced themselves and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no items from PPG members.
TH went through the anonymous suggestions in the suggestion box:
- Music in the waiting room- pros and cons discussed; feeling of the PPG is that the should not be piped music
- Toys in the waiting room- there are books for children in the waiting room and this was though sufficient and appropriate. For very small children parents would usually bring their toys with them
- Excessive time waiting in the waiting room due to GP’s and nurses overrunning- TH explained real time data now being collected on this and at the time of the meetings the average time waiting for a delayed appointment is 7 minutes across the team- varying from 1.7minutes to 11 minutes across all clinical team members. The delay mentioned in the suggestion box related to a duty GP appointment that was significantly delayed owing to a time consuming emergency that occurred just before that appointment. The person making the suggestion could not be identified to enable the practice to respond personally.
- A note questioned whether it was appropriate that they were asked whether their problem needed an urgent or a routine appointment as the fact they had come to the surgery meant they needed to be seen and should be able to be seen straightaway. The PPG members understood and supported the reasoning behind the practices processes in helping people get the right appointment with the right person.
TH shared with the meeting the practices’s work on e prescribing, online booking availability for all appointments, free wifi in the surgery, Poems in the surgery and Art for Health (a scheme to have pictures on loan and in rotation in the surgery for wellbeing as currently operating in York Hospital).
Members expressed concern about the accessibility to surgery services fro those not IT savvy. Assurance was given then the majority of online bookers were ‘silver surfers’ but the vast majority of appointments continue to be booked on the telephone or at reception.
TH went through the results and actions arising from the teenage questionnaire- published on the website. The PPG group welcomed this work.
TH sought and got the support of PPG members in being in the practice at the time of our CQC inspection and the process was run through and discussed with PPG members.
TH shared current data on aspects of the practices performance and a discussion around the issues was had.
TH outlined aspects of patient safety work the practice is doing and thanked those members that had done so for completing the online questionnaire that together with the practice safety culture questionnaire from RCGP and auditing our significant event work and some practice prescribing safety audits give us a picture of a safe practice.
The PPG then joined GA to look at the Surgerypod and the waiting room. The feedback from the PPG was:
Surgery Pod
- Would prefer some explanation as to what the pod is and why it would benefit patient to use it.
- Not very self explanatory and would prefer clearer instructions on how to use it e.g step by step instructions to log onto system 1st to be able to record info in medical record.
- Would prefer the pod enclosure to be round the other way so it is more private and to stop other patients looking over your shoulder.
- They didnt like the wording on the options to choose a category and asked what they meant e.g Audit, alcohol -fast and others that weren't obvious what they were for.
2 of the Patient Matters group used the Pod and both said that it was not clear to log on 1st on screen before taking BP readings. Said they struggled and found it didn't "flow", took a long time.
TV screen
They said we should use it more to promote pod, it is the only thing patients will sit and look at in waiting room! Mr W said it is too high and should be moved away from the pod area.
Posters and leaflets
Too many posters and leaflets and group are really looking forward to pictures going up instead.
Mr P said seating was too hard when sitting for some time.
These points will be discussed at our partners meeting and an action plan to address these points will be prepared and shared.
The final point raised by PPG members was checking email contact addresses which GA will do.
TH and GA thanked al, for attending and the next meeting will be in six months. Date and time to be confirmed.
Actions taken from the PPG meeting
Action points from PPG meeting / Action takenWould prefer some explanation as to what the pod is and why it would benefit patient to use it. / New signage, website information, will be additional information to new patient recall letters fro chronic disease management about the pod and its use, promotions and support from reception team as patients attend
Not very self explanatory and would prefer clearer instructions on how to use it e.g step by step instructions to log onto system 1st to be able to record info in medical record / New signage put in
Would prefer the pod enclosure to be round the other way so it is more private and to stop other patients looking over your shoulder. / We have moved the pod into new position as suggested by PPG
They didnt like the wording on the options to choose a category and asked what they meant e.g Audit, alcohol -fast and others that weren't obvious what they were for. / We asked the Pod provider to do this but they have declined- we are not able to user define the interface with the user
2 of the Patient Matters group used the Pod and both said that it was not clear to log on 1st on screen before taking BP readings. Said they struggled and found it didn't "flow", took a long time. / We have asked the Pod Provider to look at this- they are not able/willing to change processes
They said we should use it more to promote pod, it is the only thing patients will sit and look at in waiting room! MrWoosnam said it is too high and should be moved away from the pod area. / We are not able to move the screen. We are now promoting the Pod as part of the screen display cycle
The patient safety questionnaire / Responses are continually sought for this questionnaire ( 25 so far) and the results are published on the website. We look at the results which are not patient identifiable so prevent our being able to respond to individual feedback but nevertheless give the practice valuable feedback and monitoring data
Email contacts / Have been checked by Gilly
Toys in the waiting room / The partners agreed to purchase a number of standing cleanable active play items for both waiting rooms
Notice Boards / A review of posters/presentations has taken place.
Action points from PPG meeting / Action taken
Patent waiting time from arrival to appointment / We have a continual monitoring system set up to look at individual and group average waiting times for a delayed appointment and will publish this monthly alongside Do not attend numbers on the noticeboard as you exit the surgery.
We have changed out urgent care appointment system so that urgent care appointments are available all day every day we are open but the partners do one session a day rather than a whole day at a time. This will reduce the disruptive effect some urgent care situations have on an individual GP’s day and also improve the spread of availability of routine appointments with each GP.
Art in the surgery / Range of pictures chosen, hanging soon. Poems in the Waiting Room flying off the shelves