PSHE & Citizenship Policy


Date : February 2011

Reviewed : Autumn 2016

PSHE and Citizenship Policy


Citizenship is more than a part of our curriculum; it is a way of life for the whole school community. As an accredited healthy school a partnership between education, health and families enables us to work towards an integrated approach, collaborating with local partners and agencies to develop, promote and review the curriculum.

Citizenship helps children develop as responsible members of their school, neighbourhoods and the wider global community. It is concerned with issues of right and wrong, rights and responsibilities, fairness, rules and laws, power and authority, equality and diversity, communities and identities, democracy, conflict and co-operation. As children grow and develop, citizenship helps them to think and talk about issues relating to these concepts as they encounter them in their own lives and in the lives of others.


  • Encourage children to leads healthy, fulfilling and meaningful lives.
  • Enable children to develop the knowledge, skills and strategies to become morally responsible citizens.
  • Encourage children to respect themselves as individuals, whilst developing an understanding, tolerance and respect for others and their differences, treating all people as equal.
  • Encourage children to become law abiding citizens, responsible for the care of human beings, animals and the environment.


PSHE and Citizenship follow the: Valued Syllabus, Gingers Time to Talk, Stepping Stones to success, the relevant science key skills and ICT E-Safety and drugs awareness scheme.

Effective teaching of PSHE and Citizenship involves a range of teaching activities including group work, circle time, debate, discussion, role play, the use of visitors, outside agencies and social communication groups.

The class teacher is responsible for the delivery of PSHE and Citizenship.

The teaching staffmonitor the teaching and learning of PSHE and Citizenship. The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for the subject of PSHE and Citizenship.

This policy should be read in conjunction with Assessment, Teaching and Learning, RE, sex Education, Gifted and Talented, Equal opportunities, SEN, Drugs and E-Safety policies.

St Mark’s is committed to ensuring every child can access the curriculum in accordance with the DDA Guidance 2005 and the SEN and Disability Act 2001. Individual support programmes will be written in consultation with parents, children and outside providers to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is available to all.

This policy was reviewed, agreed and adopted at the Governor’s Meeting held in October 2016.

Signed: Mr M WoodDate:October 2016
