Full List of 30 Fundraising Ideas

Here are 30 ideas that you could use to host your own 30th anniversary event. Fundraising is also a great way to get together with family, friends, colleagues & neighbours – and it’s a lot of fun too!

Donate proceeds to Age UKSolihull.

1)Sponsored ‘no bad habits’ week – Ask your friends & family what they think your bad habits are, and avoid this for a week. Can you do it? Only one way to find out.

2)Office Dress Down Day–collect a small donation for this opportunity.

3)The Challenge –Feeling brave? Climb up MountSnowdon, or take a leaf out of Age UK Solihull’s very own Amie Westwood’s book and take part in a 13,000ft charity skydive!

4)Sponsored Silence– Chatterboxes, this one’s for you.

5)Jelly Bean Competition– Guess the number correctly and win a jar of jelly beans.

6)Small Change Collection– Throughout the year simply add loose change your jar.

7)Book sale–Gather old, forgotten books & sell them on.

8)Pedometer Fundraiser– Rack up as many steps as possible at the end of the week by paying a penny a step – this seems small but can add up tremendously!

9)Smarties £1 Coin Tube Collection– Add a pound every few months. A full Smarties tube can easily raise £30.

10)Fun Run/Walk Sponsorship– Want to lose those extra calories? A Fun Run or Fun Walk is a great way to raise money. There are some great local Fun Runs in the area, such as the ‘Knowle Fun Run’.

11)‘Who’s that baby?’ Competition– A fun activity with friends or at work. Everybody brings in picture of when they were babies. Then try and match the baby to the person, with a small donation per guess!

12)The Great Charity Bake Off–Get your colleagues to cook up some cakes, biscuits or other baked goods with the proceeds going to Age UK Solihull.

13)Clothes Swap Night –Charge a few pounds on the door then start swapping & geta revamped wardrobe for free!

14)Wine Tasting Evening –Invite people to bring a bottle of wine themselves, and charge a few pounds on the door. Get a good selection for everybody to try & conduct some wine tasting activities.

15)Knit-a-thon– Take part in a 24 hour knit-a-thon! Alternatively get together with friends and family andhave a day knitting, then sell your items.

16)Charity Golf Cup– If you’re a keen golfer, or know somebody who is, organise a Charity Golf Cup with your local to raise money for Age UK Solihull. Contact the Chairman of your local club and approach them with the idea.

17)Come Dine With Me Dinner Party– Organise a dinner party and collect donations for the charity during the meal. Or organise a week of events with friends, and go to a house each night, rating each others meals and donating each night.

18)Age UKSolihull Antiques Auction– Get friends & family to root in their houses for some forgotten items and organise an auction to sell them.

19)Afternoon Tea Party– Get together & sell a selection of tea, coffee sandwiches. Invite friends over and collect money on the door. This can be a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with old acquaintances.

20)Jumble sale– Sell unwanted items at regular regional jumble sale, or organise a jumble sale event in your community and donate the proceeds.

21)Quiz night–quiz nights are a great way to show off your knowledge, learn a few things and have a lot of fun. Each team could pay an entry fee which can be donated to Age UK Solihull.

22)Car Wash– Find a safe location near a place with high traffic, grab some cleaning products, sponges and friends, and start a car wash. It’s fun and a good source of exercise too.

23)Bingo night – Organise your very own Bingo night with neighbours and friends, and collect a donation for entry. The winner could get a small inexpensive prize, such as a homemade cake.

24)Head shave– Dare you take part in this? A brave way of getting bonus donations in front of your colleagues, or if you are a teacher, in front of your students!

25)Plant sale- A great one for keen gardeners, get together and sell some beautiful home-grown flowers, plants, or even herbs and vegetables.

26)Talent show– Get a good group of acts together charge for entry and let the fun commence!

27)Odd Jobs – Offer up small services, such as mowing the lawn or mending some clothes for a small fee and donate the proceeds. Two good deeds in one!

28)Raffle- Gather together a few prizes and sell tickets to fundraise. Don’t forget to print out contact cards so you can give the winner their prize!

29)Sports competition - For all the keen sports players, have a sponsored competition. It’s a good way to meet new people & have a day playing your favourite sports.

30)Cinema night –Havea movie night. Pass around a tin for your fellow ‘cinema-goers’ to make donations, or even have a film night fortnightly with small donations each time.

Registered charity number: 1055887