Word Problems

LO: To use addition to solve word problems

1)  Cut out the question and stick it into your book.

2)  Answer the question showing your working out.

1)  Some children are growing a sunflower. On Friday, it was 28cm tall.
By Monday, it had grown another 6cm.
How tall was it on Monday?
2)  Two rolls of tape are 35cm and 41cm long. What is their total length?
3)  Three children play Tiddlywinks. What is the sum of each child’s score?
a)  Yasmin 258, 103
b)  Steven 177, 122
c)  Micky 304,121
4)  I have £14. I am given another £13. How much do I have now altogether?
5)  I think of a number, then subtract 18.
The answer is 26.
What was my number?
6)  What is the total cost of a £4.70 book and a £6.10 game?
7)  For her party Asmat spent:
£2.88 on apples £3.38 on bananas £3.76 on oranges
Will a £10 note be enough to cover the cost?
8)  Each side of a regular hexagon is 14cm long. How long is its perimeter?
9)  The cake went in the oven at 1:30. It cooked for 75 minutes. What time did it come out?
10)  Jamal measured how much he drank over the weekend.
On Saturday, he drank 4.5 litres.
On Sunday he drank 3 litres
How much had he drunk altogether?

LO: To use addition to solve word problems

1)  Cut out the question and stick it into your book.

2)  Answer the question showing your working out.

1)  Jen has 65p more than Safa who has 44p. How much does Jen have?
2)  A bottle of coke holds 42 millilitres and a bottle of orange holds 39 millilitres. How much liquid do both bottles hold?
3)  There are 25 rows of chairs. There are 8 chairs in each row. How many chairs altogether?
4)  You need to buy four 75p stamps and two 32p stamps. Find the total price of all the stamps.
5)  There is 365ml of milk in a jug. Another 450ml of milk is added. How much milk is in the jug now?
6)  Four children in a relay team swim in a race. Here are their times for each lap.
LAP 1 Craig 92 seconds
LAP2 Fiona 61 seconds
LAP3 Harun 85 seconds
LAP4 Jenny 70 seconds
a)  What is their total time in seconds for the four laps?
b)  Can you write the total time in minutes?
7)  An egg weighs 35 grams. A potato weights 93 grams more. How much does a potato weigh?
8)  I swam for 35 minutes and had a break. I then continued to swim for another 36 minutes. How long did I swim for?
9)  A bottle of coke is priced at £2.06; a bottle of orange is priced at 39p. How much they both cost to buy?
10)  Two rolls of tape are 85cm and 41 cm long. What is their total length?

LO: To use addition to solve word problems

1)  Cut out the question and stick it into your book.

2)  Answer the question showing your working out.

1)  There are 51 people on a train, 39 people get on at the next stop, how many people are now on the train?
2)  What is the total of 98 and 76?
3)  I buy a pair of shoes for £33, a jacket for £86 pounds and a scarf for £20.
a)  How much did the jacket and shoes cost together?
b)  What is the sum of all of the items?
4)  We sold 24 packets of crisps on Monday. We sold 20 more than that on Tuesday. How many crisps did we sell on Tuesday?
5)  Jon lives 15km away from school. Amy lives 78km further than Jon. How far does Amy live from school?
6)  There are 231 children on a school trip. 23 adults are also on the trip. 47 more children join the school trip. How many children go on the school trip?

These questions require more than one-step to find the answer.

7)  There are 8 shelves of books. 6 of the shelves hold 25 books each. 2 of the shelves have 35 books each. How many books altogether are on the shelves?
8)  There are 5 stacks of plates. 3 stacks have 15 plates each. 2 stacks have 5 plates. What is the total amount of plates?
9)  The football team kicked off at 1:30pm. The played for 45 minutes each way. They had a 10 minute break at half time. At what time did the game finish?
10)  We sold 46 packets of crisps on Monday. We sold 23 more packets than Monday on Tuesday. How many packets did we sell altogether?

Extension Task: Write your own ‘addition word problem’ to test a partner.