In keeping with Biblionix’s devotion to small and medium sized public libraries, we offer a $250.00 stipend for public librarians to attend the combined MLA/NELA Conference October 20-22, 2013 conference of The Maine Library Association (MLA). The MLA Scholarship & Loan Committee will choose the recipient. Eligibility requirements are:
o Library director or staff at a public library in Maine
o Member of MLA
The funds can be used to cover conference expenses, including the following:
401 Congress Ave. Suite 1540 Austin, Texas 78701 877-800-5625
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- Conference Registration
- Pre-conference workshops
- Travel costs/mileage
- Meals
- Lodging
- Cost of replacement staff if needed
401 Congress Ave. Suite 1540 Austin, Texas 78701 877-800-5625
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Requirements are:
· Volunteer for a minimum of 2 hours at the conference
o 2 hours minimum SLC Basket Raffle (arrange schedule with Ann Rea )
· Attend the MLA business meeting
· Attend meals with speakers
· Coverage (including recipient’s name, position, and library) in MLA and possibly Biblionix communications.
· September 30, 2013: The application must be received no later than this date
The stipend application does not register you for the conference or make any other travel reservations. Attendees should register directly with the MLA, airline, hotel, etc.
To apply, complete the attached 2-page application and return it by mail, email, etc. with required supporting document to: Ann Rea
Beal College Library
99 Farm Road
Bangor, Maine 04401
401 Congress Ave. Suite 1540 Austin, Texas 78701 877-800-5625
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Library Name: ______
Applicant Name: ______Title______
Physical Address: ______City:______Zip:______
Mailing Address: ______City:______Zip:______
Current Automation System: ______
1) Answer the following questions in a brief narrative:
a) Describe your position with the public library.
b) Will this be your first MLA conference? If not, when did you last attend?
c) What do you hope to gain by attending the MLA Conference?
d) How would attending the conference help you better serve your library; your community?
2. Describe briefly how you plan to spend the stipend.
3. Provide one letter of support for you to attend the conference (from your Town Council, Selectmen, Chair of Governing Board, or your supervisor).
______Applicant’s Signature
401 Congress Ave. Suite 1540 Austin, Texas 78701 877-800-5625
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