Bingham Township Board

Regular Meeting

Monday, October 13, 2014, 7:00 p.m.

Clinton County RESA

4179 S. BR127, St. Johns, MI 48879


The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. / Call to Order
Supervisor Ostrowski led in the pledge to the flag and gave the invocation. / Pledge
Clerk Kus called roll. Present were: Treasurer Smith, Clerk Kus, Trustee Hufnagel, Supervisor Ostrowski and Trustee Harger -absent. Others present: Joe Fernholz, John Glerum, Deputy Bangs, and Tom Welsh. A quorum reported.
Adjustments to Agenda. ADD - 6. c. Planning & Zoning - PC 31-14 SP Final Commercial Site Plan Review. Motion by Hufnagel, supported by Smith to approve agenda. Motion carries. / Roll Call
Consent Agenda – Motion by Kus, supported by Hufnagel to approve the consent agenda, including minutes of regular meeting September 8, 2014. Communications from Clinton County Board of Commissioners-Budget meeting 10.14.2014 at 7:00 p.m. and Consumers Energy Vapor Light Assessment and Clinton County Drain Commission for Spalding Drain. Motion carries. / Consent Agenda
Public Comment opens at 7:04 p.m.
Commissioner DeLong had nothing new to report.
Public comment closes at 7:04 p.m.
The assessor is out in the field looking at new builds.
Nothing further to report regarding the 2014 Water System Agreement with Saint J Properties, The Bank and Motz.
The Audit of 03.31.14 was discussed. The Comments and Letter from the Audit were discussed. Motion by Hufnagel, supported by Ostrowski to accept the Bingham Township Audit for fiscal year ending March 31, 2014. Motion Carries.
Mr. Gregg is still interested in purchasing the Myrtle Parker property but has had some roadblocks but continues to work those out. The Township has agreed to allow Mr. Gregg additional time to close this project.
Bingham Township and the City of St Johns met on September 15, 2014. The use of city water and sewer in regards to Bingham Township were discussed. The City Commission met on September 22, 2014 and unanimously re-affirmed the resolution dated May 14, 2012 regarding regional cooperation and the requirement of PA 425 agreements for the provision of city water to township customers. This resolution also requires City officials to consider the propriety of using PA 425 agreements as part of any plan to extend or use city services outside of the city’s geo-political boundaries.
Budget amendments thru September 30, 2014 were presented by the clerk. Discussion follows. Motion by Ostrowski supported by Hufnagel to approve budget amendments. Motion carries.
The necessity to install a culvert on Taft Rd was presented. A culvert approximately 900 feet west of Krepps Rd washed out. Motion by Hufnagel supported by Kus to approve installation of a culvert 900 feet west of Krepps Rd on Taft by the Clinton County Road Commission. Motion carries.
An aerial photography project for 2015 was presented. The Tri County Regional Planning Commission will serve as lead agency. The County is requesting each of the general law townships, charter townships, road commission and City of St Johns for a commitment of $1,000.00. Clinton County would assume responsibility of the $42,000.00 balance. The entire project total for Clinton County is $61,000.00. Motion by Kus, supported by Hufnagel to approve $1,000.00 for the aerial funding project. Motion carries.
An estimate to replace the enclosure and ring gear on generator for pump station #1 in the amount of $12,992.92 was presented. Motion by Hufnagel, supported by Ostrowski to approve the replacement of enclosure and ring gear on generator for pump station #1.
A proposal to fix the driveway to the water plant was presented. Motion by Ostrowski, supported by Hufnagel to approve top dressing of existing driveway with gravel in the amount of $4,050.60. Motion carries.
The next meeting of Clinton Area Ambulance Service Authority is October 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
The general checking account as of September 30, 2014 has a balance of $160,746.79. The restricted account has a balance of $246,722.94 Motion by Kus, supported by Hufnagel to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion carries.
Accounts payable issued for period beginning September 19, 2014 thru October 12, 2014 for check numbers 7383 thru 7412 with total disbursements for this time period in the amount of $118,949.32 with 30 checks issued. Motion by Ostrowski, supported by Hufnagel to approve accounts payable in the amount of $118,949.32 for check numbers 7383 thru 7412. Motion carries.
Election Inspectors for the November 4, 2014 general election are: Karen Gillespie – chair, Cam Stiffler, Kay Deveraux, Diana Vanorsdol, Lynn Cech, Betty Lamb. Motion by Hufnagel supported by Ostrowski to approve election inspectors for the November 4, 2014 general election.
Searles payment was received September 30 2014.
New doors for the Township Hall were discussed. No action taken.
Motion by Kus, supported by Ostrowski to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8: 07p.m. Motion carries.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen Kus, Clerk
Subject to approval at the Regular Board Meeting of November 10, 2014 / Public Comment
Commissioners Report
Sheriff’s Report
Old Business
FirstBank/Motz Saint J Properties
Audit of 3.31.14
Audit Acceptance
Myrtle Parker property sale.
Joint Twp/City
City of St Johns Utility Resolution
New Business
2014-15 Budget Amendments
Taft Road culvert replacement
Clinton County Aerial Funding
Operator Requests
Pump station#1
Water Plant Drive Way Improvement
Treasurer’s Report
Clerks Report
Inter fund
Election Inspectors
Supervisors Report