October 2016
JHS BOE Briefs
- Congratulations to first grade teacher Katie Ayotte who was awarded a highly competitive ACES grant around Inquiry, Research & Investigations in Social Studies. This grant is based on professional development and collaboration and includes over $8,000 in funding for field trips, supplies, and technology in support of student Inquiry projects with grant sister school, Nathan Hale in New Haven.
- On October 3rdthe second PTO meeting of the year was held at JHS with many teachers and parents represented. PTO and staff continue to plan a number of family events and academic/social support programs.
- JHS students were honored for their participation in the Summer Reading Program. 260 students (70% of students) participated and 5,878 books were read. Mrs. Ayotte’s class and Ms. Porta’s class were honored with a distinction of having 100% of their classes participate.
- The North Branford Volunteer Fire Department visited JHS on 10/6 and 10/7 to discuss fire prevention and safety. Each presentation was grade-specific and included hands on demonstrations and activities. We thank them for their support educationally and in their work in our community.
- On 10/12 all JHS students were treated to a performance from Beth and Scott that addressed reducing meanness. The positive climate presentation was sponsored by the PTO and also promoted song, dance and physical activity.
- JHS para Christine Cermola was recognized at the 2017 Anne Marie Murphy Paraeducator of the Year Ceremony in Hartford for her excellence as North Branford’s Paraeducator of the Year. Congratulations Christine!
- Kindergarten classes attended a field trip to Rose’s Orchard in North Branford on 10/18 to learn about farming, sustainability, and to engage students with hands on experiences with science.
- Second grade classes attended a field trip to Sleeping Giant State Park on 10/18 to learn about legends, storytelling, nature, arts and crafts and physical activity.
- On 10/19 JHS staff participated in training in the I-Ready system to continue to enhance their ability to use data to inform instruction and support for all students.
- Local orthodontist, Dr. Fisk, will visit JHS for grade level presentations about dental health care on 10/20 and 10/21. We thank Dr. Fisk for his educational and engaging presentation and look forward to continued collaboration.
- The second KIND assembly of the year will be held on 10/25 and will focus on reducing meanness and teaching advocacy skills for students as part of the October Bullying Awareness Month.
- The JHS Book Fair will occur on 10/26-10/27. Students, teachers, and parents had the opportunity to purchase books with proceeds helping JHS.
- On 10/26staff will participate in whole school walkthroughs focusing on student engagement and theirobservations during mixed PLCs in the afternoon.
- JHS staff, students, and families at JHS continued their donation efforts in October by contributing to Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and Cancer research.
- The PTO will hold their annual Halloween Night on October 28th at 6:30; this event is always well attended and enjoyable for students and families.