
First Semester Review

Using the vocabulary from first semester, fill-in the blanks for the following questions/statements.

1. The process of forming conclusions from assumptions and known facts is ______.

2. What a person perceives using his or her senses is an ______.

3. A personal belief founded on judgment rather than on direct experience or knowledge is an ______.

4. Interpreting information received from the senses is a ______.

5. Deriving the consequences from the facts using a series of logical steps is ______.

6. The first police officer to arrive at a crime scene is known as the ______.

7. A folded paper used to hold trace evidence is a ______.

8. The location where the crime took place is a ______.

9. The documented and unbroken transfer of evidence is a ______.

10. A location other than the primary crime scene, but in some way related to the crime, where evidence is found is the ______.

11. The central core of a hair fiber is called the ______.

12. Forensic scientists distinguish ______types of hair on the human body.

13. Hair proceeds through ______stages as it develops.

14. The cuticle of human hair is described as ______.

15. Whenever two objects are in contact, some transfer of material will occur. This is known as ______.

16. Weave patterns have names like tabby, twill, and ______.

17. Manila is a fiber extracted from the leaves of ______, a relative of the banana tree.

18. Flax is the most common stem fiber, and is most commonly found in the textile, ______.

19. Fibers are classified as ______or ______.

20. After pollen and spores are processed and chemically extracted from samples in the laboratory, they are examined by ______.

21. To recover a finger print from a surface that is not smooth and hard requires different chemicals. The chemicals used purely for paper is ______.

22. The least common type of fingerprint pattern is ______.

23. The most common type of fingerprint pattern is ______.

24. ______is a way to develop fingerprints, but the pattern can disappear after a few hours so it must be documented.

25. The Case of ______showed by using biometrics was not a good way of identifying individuals.

26. Molecular scissors that cut DNA at specific base sequences are called ______.

27. The method of separating the molecules within an electric field, based on their size, is called ______.

28. A molecules labeled with a radioactive isotope, dye, or enzyme, that is used to locate a particular sequence or gene on a DNA molecule, is called a ______.

29. A method used to rapidly make multiple copies of a specific segment of DNA is called ______.

30. Tandem repeats of short DNA sequences (2-5 pairs) with varying numbers of repeats between individuals is called ______.

31. Clostridium tetani is the bacteria that produces ______, a potentially deadly nervous system disease.

32. A component of the waste product of the manufacture of castor oil from castor beans is ______.

33. A bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, that forms spores causes ______.

34. Drugs, such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines that relieve anxiety and produce sleep are called ______.

35. Drugs that affect all users differently and can cause psychosis are called ______

36. Given blood spatter patterns, it is possible to determine the direction the blood was traveling, the angle of impact, and the point ______.

37. If any of the blood does overcome cohesion and separate from the main droplet of blood, it will form small secondary droplets known as ______.

38. If blood lands on a porous surface, such as wood or ceiling tile, then the edge of the drop of blood may form extensions or small ______.

39. Type of blood spatter you typically get from a beating.______

40. Transfer of blood from a moving source onto an unstained surface______