
UN-Habitat Governing Council-24

Side Event: Global Housing Strategy: A call for a Paradigm Shift in Policy

16 April 2013; 16:30-17:30 Conference Room 9


Bring the GHS ‘into reality’ by advocating for a paradigm shift in policy and strategy formulationbased on its principles of being rights based, gender responsive and results based. Demonstrate the importance of adequate housing for all, with a focus on people living in poverty, and the need for governments to be active in bettering conditions, not only in policy change but in effective implementation.For more information on the Global Housing Strategy framework document please go to GHS English ; GHS French; GHS русский; GHS 中文; GHS Español; GHS العربية


The session will demonstrate the clear grounding on country experiences from three different continents. The relevance of the GHSwill be made even more evident by voices from three very different sectors: 1) slum dweller/ activist NGO,2) implementing agent, 3) government and 4) regional housing institution.


The three ‘changemakers’will give a relatively personal input on their involvement in three stages of the transformation process of finding solutions to the deprivations associated with inadequate housing. These are as follows: Activism and rights-campaigning to highlight problems;research for alternative development andpolicy formation; and implementation to address shortcomings. This interaction will take place the format of a one hour session geared particularly towards government representatives present at the GC. After a brief introduction to the GHS principles, the three speakers will present ten minute ‘stories’, followed by discussion.

Proposed Programme

Topic / Speaker / Country / Stakeholder
Campaigning for housing rights: the role of civil society. / JockinArputham, SDI President / India / Activist NGO
Implementing change: experiences in the implementation of a changed and progressive housing policy. / Eugene Perumal, Social Housing Regulatory Authority CEO / South Africa / Regulatory/ implementing agent – national
Aspects of the Chilean Housing Policy in line with GHS principles: what triggered the change; process and challenges involved. / Francisco Irarrazaval, SubsecretaryMinstry of Housing and Urbanism / Chile / Government
Investing in social housing to achieve greater goals of well-being, covering health and transport / John MacKay / Canada / Regional institution
Brief discussion/ debate on the presentations / Moderator: TBA