New Raman Reti Management Board Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2014

Present: Jaya Govardhana das, Krishna Kesava das, Mantrini devi dasi, Mukhya devi dasi, Namamrita das, Radhika Raman das, Ramiya das, Saranga Thakura das, Sri Vrindavana devi dasi, Tamohara das, and Visvambara das

Absent:Ranjita das

I.Tamohara dasconvened the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

II.Review of Minutes: Minutes from December 17, 2013, meeting were reviewedand approved.

III.Overview of Duties & Responsibilities of the NRR Management Board Members and Oath of Allegiance: Tamohara prabhu reporting. (See document at the end of minutes.) All members signed the Oath of Allegiance.

IV.Strategic Planning Session:Tamohara prabhu reporting. Meeting is February 1, 2014. The goal is to hear from the Temple team by having Temple Department heads come forward and report (10-15 minutes each speaker with 5 minutes of Q: & A:):

A.What are theiraccomplishments/challenges during the past year?

B.What they would like to do/needs in the coming year?

C.What are their ideas for succession?

D.Departmental Reports:

1.Ramiya prabhu: Bhakti Vriksha & new data base

2.Mukhya prabhu: Kitchen

3.Nitai Priya prabhu: Day-to-day running of Pujari Dept.

4.Hari Puja/Kirtiraja prabhus: Deity Committee/Outfits

5.Janmejaya prabhu:Garden

6.Visvambara prabhu: BANA

7.Sri Vrindavan prabhu: Book Distribution

8.Saksi Gopal prabhu: Outreach

9.Keshi Hanta prabhu: Cows

10.Badra prabhu: Rathayatra

11.Krishna Kesava: Santa Fe Lunch

12.Mukhya prabhu: Eco Farm

V.Meeting Adjourned at 8:00p.m.

Next meeting: Thursday, February 27, 2014

Minutes submitted by Mantrini devi dasi

*Items not included in the public minutes.

Overview of Duties and Responsibilities of the

NRR Management Board Members

  1. Review of Legal Board of Directors:This is the official, legal Board of ISKCON of Alachua. This Board meets only once a year, and its members are elected for a two-year term. This Board is in accord with the new ISKCON By-laws which were accepted by the NRR Board of Directors in January, 2009. The Legal Board of Directors appoints Officers of the Corporation: currently Mukhya devi dasi, President; Ramiya das, Treasurer, and Krishna Kesava das, Secretary. In addition, the Legal Board has authorized the NRR Management Board to have oversight of the management and policy for the NRR Temple. Currently, Tamohara das, Mukhya devi dasi, Ramiya das, Ranjit das, and Yugala Kishor das are members of this Board.
  1. Property Trustees: The Property Trustee’s function is to monitor and approve any encumbrances or sale of Temple property, particularly protecting the interests of the Deities. Balavata das, Sesa das, and Tamohara das are the members of this Trustee Committee.
  1. Composition of the NRR Management Board: The NRR Management Board has nine members who are either elected or appointed for two year terms. The GBC (currently Tamohara das) is a permanent member of the Board, along the Temple President (currently Mukhya devi dasi). These nine members constitute the voting members. The other two non-voting permanent members of the Board are Officers of the Corporation: the Treasurer (currently Ramiya das), and Secretary (currently Krishna Kesava das).
  1. Responsibilities of the NRR Management Board: The responsibilities of the NRR Management Board are outlined below:
  2. Vision: To ensure the development of a direction for the community that remains consistent through various management terms. The Board will oversee the processes of strategic planning and project development, and develop appropriate policies and vision.
  3. Legal Oversight: The Board of Directors will ensure that the temple is run in a manner acceptable to the laws of this land and nation, as well as in a manner acceptable to the provisions of ISKCON law and the mandate of the International GBC body.
  4. Financial Oversight: The Board will provide financial oversight and ensure that the Temple is run in a fiscally responsible manner.
  5. Management Oversight: The Board shall assure that responsible management is in place; and that the management team operates in accordance with ISKCON policy.
  6. Policy Development: The Board will also provide the means for and approve the on-going development of community policy in respective areas such as management, finance, and social responsibility.
  7. Community Interest: The Board is accountable to the devotee community and thus will hear proposals, grievances etc. The Board reserves the right to forward those proposals and grievances on to appropriate and responsible departments/individuals.
  8. Meeting: The entity and individuals of the Board have the responsibility to meet as regularly as needed to properly fulfill these tasks. There are regular financial reports at these meetings. This Board elects the NRR Management Team. Meetings are every fourth Thursday of the month. Attendance is required. Tamohara das is the current Chair of the Board, but the Chair can be changed every year. The quorum is a simple majority of the voting members, in the case of voting.
  9. Confidentiality—Meeting confidentiality is an important concept for Board members. We publish public minutes on the website every month. However, any personnel ensbad behavior naluence for children' devotee families______and sensitive issues are removed from these public minutes. All policies and financial issues are public.
  10. Oath of Loyalty (set up by Srila Prabhupada himself) All members will sign this Oath, and the Secretary of the Corporation will keep them on file.
  11. Member Service Focus: Each Board member needs to have a specific area in which they will be involved to promote the interests of the Temple and Community.
  12. The New Board Term: The new Board term begins with this meeting.


As an officer of ISKCON, I swear to abide by the following:

1. To accept His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

as the Founder-Acharya and Supreme Authority of ISKCON. To follow his

teachings, instructions and directions.

2. To accept the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON as the ultimate

managing authority of ISKCON as directed in Srila Prabhupada's last will

and testament.

3. To abide by the Society's spiritual rules, namely no illicit sex, no intox-

ication, no gambling, no meat-eating and chant a minimum of sixteen

rounds of maha-mantra japa every day. To follow the principles set forth

in Srila Prabhupada's books.

4. To be guided by the spiritual directions of ISKCON's management, to co-

operate with the local GBC representative, and to fulfill my duties in a serving

spirit never intentionally acting against ISKCON's interests.

5. I will maintain the spiritual programs, standards, and teachings established

by Srila Prabhupada in the projects and with the devotees placed in my care. I

further agree not to involve the Society or those devotees placed under my care

in any activities contrary to the above mentioned principles.


Legal Name Date


Devotional Name Date