December 2017

Dear Parent / Carer,

Spring Term Dance Classes

We are once again pleased to be able to offer after school dance classes for the Spring term. Classes will begin week commencing Monday 8th Jan. The last classes will be week commencing12th Marchand there will be no classes in half term week (Mon 12th Feb– Fri 16th Feb), making this anineweek term.

The Spring Term class timetable and registration slip are below. When choosing which classes to register for, please be sure that your son/daughter is able to attend and it does not clash with any other activities they wish to participate in. Once places have been allocated, refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances.

Auditions for the Response classes will be held on Tuesday 12th December from 3-4pm.

By submitting your requests for classes with later starting times, you are giving permission for your son/daughter to remain in school or at an agreed location. The Library and After School Club are available after school as supervised spaces and should be utilised by students remaining on site.

Registration Process

1)Initial registration will be open from now until the end of the school day on Wednesday 3rd January

2)Choose which class(es) your son/daughter would like to take part in.

3)This term we are using one form and ask you to put a ‘1’ in the preference box alongside your 1st choice of classes. If you have a 2nd choice (in case your first choices are oversubscribed) please put a ‘2’ in the preference box. NB where possible classes will be allocated using the first choice as a priority and 2nd choices will only be allocated where a 1st choice is over subscribed. Please ensure when noting down 2nd choices that your child is also free on those dates and times.

4)A separate payment will be required for each 1st choice of class byWednesday 3rd January. You may now pay using our preferred payment method, WisePay. If using this option please select the appropriate priced class and enter the quantity required. Alternatively, cheques may be used and these should be made payable to “Comberton Village College” with your son/daughter’s name, tutor group and the name of the dance class written on the back of the cheque.We do not need payment for 2nd choice classes. Prices are indicated on the form below. We will still require the completed slip even if you have paid via WisePay in order to see which dance classes have been selected.

5)Cheque registrations and/or registration slips can be handed in to the Dance Office or left in the Dance post box on the Gallery. For Security reasons cash payments must not be left in the post box or pushed under the door of the dance office. Cash payments can be handed into the Finance Office or handed to myself by the student. (School diaries will be signed to confirm receipt of cash payments.)

6)If any of the classes are oversubscribed when initial registration closes, places will be allocated by drawing names from a hat. If your son/daughter does not get a place in their requested class, we will endeavour to offer them an alternative class where they have indicated a second choice.

7)Class lists will be published on Friday 5th Januaryon the notice board outside the dance office.

8)Remaining places will be allocated on a first come first served basis by pupils.

9)If your child is unsuccessful in getting a place in a dance class cheques will be shredded and/or, if applicable, a WisePay refund make by the finance office.

Please do not send your son/daughter to a class unless they have registered and had their place confirmed. Dance teachers will have a list of all pupils registered for their classes and if their class is full will ask any additional pupils to leave.

Kind Regards

Miss R Tyrrell

Head of Dance

Spring Term Dance Classes Timetable and Registration Form to be handed in by Wednesday 3rd January. Spring Dance Showcase will be on Wednesday 21st March 2018 and the technical rehearsal will be on Tuesday 20th March from 3.00 – 6.30pm.

Monday / Class Teacher / Year / Venue / Cost
3-4pm / Year 11 GCSE Dance (Miss Tyrrell) / Year 11 / Dining Hall / No cost
4.00 - 5.30pm / MJ’s Contemporary / Open to all / Dance Studio / £50.00
3-4pm / Katy’s Dance Technique / Yrs. 7 - 11 / Dance Studio / £35.00
3-4pm / Nikki’s Junior Street Class / Yrs. 7-9 / Dining Hall / £35.00
4-5pm / Nikki’s Junior Jazz Class / Yrs. 7-9 / Dining Hall / £35.00
4-5pm / Katy’s Senior Street / Yrs. 9 - 13 / Dance Studio / £35.00
5-6.00pm / Nikki’s Senior Dance / Yrs. 10-13 / Dining Hall / £35.00
3-4.00pm / MJ’s Street Dance / Yrs. 7-13 / Dining Hall / £35.00
3-4.00pm / Katy’s Junior Dance / Yrs. 7-9 / Dance Studio / £35.00
4-5.00pm / Katy’s Senior Dance / Yrs. 10 -13 / Dance Studio / £35.00
4.00 – 5.30pm / MJ’s Response / Yrs. 7 - 13 / Dining Hall / By invitation £50.00
3-4pm / Year 10 GCSE Dance (Miss Tyrrell) / Yrs. 10 / Dance Studio / No cost
3-4pm / GCSE Dance & A-Level rehearsal / Years 11-13 / CWG / No cost
3-4pm / Nikki’s Senior Jazz / Yrs. 10-13 / Dining Hall / £35.00
4-5pm / Nikki’s Senior Street / Yrs. 10-13 / Dining Hall / £35.00
4-5pm / Katy’s Dance / Yrs. 7-11 / Dance Studio / £35.00
3-4pm / Rosie’s Lyrical / Yrs. 7 – 13 / Dance Studio / £35
(Miss Tyrrell) / Yrs. 7-13 / ABG / No cost
Monday / Pref / Tuesday / Pref / Wednesday / Pref / Thursday / Pref / Friday / Pref
MJ’s Contemporary
4-5.30pm / Katy’s dance tech
3-4pm / MJs street dance £35
3-4pm / Nikki’s senior jazz £35
3-4pm / Rosie’s Lyrical £35
Nikki's junior street £35
3-4pm / Katy’s junior dance £35
3-4pm / Nikki’s senior street £35
Katy's Senior street £35
4-5pm / MJ’s Response £50
(by invitation)
4-5.30pm / Katy’s dance £35
Nikki's junior jazz £35
4-5pm / Katy’s senior dance £35
Nikki’s senior dance £35

PUPIL NAME: ………………………………………………………………

FORM: ………………………………..




SIGNED BY PARENT/CARER: …………………………………………….

PARENT/CARER NAME:………………………………………………

Pupils are required to be supervised at all times after 3pm when on school site using either the library or after school club provision or making your own arrangements. Please state which following provision your child will be using if they are attending a dance class that starts at either 4pm or 5pm. If they are attending a club at 3pm please delete as appropriate.

My child …………………………………………..(NAME) is taking part in

…………………………………………………………… (Name of dance class)

on ………………………………… (DAY).

This class/ club runs from ……………………. (Enter time).

I have made the following arrangements for supervision (please delete as appropriate):

A)After school club at £5 per term paid in advance via WisePay. The after school club offers a supervised area for pupils to either join in with activities or to hang out. The after school club takes place in the youth centre next to the squash courts.

B)Quiet study in the school library (available until 4pm only)

C)Provision after 4pm other than after school club if applicable.

……………………………………………………………………….. (Please specify)

D)My child is only attending a club that starts at 3pm therefore no supervision is required.


  1. Please mark your preference for a particular class under the column marked ‘pref’. Enter a ‘1’ for your first choice (s) and a ‘2’ for your second choice (s).
  2. Where possible we will endeavour to give you your first choice (s) of class.
  3. NB response classes are by invitation only.
  4. Senior classes are for years 9-13 and junior classes for years 7-9 inclusive
  5. Priority is given to all those who return their forms to the dance office by Wednesday3rd January.
  6. Our preferred payment method is using WisePay. Payment can be made by selecting the appropriate priced class and adding the number of classes of that price to the cart. Alternatively, return the above slip with a SEPARATE cheque for each of your first choices of class only. If you are unsuccessful in your first choice of class the cheques can be used for your second choice.
  7. Cash payments can be handed into the Finance Office or handed to myself by the student. (School diaries will be signed to confirm receipt of cash payments.)