SNA Chapter Meeting Guide

Rev. April 2012 Rev.3

Table of Contents

Meeting Guide Page

Overview- SNA of Mass Chapter Meeting Guide 2

Booking a Meeting and Location 2 Planning the Meeting /Sponsors 3 Arranging the Speaker/Dinner 3-4

Organizing the Meeting/Check-in 4

Advertising the Meeting 5

Financial Funds/Meeting Management 5

Board Member Contact Information 5

(See Board Section -

Chapter Meeting Flyer – Example 6

Speaker Template (See Board Section- 7

Chapter Meeting Thank You 8

(See Board Section-

Delegate - Position Duties and Description 9

Delegate Elect - Position Duties and Description 10

SNA of Mass Board Report Template for Chapters 11

(See Board Section-

Script for Chapter Meetings 12-14

Addendum – Yearly Balance Sheet 15

SNA of Mass Chapter Meeting Guide

The Purpose of this guide is to provide Delegates (D) and Delegate Elects (DE) with the tools that will be helpful to provide successful meetings for our members. D and DE are responsible for planning, and coordinating the activities of each SNA Chapter. It is beneficial for there to be a joint commitment to plan, coordinate, and provide Chapter business/events.

Please refer to your position descriptions for clarity in responsibilities. It is anticipated that each chapter will provide value driven educational and social opportunities that advance the goals and mission of the School Nutrition Association. Your liaison is the SNA of MA Vice President who is available to assist you in your chapter activities and business.

This SNA Chapter Meeting Guide will be helpful to prepare for each new school year and to pre-plan for the following year as a new Chapter Team assumes the leadership role.

Please share your comments for improving this guide on an annual basis with your executive board members. Plan to utilize the SNA of Mass website,, for web based resources that are noted in this guide. It is anticipated that this is a work in progress, benefiting from active revision. Thank You.

Booking a meeting and location

1. Setting your Chapter calendar of events for the year is extremely important. Chapters are encouraged to plan their event calendar and topics/locations by the August SNA Annual Meeting each year for the following fall. Staying ahead of event planning and developing your chapter calendar is extremely important for successful educational programs.

2. Review the online calendar to be sure that your meeting date does not conflict with something else already scheduled, i.e DESE, JSI, Other National SNA Programs and other SNA of MA Chapter Meetings/Programs. We encourage cross chapter attendance when the topic meets the needs of your members.

3. Plan to arrange for a regionally accessible location for your Chapter/Director’s Meetings as this will help bring more members to your event. Plan for the speakers and vendors needs, i.e. AV equipment, room arrangements, equipment, preparation and storage space for vendors, etc.

4. Remember to keep in mind other state, local and national events that may impede/compete with your plans to schedule a meeting. Timing is everything. Provide members with a minimum of one month or at least a 3 week notice of meeting dates to give Directors time to plan menus, and schedule their program labor to allow the maximum number of members to attend. We want more of our members to have opportunities to network and learn as much as possible.

5. Remember challenges for booking in the winter months due to weather, and plan for alternative dates (snow dates) to accommodate poor weather conditions for all meetings when feasible.

Planning the meeting/Sponsors

1. Work with vendors, speakers, and develop topics of interest with your members. Use the website to familiarize yourself with our corporate sponsors and provide them with ample opportunities to sponsor meetings.

2. Provide a variety of program topics for all levels of members. Consider conducting a survey of meeting topics at least once a year for members to have input in what they would like to see offered at their meetings.

3. Send Mailings out for your events through USPS mailings. Use SNA of Mass website Postings, Email Blasts, Postcard Reminders, etc. The more you promote the better. Remember to email all your event flyers to our Executive Director, Susan Sacks and she will arrange for it to be posted on This is very important to encourage cross Chapter participation and help us all experience the possibility of a paperless office.

4. Ted Martin provides the mailing lists and labels for each Chapter. This service will save you time and you will reach every member. Notify Ted of any changes in email, member names, etc. Always reach out to non-member schools to invite them to attend SNA programs. You can obtain a list of non-member schools from Ted so D and DE can contact Directors with a personal phone call.

5. Be alert to SNA emails for member listings of who needs to renew and who are the new members. Consider offering a volunteer opportunity to a chapter member to contact individuals that are new to provide a welcome call and to those who have not renewed to encourage them to renew. This is very important to spread our outreach!

6. Recruit volunteers to help you run your meetings. Everyone can work together to provide a small task that makes the meeting more fun for everyone. Ask early so your volunteer options increase.

Arranging the Speaker/Dinner

1. Utilize the Speaker Template for arranging Chapter and Director programs as it is a good outline to organize the needs of your speaker. Be sure to discuss the fee schedule and other pertinent information up front and document it on the Speaker Template.

2. Provide the timetable that your speaker has to make their presentation and offer time for follow-up questions from the members.

3. Provide a thank you letter and a gift of appreciation, (potted plant, ex.) as well as an invitation to join with member attendees to stay for dinner. Request a Speaker Bio in advance so you can properly introduce your guest speakers. Promote your speakers and your vendors with the membership during your meetings! They are well deserving and it honors their participation in SNA programs.

4. Plan to work closely with your vendors to provide a well balanced meal that includes all food groups. Consider dovetailing more than one vendor at your meetings when appropriate. Be sure to feature specific items that you feel your member schools would be interested in sampling from that vendor. Provide nutritional information so members have all the information they need to consider purchasing from the sponsoring vendor in the future. Always provide opportunities for networking and when possible include appetizers, water and beverage choices during registration! It provides an opportunity for newcomers to feel at ease in meeting other members!

5. Provide vendors an opportunity to promote their product with a 5 – 10 minute presentation either before, during, or after dinner.

5. Be sure the vendor’s needs for equipment, paper supplies, service equipment are provided. Be sure to follow HACCP guidelines in all aspects of service.

Organizing the meeting/check-in

1. This is probably one of the most important areas to develop your group of volunteers. Utilize member name templates that are provided from Ted Martin to organize you sign- in of attendees. Ask members to check their information to change address, email address, phone number, etc. Pass along any changes to Ted.

2. Be sure to always offer training for volunteers so they can participate in several ways for meeting days. Then, you will have more trained volunteers that you can rely on for coordinating meeting tasks. Everyone can do something to help, whether helping to meet and greet or for another responsibility. It helps our members feel part of our association and provides more time to network! Many members like to volunteer for task oriented responsibilities. Some may also want to provide the same service at all yearly meetings.

Just ask!

3. Organize the registration desk with two lines, one for members and one for non-members. It will provide for smoother process for check-in and payment. As mentioned above, provide all members with the special sign in sheet provided by Ted Martin, so the system of documenting attendance will be completed properly and consistently. Maintain records of attendance for all meetings in your chapter.

4. Every chapter must consider options to fund raise to build Chapter reserves to pay for speakers, fund scholarships and provide materials for meetings. Offer opportunities to sell raffle tickets, 50/50 raffles, penny social tickets, give away promotions from vendors, charitable giving to local non-profits that are in need, etc. Make your meetings fun! to go along with the learning! All Chapters need to charge $7 for members and $8 for non members as well to attend Chapter meetings. Fundraising is an essential part of Chapter vitality!

Advertising the meeting

1. Ask your vendor(s) that are sponsoring your event to promote your Chapter Meeting as they travel throughout your Chapter area schools. It is a symbiotic relationship to help each other through promoting events.

2. Become familiar with the Directors in your Chapter and make a call to invite them personally to meetings. We all enjoy a personal invitation! Also, invite non- member Directors.

3. Send out postcard or folded meeting announcement reminders using your mailing labels provided by SNA of MA. The more you promote the better! Remember to email your event flyer to our Executive Director, Susan Sacks and she will arrange for it to be posted on our state SNA website Learn your D and DE log in name and password for the Board section of the site. This handbook will also be located there as well.

Financial Funds/meeting management

1. Make sure the new delegate-elect is set up at the chapter bank as the recipient of the bank statements and able to sign for the account. A letter from the SNA office may be required to confirm the election of this person to this position.

2. Stay on top of the finances in your chapter through your bank statement and create balance sheets on a quarterly basis and forward them to our Treasurer and the Vice President through email. Be prepared to have a completed WRITTEN copy of your Balance Sheet to discuss your Chapter’s finances at each Executive Board Meeting.

The Balance Sheet format is in this packet as an addendum and is posted on the board page on our website;

Board Meetings for 2012-2013 are:

August 14, 2012

October 22, 2012

January (optional meeting, if needed)

March 30, 2013

May 19, 2013

3. Provide invoices for all services or products provided by your Chapter. There are beneficial reasons for documentation and the act as a legal agreement and verification as a proof of purchase.

4. It is recommended that everyone who attends meetings bring their district checks or personal funds to pay for meetings on the spot. Everyone is busy and Chapter D and DE want to avoid sending out invoices for payment for members who attending meetings. Please encourage your members to pay at the time of the meeting.

5. Provide a receipt whenever possible and maintain a record for all money received whether by check or cash. This protects the member and yourself for accountability.

6. Prepare bank deposits in a timely manner. All chapters should be charging for all Chapter meetings. It is up to the Chapter whether Directors Meetings will have a fee or not.

7. Maintain an auditable trail for all disbursements and funds received. Protect the checkbook with the utmost level of security.

Board Member Contact Information

All Board Member Information is Available on our SNA Mass website

National SNA information is on

Chapter Meeting Flyer – SNA Chapter Announcement

We extend an invitation for you to attend!!! Please RSVP!

SNA Members $7 and Non- members $8

Topic Summary: Example: Are you looking for ways to increase the revenue from your School Lunch Programs?

Join us for a very informative meeting to learn ….. You are invited to network with other School Nutrition Directors and Members to share ideas!




Please RSVP by:

RSVP to: Name:




Phone: ( ) -
fax: ( ) -

Program Speaker:

Topic: Example: Marketing Your School Nutrition Program

with an Extreme Makeover! Does your cafeteria accurately convey your School Nutrition Menu and Message?

Need more revenue?

Speaker: Name:

Topic: Food Merchandising the Perfect Package!!

Program Schedule: Example:

3:00 - 3:30 Registration and Refreshments

3:30 – 4:30 Program Topic/Presentation

4:30 – 4:45 Break

4:45 – 5:45 Program Topic/Presentation

6:00 – 7:00 Dinner

7:00 – 7:45 50 -50 Raffle and Penny Social/Fund Raiser Ideas

7:45 - Good Evening!

Please remember to RSVP. It is very important that we get an accurate count as soon as possible. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon! Plan to bring one or more items for the penny social!

****Please note that vendors will often help you with designing your flyer, so it includes logos, brand clipart, etc. Just ask for some assistance!

SNA of Mass. ______Meeting/Conference Speaker Template

Title of Training:

Date of Training:

Time of Training:

______(Speaker’s Name)

Please print and return this form by email to:

Name: ______at fax number: ______

or mail this completed form to:



Your SNA Meeting Host/Hostess Name: ______


Phone: ______

Email: ______

Call (000) 000-0000 with any questions or concerns. We appreciate and thank you for your participation in this conference/meeting! We look forward to your educational program.

1.  Audio/Visual Needs and Room Requirements, if any (Please note we prefer you bring your own laptop to reduce the risk of a/v problems.)




2.  Hotel Needs

( ) I will not be staying overnight.
( ) I will make my own hotel reservations.

( ) Please make my reservations for the following nights:

Anticipated time of Arrival:______