Statement of purpose
Health and Social Care Act 2008
Part 3
Location(s), and
· the people who use the service there
· their service type(s)
· their regulated activity(ies)
Fill in a separate part 3 for each location
Name of location / Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford
Address / 15 Moss Grove
West Midlands
Postcode / DY6 9HS
Telephone / 01384 277377
Email /
Description of the location
(The premises and the area around them, access, adaptations, equipment, facilities, suitability for relevant special needs, staffing & qualifications etc)
The Practice
The practice has been established in Kingswinford since the early 1930s. The Doctor at that time is still remembered for carrying out his visits on his pony and trap. The present premises were purpose-built in 1993 and are situated close to the centre of Kingswinford village. With the ever-increasing need to develop “in house” patient services we have extended our premises over the last 8 years. This extension included additional consulting rooms for GP Registrars and medical students, an enlarged administration area and “on site” pharmacy. We continue to recognise that further developments in primary care premises will be needed in the years to come to allow us to continue to progress our service provision to our patients. As part of providing a secure basis for premises development we lease our premises from Assura Property Services who continue to support our need for development. We continue to strive to maintain our current premises to a high standards and in line with Government national standards. We have automatic door access to the front of the building and we are working towards total compliance of DDA and infection control criteria. We have disabled toilet facilities, baby changing facitilities, breast feeding room, child friendly facilities i.e. emergency supply of nappies, bottle warmer etc. We have parking facilities in front of the building, which includes disabled parking. All consulting rooms and clinical facilities are on ground floor level. We have a hearing loop system and access to interpretor services as required.
The Area
We are on the western edge of the West Midlands conurbation. Our practice boundary extends into rural South Staffordshire, only two miles from Shropshire and open countryside to Wales and the coast. We are within reach of the facilities of two cities, and the market towns of Shrewsbury and Worcester. The motorway network is 30 minutes from the practice.
The Patients
We care for approximately 14,500 patients in Kingswinford and surrounding areas. It is predominantly a middle-class suburban population which is fairly evenly spread throughout the age ranges but a higher proportion of elderly patients than other local practices. There is very little deprivation. Our patient list is predominantly made up of white British, with very few ethnic minorities, we have an even split of a male/female patients and have a higher than average elderly population in comparison to other Dudley Practices. As a Practice we look after several care homes providing weekly ward rounds. We also have patients with learning difficulties / mental health needs, who are living within the community, and also provide services to a local mental health residential care home.
Staff and Qualifications
Please see attached list of staff names and their qualifications.
Access / Adaptations / Equipment and Facilities
The practice has previously been involved in a National Access Audit, which proves that we provide a higher than average number of appointments throughout the week compared to others within our CCG area. Our aim is to offer an appointment within 48 hours, however we have on the day sit and wait access to Practice Nurses throughout the day and also provide emergency appointments and telephone consultation slots on the day as appropriate.
The practice provides the following equipment:
Defibrillator, ECG, emergency resuscitation trolley, Spirometry, Ear Syringe, Pulse Oximeters, 24 hour blood pressure monitor, Omron home loan service, Hearing Loop system, Smoke Analyser, Minor Surgery equipment fully equipped consulting rooms.
No of approved places / overnight beds (not NHS) / N/A
CQC service user bands
The people that will use this location (‘The whole population’ means everyone).
Adults aged 18-65 / Adults aged 65+
Mental health / Sensory impairment
Physical disability / People detained under the Mental Health Act
Dementia / People who misuse drugs or alcohol
People with an eating disorder / Learning difficulties or autistic disorder
Children aged 0 – 3 years / Children aged 4-12 / Children aged 13-18
The whole population / Other (please specify below)
The CQC service type(s) provided at this location
Acute services (ACS)
Prison healthcare services (PHS)
Hospital services for people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, and problems with substance misuse (MLS)
Hospice services (HPS)
Rehabilitation services (RHS)
Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Residential substance misuse treatment and/or rehabilitation service (RSM)
Hyperbaric chamber (HBC)
Community healthcare service (CHC)
Community-based services for people with mental health needs (MHC)
Community-based services for people with a learning disability (LDC)
Community-based services for people who misuse substances (SMC)
Urgent care services (UCS)
Doctors consultation service (DCS)
Doctors treatment service (DTS)
Mobile doctor service (MBS)
Dental service (DEN)
Diagnostic and or screening service (DSS)
Care home service without nursing (CHS)
Care home service with nursing (CHN)
Specialist college service (SPC)
Domiciliary care service (DCC)
Supported living service (SLS)
Shared Lives (SHL)
Extra Care housing services (EXC)
Ambulance service (AMB)
Remote clinical advice service (RCA)
Blood and Transplant service (BTS)
Regulated activity(ies) carried on at this location
Personal care
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Sonia Clark
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance abuse
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Accommodation and nursing or personal care in the further education sector
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Sonia Clark
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Surgical procedures
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Sonia Clark
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Management of supply of blood and blood derived products etc
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Maternity and midwifery services
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Sonia Clark
Termination of pregnancies
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Services in slimming clinics
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Nursing care
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Sonia Clark
Family planning service
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Sonia Clark
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose Pt 3 4