Opening Ceremony for Illinois 59thAnnualState Convention
As we gather to open the 59th Illinois State Convention of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International, let us pause this morning to reflect upon all the blessings in our lives and the difference we make in the lives of others. Let us lift our hearts and minds in respect to the chapter banners and flags, which are symbols of our heritage, our beliefs, and our ideals. The ESA chapter is the true building block of our organization – the chapters and individual members that represent our sisterhood form the very core of this organization – the chapter is the foundation upon which all of our good works, accomplishments and fellowship is based.
This morning it is with great pride that I present to you the chapters that form the strong foundation of the IllinoisState Council.
<Chapter Banners > Banner alternate going right and left
Alpha Alpha 5266 Bloomington presented by Theme______
Alpha Beta B153 ISU – Normal presented by Theme______
Alpha Epsilon B117 EIU – Charleston by______Theme______
Alpha Psi 657 Alton presented by______Theme______
Alpha Rho 4031 Mattoon presented by______Theme______
Alpha Upsilon 644 Mattoon presented by______Theme______
Beta Eta 3696 Fairfield presented by______Theme______
Beta Iota 3512 Belleville presented by______Theme______
Beta Mu 4199 Charleston presented by______Theme______
Beta Psi 4062 presented by______Theme______
Beta Upsilon B147 BradleyUniversityPeoria presented by______Theme______
Beta Zeta 4061 Quincy presented by______Theme______
Delta Rho 2397 Rantoul presented by______Theme______
Epsilon Zeta 2668 Quincy presented by______Theme______
Gamma Chi 4289 Fairfield presented by______Theme______
Omega Nu 5382 presented by______Theme______
Sigma Delta B167 U of I – Urbana presented by______Theme______
Zeta Kappa B162 – Parkland College Champagne presented by______Theme______
September 11, 2001, no date since December 7, 1941 has had such an impact on our nation or on our world. But if history has taught us anything about this great country it is that we shall rise up in the face of those who would strive to destroy all that we believe in, not only believe in but have proven time and time again that we are proud and willing to die for – the right of every American to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The right to freedom of speech, religion, press – the right to have an opinion and to have that opinion heard. So even today as the battle for human dignity and freedom continues to be fought on foreign shores –each American - those who agree and those who disagree with the war in which we are engaged – stand united in one consuming belief that as Americans we are blessed to be citizens of the greatest democracy – the greatest nation on earth – The United States of America! We are all honored, all proud and always first and foremost despite any political, religious, cultural or economic differences – AMERICANS.
What is an American?
An American … is one who believes in the rights of men and women of whatever creed, class, color or ancestry to live as human beings with the dignity inherit to all of mankind throughout the world.
An American … is one who believes in the right to be free not only from the crushing coercions of dictatorships and regimentation, but free for the way of life where man may think and speak as they choose and worship God as they see fit.
An American … is one who believes in the right to vote, the right to work, the right to learn, the right to live and, what is equally important, an American believes in the right to be different; for we know that if we ever lose the right to be different – the right to individual expression - we lose the right to be free and all the benefits that freedom affords.
An American … is one who believes in democracy, not only for ourselves, but for each and every American. American democracy speaks not simply to the rule of the majority, but encompasses the rights of the minority – and celebrates those rights not because it is expected of us but because it is the right thing to do.
An American … is one who believes in the responsibilities of privilege. What we ask for ourselves, we graciously grant to others; what we demand from others, we are willing to give ourselves; we know that as we expect respect – we freely give it to all that have earned our trust. We are Americans – we believe not in the right to live and let live but in the pledge to live and help others live a life of quality, purpose and reward.
As an American please stand and honor our nations flag – the flag of the United States of America presented this morning by: ______
Begin Music and play until flag is posted.
Our flag…. Born of revolution, symbolized the original 13 colonies with red and white strips and a blue canton with 13 stars. These first bold and beautiful stars and stripes represented our desire as citizens of the New World for freedom, as we sought our independence from the tyranny of Great Britain. Old Glory would fly high and proud as the first blood of patriots would be spilled to insure liberty and justice for all.
From that day to this, the dedication, purpose, and all to the often the very lives of our fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters have added to our flags history and glory. Their spirits and sacrifice fill all of us with pride every time our eye catches the sight of an American flag shining in the sun, hanging on the wall, or posted in a school, meeting room or flying high at a sporting event – always and forever reminding us that we are privileged, anointed and blessed to be Americans. Today our flag proudly boasts those same 13 stripes lest we never forget the foundation of our liberty and 50 stars, one added to the original 13 each time a new state joined the Union – 50 states united in the common goals of dignity, freedom and humanity. Separate, yet equal - Americans all. A flag recognized more than any other in all the world – respected, envied and because of the unparalleled quality and equality of life it represents, often feared. For there can be no nation on earth that does not know that this flag of 13 stripes and 50 glowing, radiant stars will continue to be the symbol of freedom, the friend of the oppressed and the enemy of tyranny. Flying in the hearts of each proud American our flag – Old Glory – the red, white and blue.
Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. ______you may post the flag.
You may be seated.
The IllinoisStateflag as presented this morning by ______
was accepted as presented to a committee appointed by then Governor Ogilive on July 1, 1970. The original flag was designed by Miss Lucy Derwent of the Rockford chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. In 1912 Mrs. Ella Park Lawrence State Regent for the DAR began a campaign to createan official state banner to represent Illinois in the Continental Memorial Hall in WashingtonD.C. Mrs. Lawrence offered a $25.00 prize to the DAR chapter submitting the best design. Four judges evaluated 35 designs and selected Mess Dewernt’s design which was approved by both houses of the General Assembly and became law on July 16, 1915. The flag remained in it original design until 1969 when Chief Petty Officer Bruce McDaniel of Waverly became concerned over what he considered a deficiency in the flag – the flag was one of the many state flags that hung in his mess hall and since the state flag did not contain the states name – he found himself constantly pointing out which flag was from the great state of Illinois. Mr. McDaniel requested this omission be corrected and a bill to amend the original design was presented on September 17, 1969 and passed into law on July 1, 1970. The flag depicts the State the official state seal on a field of white. Beneath the seal blazing in blue is one word, proudly displayed “Illlinois”. The majestic eagle represents the United States of American and in its beak carries a streamer every upward toward the sky that contains the state motto, “State sovereignty, national union”, meaning that Illinois governs itself under the government of the United States. In the eagle’s claws is a shield bearing thirteen bars and thirteen stars; this represents the original thirteen states. On the boulder are the dates of Illinois admittance into the Union as well as the date the great seal was adopted. The ground around the bottom symbolizes the Illinois rich and fertile prairie soil.
Illinois is a state steeped in tradition and historic landmarks. But perhaps Illinois’s richest treasure is the diversity of its land and people. From the flat rich farm lands of Central Illinois to the rolling rivers of the West. Illinois boast the historic villages of the north and the Ozark foothills to the south. Illinois ranks fifth in the nation in manufacturing and is home to many of the nations’ finest universities. It offers its citizens a way of life that is diverse and full. From the metropolitan city life of Chicago to the simple, faith based lifestyle of the Amish and the outdoor playground of the MajesticShawneeNational Forest, Illinois provides all things for all people.
Illinois proudly boasts being the home of authors: Ernest Hemingway, James Jones, Ray Bradbury and Irving Wallace; musicians: Quincy Jones, Miles Davis and Benny Goodman; comedians: Jack Benny, Richard Pryor, Bob Newhart and Bill Murray; athletes: Jimmy Connors and Dorothy Hamill; celebrities: Harrison Ford, Mary Astor, Gloria Swanson, Rock Hudson, and Charlton Heston, just to name a few. Illinois also gave us our very first McDonalds, is the home of the Sears Tower, the first aquarium in the United States and was the first state to ratify the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. It proudly claims both our 16th and 40th Presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan as native sons and is the birthplace of the world’s weaver of dreams – Walt Disney. . This morning we salute you Illinois – your spirit, pride and your people.
______you may post the flag
The MARC flag will be presented by
MARC______presents the Midwest Area Regional Council flag. On July 20, 1985 in Tulsa, Oklahoma while attending International Convention, several Mid-westerners met to finalize plans for what had been a desire of many for some time. In a small room in Tulsa, the Midwest Area Regional Council (MARC) was born.
The objectives of MARC are to promote closer relations and fuller cooperation among the 10-member states; to assist members states in reaching new goals and new heights in the growth and strengthening of ESA in the Midwest; to serve as a means of promoting fellowship and unity; educational and leadership training for ESA members in the Midwest. MARC uses a “check-mark” as its logo and the motto “Leaving our MARC on ESA.”
For 22 years the dedication and diversity of MARC members has guided its members with support, understanding and a spirit of service to each other. MARC has been blessed with capable leadership whose vision and forethought have seen the council grow and prosper. MARC is like a sheltering tree – its roots continue to feed the foliage with love, care and dedication – as each new branch is added the tree becomes even more beautiful. I liken it to the Golden Aspen.
I sat under heaven’s ceiling of blue inhaling the perfume of nature,
On a bench made by man from the timber of life, a gift from God.
In gratitude, I said a silent prayer of thanks for this church of
sight and sound, that had heightened my awareness and
soothed my needy soul.
Never again would my eye be drawn to anything yellow that
I would fail to be drowned in a flood of memories,
Of a special place – a special time.
Where under a magical tree of gold, as I sat shaded by the
wisdom of its’ sheltering branches, I came to know that a
memory cannot take root within the heart unless it is
planted by the loving hands of a friend.
Where I had always possessed the hope to dream, on that morning, under that tree of gold,
I acquired the faith to make my dreams come true.
______please post the flag
This morning the ESA flag is carried by ____ International Council
I am the flag of Epsilon Sigma Alpha – I represent the legacy and heritage of our founders. I am almost 80 years old and in my day I have seen great prosperity, hardship, war, the great depression. I have seen women change and grow and take their places besides the giants of industry, education, medicine and technology.
From the vision of Adele Pritchard, I have grown into a viable force – creating opportunities for women to challenge themselves in a climate of support and understanding. I have empowered all of you to look deep within yourself, and know that you truly can and do make a difference. I celebrate the mother, sister, wife, daughter, friend – I celebrate, the teacher, housewife, lawyer, caregiver, nurse, doctor, clerical worker, factory worker, and waitress. I celebrate the young and old of every faith, color, and creed from every cultural, social and economic background.
I celebrate woman! I celebrate you – I celebrate ESA.
I bring hope to the hopeless, joy to those in need and the sound of laughter back to those deafened by the darkness of despair. I dry the eyes of children devastated by the pain of cancer and hold out the hand of friendship to all.
I am your flag of blue and gold. I pay tribute to the handclasp; I pay tribute to the open book unfolding a wealth of knowledge. I pay tribute to the candles of the crest symbolizing our compassion for others. I shall ever wave for you ESA, spreading the word of our love and sisterhood.
______please post the flag.
The All Faiths flag is presented by ______
We honor this flag representing all faiths and our right to worship as we choose. This flag is the symbol of the brotherhood of all mankind. Each and every creed believes in a spiritual deity, who created the universe and all life in it. And that life is diverse in essence, ideals, culture and the probably most diverse in the belief of what is to follow when we leave this earthly home. But if we are true believers – if we have faith that we are all bound to each other as brothers and sisters for the time we are here, then to show our faith we must always accept one another. Accept one another – not in spite of our imperfections but because of them; not in spite of our differences but because of them; not in spite of our frailties but because of them – it is not that which we have in common with others that makes us special or unique – it is those special and unique qualities we possess apart for others that makes it possible for each of us to create and pass on a legacy unlike any other.
______you may post the flag.
______will present the ESA Foundation Flag.
Serving the World Community Because We Care – what a noble and lofty mission. The ESA Foundation by its very existence offers us the opportunity to perpetuate or common goals and ideals, by developing programs to scholarship and educate those who hunger for knowledge and a better life; programs for women to enrich their lives and enhance their awareness of the opportunities available for them. The Foundation challenges us to look beyond the boundaries of our everyday lives to the needs of the world around us and shows us the way to make a difference. The ESA Foundation recognizes the strength of women and celebrates its’ power.
It is hard to imagine the lives that have been impacted by the ESA Foundation from its’ Adapt Program, Women Helping Women and of course the scholarship program that offers the gift of an education to those seeking a better life. As with any gift that touches a life and a heart with hope and trust – all of these programs aim to and achieve the betterment of the human condition.
As hard as it is to imagine the impact of those programs on the lives of others. it is unfathomable to comprehend just what the ripple effect of that impact has been and will continue to be on the world around us. For every life that is made better by the generosity of a caring heart touches a hundred others. They bring hope and skill and productivity into all the communities where they live and work and play.
The ESA Foundation truly serves the World Community because all of you care.
______post the flag.
The flags and banners presented this morning are symbolic of all that is good and true in the hearts of ESA women. No women on earth have a greater sense of the importance of giving of ourselves to others for the betterment of all mankind.
We give of ourselves when we gifts of the heart; love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness
We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the mind; ideas, dreams, ideals, principles, plans, inventions, projects, music, and poetry.
We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the spirit; prayer, vision, beauty, aspiration, peace, and faith.
We give or ourselves when we give the gift of time – that precious commodity that we so willing share so that minute by minute we are builders of a more abundant life for others.