RLCPP meeting
Held at Farnborough Grange Nursery Infant Community School
19th January 2011
Jane Armstrong - Headteacher Farnborough Grange Nursery Infant School
Insp Justin Browne - Hampshire Constabulary
Pam Simpson - HCC
John Stacey - District Manager Hart Children’s Services
Peter Amies - Rushmoor Borough Council Community
Lynn Ludford - District Manager Rushmoor Children’s Services
Sue Hathaway - RVS
Alison Woolley - Farnborough Sixth Form College
Amanda Rowley - Headteacher Wavell School
Rob Thompson
Debbie Cusack
Item / Detail / ActionPrevious Minutes and Matters Arising from last meeting 3/11/10 / Agreed as a true record of last meeting
Matters arising
Workshop Feedback
Delivery Plan
Local Developments
Date of next meeting / This will be Lynn’s last meeting as she will be retiring at end of February. Hart and Rushmoor Children’s Services are combining and Lynn introduced John Stacey to the meeting as the new district manager for children and families.
Jane formally thanked Lynn for her support on planning group and her support to Jane and Justin.
Welcome to John Stacey to the committee.
Jane attended LIT and will continue to attend as able to give update on LCP. The LIT will continue and focus on teenage conception.
Lynn stated that Andy Kennedy and Gill Davis were not successful for youth services, from April Sally Woods will be new manager. (Currently connexions Manager in Basingstoke.) She is familiar with this area. Andy has been important to the LCP and will be a loss. Jane said he was a key driver in community work particularly in Mayfield/Grange area.
Jane and Justin have received emails inviting Chairs of LCPs to sit on HCT, it is not clear on structure for each meeting in place and LCP chair attendance. Amanda asked if there will be a terms of reference? Membership might change! LCP’s will be delivering to HCT.
Jane re-stated strength of partnership continually highlighted HCT, Ofsted have issued report stating this; Lynn mentioned that Ofsted are looking for it on their visits.
Jane, Lynn and Pam met together to draw key points to give feedback to all parties.
Lynn agreed the workshop was a really good morning about 50 stakeholders took part. There was a huge amount of energy created in the room, it was very well attended.
Teenage Conception
See attached – Where to find information for youngsters, and transfer of information. The LIT stated same key issues arising, signposting and transferring of information. Condom distribution centre, ie Owls for instance have not given any out for the 2 years they have been part of the scheme, Owls question the distribution scheme, Young person has to talk to someone before given the condoms. Lyn explained if there was no one to talk to that would defeat the object of the scheme. The concern is not just pregnancy; it’s also STD and the promiscuity of young people.
Jane stated that the SRE in primary schools needs changing; free training has ceased.
The workshop tried to look at wards, whether attention should be paid to particular areas.
A new date for next workshop to be 25th March 2011, Glynn Wright and Jayne Shelbourne-Barrow are able to do 9am-3pm.
Original money of £10,000 earmarked, has to be spent by end of financial year. The money needs to be used to build capacity.
See attached – Funding is set aside for 8 primary schools to work with Lisa Marie to look at and make a difference to attendance. Like coding, working with known families, Lisa Marie will come back with ideas and knowledge. The 8 schools will then disseminate to all other schools in area.
Lisa Marie has worked with all secondary schools re attendance focusing with families - in Rushmoor.
Problems are from birth, getting in primary is key. Amanda stating having a rapport with your link primary is key, knowing what works for certain families. Knowing who the assigned attendance person is for each school is key. All happy with the feedback.
We will have a page on Rushmoor Schools Plus and produce a newsletter. Cross reference workshop outcomes to the delivery plan.
Members able to feed to other groups. Key person in planning group in key phases should be key person for their phase and monitor that area. There are certain actions outstanding which will be a job for perhaps the ESCO ie: mapping
Funding – we have been allocated over £34,000 to spend quite rapidly, EIP and Extended services group are merging, because funding is stopping for Extended services, it will be known as Rushmoor Schools Plus. Tony McGovern will remain ES Co-ordinator.
£373,000 is coming for ES and indication is our £34,000 should be supporting ES and LCP aswell.
Funding deadlines:
£10,000 to be spent by March 2011
£34,000 to be spent by July 2011
£373,000 to be spent by July 2011
With funding, as agreed to pay for previous and next workshop.
Tony’s role; earmark money to keep him in post and he will be made accountable to LCP . Then undertake mapping etc.
Issue about PSA’s funding and good work, intervention, school attendance, we should be working towards
Rushmoor PSA’s we can explore that.
We need to look at how to spend the funding.
Jane, Justin and Sue agreed to arrange the next workshop 25th March 2011
Alison talked last time about a logo for health drop in, can that costing be put forward for funding, All agree, Alison and Amanda to work on that.
Jane to look at larger event with an outside speaker, someone inspirational, credible to link in with the themes, bring case studies etc. All agreed. Jane to ask Jayne and Lisa Marie to same event to help deliver.
Jane to email Brian Pope who may be able to help.
EIP and Extended Services merge, LCP will oversee work of Rushmoor Schools Plus. Proposal to work going on with EIP, LCP regarding Samuel Cody site becoming vacant 3rd Sept 2011.
Amanda is keen to have a more permanent Health drop in, will help if this comes under LCP umbrella.
Working group to discuss feasibility of PSA funding; Jane, Amanda, Justin and possibly Chris Frankland agreed.
A session to look at data/dashboard be included in the next meeting, include Tony in this next meeting.
Wednesday 9th March 2011 2pm Farnborough Grange Nursery/Infant Community School. / Jane, Justin, Sue
Alison, Amanda
Jane, Amanda, Justin,