Samaritan’s Kitchen–

-Volunteers partner in food preparation, serving of meals, and clean-up.

- Volunteer Opportunities are available Mondays – Saturdays 6:45 – 8:30a, 11:00a – 1:30p. 3:30 – 4:30p, 4:15-5:15p, 5:00 – 6:15p

- Minors 10 - 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of service. Children ages 10 - 14 will be counted as part of up to 6 volunteers per shift. Please schedule them as such. Minors 15 - 18 years old will be allowed to serve without an adult, in general, but may be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Reporting for Scheduled Volunteer Shifts:

  1. Attire: Attire can be casual while maintaining modesty. Please wear pants, jeans are acceptable. Dressing is layers is advised. If hair is shoulder-length or longer, please have it tied back. Most imortanty, be sure to wear close-toed shoes, non-slip soles are preferred.
  1. Parking:Please park in the Parking Lot to the east of 5 W. Las Vegas St., 80903. If the volunteer shift is to begin Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00a to 4:30p, please use the east door to enter the building and ask the Receptionist for dicections to the Samaritan’s Kitchen. If the scheduled volunteer shift is outside these times, please report to the Kitchen door located on the south side of 5 W. Las Vegas St.

Please exercise caution. If conditions due to weather, etc. are unsafe to walk around to the south side of 5 W. Las Vegas St., please go to the north door of the building and knock on the door.

  1. Reporting to Staff: Report to the one of our chefs, dressed in a white chef coat.
  1. Name Badge: After reporting to staff, receive and fill out a name badge from the kitchen staff. Please wear it for the duration of your time on campus. If you are a weekly volunteer, please have the kitchen staff schedule a time with the Volunteer Coodinator to have your picture taken for a picture badge. Picture badges will be held in the Kitchen Office for each of your shifts. If you volunteer in multiple areas on the Springs Rescue Mission campus, please keep your volunteer badge with you.
  1. Signing In:Upon check-in, please sign in to the Volunteer Report to record your starting time. The Volunteer Report is located behind the ice machine on the serving line. Groups: Please be sure to have each member of the group sign in on a separate line and include the Group Name.
  1. Signing Out:At the end of your volunteer shift, please sign out on the Volunteer Report.