PCFLO Version 5.2, 500 Bus, Windows 95. July 28, 1998.
(Important Changes Since PCFLO Version 3.7: Linear and Nonlinear Components of Load and Generation at a Bus are Now Specified Entirely Separately, as Highlighted in Bold Type. Also, Nonlinear DPF is now in pu instead of %)
(File = BDAT, one record per bus. May use CSV/TSV format if preferred)
Number1 - 4I4
Name5 - 16A12
Type17I11 = Swing Bus
2 = PV Bus
3 = PQ Bus
Linear P Generation18 - 25F8Percent
Linear Q Generation26 - 33F8Percent
Linear P Load34 - 41F8Percent
Linear Q Load41 - 49F8Percent
Desired Voltage50 - 57F8Percent
Shunt Reactive Q Load58 - 65F8Percent @ Voltage = 100%
Maximum Q Generation66 - 73F8Percent
Minimum Q Generation74 - 81F8Percent
Control Area82 - 83I2
Remote-Controlled Bus Number84 - 87I4Used for controlling voltage at a remote bus. For these
cases, the desired voltage specified above applies to the
remote bus.
Connection Type for Shunt Reactive Q Load88 - 89I20 or 1 = Grounded Wye.
Otherwise, ungrounded wye or delta (i.e. no zero
sequence path)
Subtransient R, X (Pos. Sequence)90 - 97F8Series impedance of motor or generator, in percent
98 - 105F8
Subtransient R, X (Neg. Sequence)106 - 113F8Series impedance of motor or generator, in percent
114 - 121F8
Subtransient R, X (Zero Sequence)122 - 129F8Series impedance of motor or generator, in percent
130 - 137F8(ignoring connection type and grounding impedances)
(do not multiply by 3)
Connection Type for Subtransient Impedances138 - 139I20 or 1 = Grounded Wye.
Otherwise, ungrounded wye or delta (i.e. no zero
sequence path)
Grounding Impedance R, X for Sub-140 - 147F8Series impedance from wye point to ground, in percent.
Transient Impedances148 - 155F8 (do not multiply by 3).
Nonlinear Device P Generation156 - 163F8P Generation that comes from the nonlinear device,
in percent.
Nonlinear Device P Load164 - 171F8P Load of the nonlinear device,
in percent.
Nonlinear Device Displacement Power Factor172 - 179F8Per Unit (positive for lagging is positive, negative for
Nonlinear Device Type180 - 183I41=2-pulse current source
2=2-pulse voltage source
3=6-pulse current source
4=6-pulse voltage source
5=12-pulse current source
6=12-pulse voltage source
7=18-pulse current source
8=18-pulse voltage source
9=Diversified 6-pulse current source (like
type 3, but with the 11 & 13th harmonics
multiplied by 0.75, the 17 & 19th harmonics
by 0.50, and all higher harmonics by 0.25)
10=Single-phase electronic GY-GY
11=Single-phase electronic Delta-GY
12=Magnetic fluorescent GY-GY
13=Magnetic fluorescent Delta-GY
14=User-specified type 14
. . .
. . .
. . .
33=User-specified type 33
Nonlinear Device Phase Shift184 - 191F8Degrees for positive sequence, on system side with
respect to device side. This is the additional phase shift
by which the current injection phase angles will be
advanced for positive sequence, and delayed for
negative sequence.
Connection Type for Harmonics Model192 - 193I20 or 1 = Grounded Wye. Otherwise, ungrounded wye
of Linear Loador delta (i.e. no zero sequence path)
CSV/TSV Header and Structure for Bus Data File BDAT
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
:Bus Data
: / Linear / Linear / Linear / Linear
: / P / Q / P / Q / Desired
:Bus / Bus / Bus / Generation / Generation / Load / Load / Voltage
:Number / Name / Type / (%) / (%) / (%) / (%) / (%)
:(I) / (A) / (I) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (F)
I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Connection / Positive / Positive
Shunt / Maximum / Minimum / Type for / Sequence / Sequence
Reactive / Q / Q / Bus / Remote- / Shunt / Subtransient / Subtransient
Q Load / Generation / Generation / Control / Controlled / Reactive / R / X
(%) / (%) / (%) / Area / Bus No. / Q Load / (%) / (%)
(F) / (F) / (F) / (I) / (I) / (I) / (F) / (F)
Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X
17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Grounding / Grounding
Negative / Negative / Zero / Zero / Impedance / Impedance / Nonlinear
Sequence / Sequence / Sequence / Sequence / Connection / R for / X for / Device
Subtransient / Subtransient / Subtransient / Subtransient / Type for / Subtransient / Subtransient / P
R / X / R / X / Subtransient / Impedances / Impedances / Gen
(%) / (%) / (%) / (%) / R and X / (%) / (%) / (%)
(F) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (I) / (F) / (F) / (F)
Y / Z / AA / AB / AC
25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
Nonlinear / Nonlinear
Device / Device / Nonlinear / Linear
P / Displacement / Nonlinear / Device / Load
Load / Power Factor / Device / Phase Shift / Connection
(%) / (%) / Type / (Degrees) / Type
(F) / (F) / (I) / (F) / (I)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The header lines must begin with a colon so that they will be properly treated as comments.
Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
(File = LDAT, one record per branch. May use CSV/TSV format if preferred)
FROM BUS Number1 - 4I4
TO BUS Number5 - 8I4
Circuit Number9 - 10I2
R, X (Positive/Negative Sequence)11 - 22F12Series impedance, in percent
23 - 34F12
Charging (Positive/Negative Sequence)35 - 46F12Percent, for entire length of line
Rating47 - 54F8Percent
Minimum Tap, or Minimum Phase Shift Angle55 - 61F7Per unit tap, or degrees, FROM BUS side
wrt. TO BUS side
Maximum Tap, or Maximum Phase Shift Angle62 - 68F7Per unit tap, or degrees, on FROM BUS side
wrt. TO BUS side
Tap Step Size, or Phase Shift Step Size69 - 75F7Per unit, or degrees
Tap76 - 82F7Per unit, on FROM BUS side
Phase Shift83 - 90F8Degrees, FROM BUS side wrt. TO BUS side
Voltage-Controlled Bus Number91 - 95I5Used for controlling voltage at a remote bus. For these
cases, the desired voltage specified applies to the
remote bus.
Voltage-Controlled Bus Side96 - 97I2When controlling the voltage at a remote bus, enter 1
when the remote bus is on the FROM BUS side of the
transformer. Enter 2 when the remote bus is on the
TO BUS side of the transformer.
Desired Voltage for Voltage-Controlled Bus,98 - 105F8Percent Voltage, or Percent Active Power (FROM BUS
or Desired Active Power Flow for Phasetoward TO BUS)
Shifting Transformer
R, X (Zero Sequence)106 - 117F12Series impedance, in percent (ignoring connection type
118 - 129F12 and grounding impedances), (do not multiply by 3)
Charging (Zero Sequence)130 - 141F12Percent, for entire length of line
Connection Type for Transformers and142 - 143I2For transformers:
Shunt ElementsTypeFROM BUSTO BUS
0 or 1GYGY
For shunt elements:
0 or 1 = Grounded Wye.
Otherwise, ungrounded wye or delta (i.e. no zero
sequence path)
Grounding Impedance R, X144 - 155F12Series impedance from wye point to ground, in percent
156 - 167F12Applies to wye-connected transformers and shunt
elements. (do not multiply by 3)
Resistive Skin Effect Factor for 168 - 175F8Harmonic h (h 2, fractional values OK) at which
Positive/Negative Sequencethe conductor resistance is double the fundamental
frequency resistance.
Resistive Skin Effect Factor for 176 - 183F8Harmonic h (h 2, fractional values OK) at which
Zero Sequencethe conductor resistance is double the fundamental
frequency resistance. This value applies to the
combined conductor and grounding resistance.
CSV/TSV Header and File Structure for Line and Transformer Data File LDAT
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
:Line and Transformer Data
: / Positive / Positive / Pos/Neg / Min.
: / Sequence / Sequence / Sequence / Tap (pu), or
:From / To / Circuit / R / X / Charging / Rating / Min. Phase
:Bus / Bus / Number / (%) / (%) / (%) / (%) / Angle (Deg.)
:(I) / (I) / (I) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (F)
I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Tap / Desired Volt. at
Max. / Step Size (pu) / Voltage- / Voltage- / V-Cont. Bus (%) / Zero
Tap (pu), or / or Phase Shift / Fixed / Phase / Cont. / Cont. / or Desired P / Sequence
Max. Phase / Step Size / Tap / Shift / Bus / Bus / in Phase Shifter / R
Angle (Deg.) / (Deg.) / (pu) / (Deg.) / Number / Side / FROM-TO (%) / (%)
(F) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (I) / (I) / (F) / (F)
Q / R / S / T / U / V / W
17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
Connect. / Pos/Neg / Zero
Zero / Zero / Type / Resistive / Resistive
Sequence / Sequence / for Trans. / Grounding / Grounding / Skin / Skin
X / Charging / and Shunt / R / X / Effect / Effect
(%) / (%) / Elements / (%) / (%) / Factor / Factor
(F) / (F) / (I) / (F) / (F) / (F) / (F)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The header lines must begin with a colon so that they will be properly treated as comments.
Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
(File = ADAT, one record per loadflow area. May use CSV/TSV format if preferred)
Number1 - 2I2
Tie-Line Loss Assignment3I1If non-zero, then power losses on tie lines are assigned
equally between the two areas. If zero, the TO BUS
area for each tie line is assigned the loss (i.e., meter at
the FROM BUS).
Control Bus Number4 - 7I4
Desired Export Power21 - 28F8Percent
Solution Tolerance for Export30 - 35F6Percent
Name37 - 56A20
CSV/TSV Header and File Structure for Area Interchange Data File ADAT
A / B / C / D / E / F1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
:Area Interchange Data
: / Tie Line
: / Loss
: / Assignment
: / (1 for
: / Splitting, / Desired / Solution
: / 0 for To / Control / Export / Tolerance
:Area / Bus / Bus / Power / for Export / Area
:Number / Ownership / Number / (%) / (%) / Name
:(I) / (I) / (I) / (F) / (F) / (A)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The header lines must begin with a colon so that they will be properly treated as comments.
Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
(File = SPECTRA, one record per harmonic per nonlinear load type. May use CSV/TSV format if preferred)
Type of Series1 - 3A3Must be sin for a sine series, cos for a cosine series.
All entries in this file must be either sin, or cos, and
cannot be mixed.
Nonlinear Load Type5 - 9I5Must be 14, 15, 16, . . . , 33.
Harmonic Order10 - 14I51, 2, 3, etc.
Current Harmonic Magnitude15 - 24F10Percent. If the fundamental is given, its magnitude
must be 100.0, and the other harmonic magnitudes for
the same nonlinear load type are assumed to be relative
to 100.0. The actual injection currents will be scaled
according to bus load/generation.
If the fundamental is not given for a nonlinear load
type, then the harmonic magnitudes are assumed to be
given on the system base.
Current Harmonic Phase Angle25 - 34F10Degrees, using load current convention. If the
fundamental angle is given, it must be 0.0. The actual
phase angles will be adjusted internally according to
bus power factor and fundamental voltage angle.
If the fundamental is not given, the phase angles are
assumed to be given with respect to the bus
fundamental frequency voltage phase angle.
CSV/TSV Header and File Structure for Spectra Data File SPECTRA
A / B / C / D / E1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
:Harmonic Current Spectral Data
: / Current
:Type of / Current / Harmonic
:Series / Nonlinear / Harmonic / Harmonic / Phase
:(SIN or / Load / Order / Mag. / Angle
:COS) / Type / (Integer) / (%) / (Degrees)
:(A) / (I) / (I) / (F) / (F)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The header lines must begin with a colon so that they will be properly treated as comments.
Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
(File = OPTIONS. Must use CSV/TSV format.)
For Loadflow and Motor Starting (sample file OPTIONS.LF shown below)
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
One Line Case Title Goes Here
:Loadflow and Motor Starting Solution Options
: / Voltage / Disable
:Optimal / P,Q / Accel. / Update / Disable / Transf.
:Bus / Mismatch / Factor / Cap / P,Q / Remote / Disable / Ignore / Tap
:Ordering / Gauss- / for Gauss- / for Gauss- / for Gauss- / Mismatch / Volt. Reg. / Area / Q Limits / Adjust. for
:Method / Seidel / Seidel / Seidel / Seidel / Solution / by PV / Intrchnge / on PV / Voltage
:(Integer) / Start? / Start / Start / Start / Tolerance / Busses? / P Adjust? / Busses? / Control?
(I) / (T or F)
(L) / (0.5 pu)
(F) / (1.2 pu)
(F) / (0.005 pu)
(F) / (5E-06 pu)
(F) / (T or F)
(L) / (T or F)
(L) / (T or F)
(L) / (T or F)
K / L / M / N / O
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Output / and / and / and / and
to This / This / This / This / This
Control / Control / Control / Control / Control
Area? / Area? / Area? / Area? / Area?
(I) / (I) / (I) / (I) / (I)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The first line of these option files should be the case title. Additional header lines, prior to the actual data,
must begin with colons. Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
For Short Circuit (sample file OPTIONS.SC shown below)
A / B1 / 2
One Line Case Title Goes Here
:Short Circuit Solution Options
:Method / Enter T for Diagonal and Neighbor ZBUS Elements Only (recommended)
:(Integer) / Enter F for All ZBUS Elements (not recommended and not to be followed by FAULTS)
(I) / (T or F)
For Full Harmonics Study (sample file OPTIONS.HS shown below)
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / R1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 17
One Line Case Title Goes Here
:Full Harmonic Solution Options
: / Harmonic Load Model
:Optimal / P,Q / Accel. / Update / Highest / for PQ Linear Loads
:Bus / Mismatch / Factor / Cap / P,Q / Harmonic / 0 or 1: Resistive-only (recommended) / Global
:Ordering / Gauss- / for Gauss- / for Gauss- / for Gauss- / Mismatch / of / 2: Parallel R,L Model / Resistance
:Method / Seidel / Seidel / Seidel / Seidel / Solution / Interest / 3: Series R,L Model / Doubling
:(Integer) / Start? / Start / Start / Start / Tolerance / (Integer) / 4: Ignore PQ Loads (i.e., No Model) / Harmonic
(I) / (T or F)
(L) / (0.5 pu)
(F) / (1.2 pu)
(F) / (0.005 pu)
(F) / (5E-06 pu)
(F) / (1 - 49)
(I) / (0 - 4)
(I) / (0,2,3,4 …)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The first line of these option files should be the case title. Additional header lines, prior to the actual data,
must begin with colons. Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
For Harmonic Impedance Scan (sample file OPTIONS.HZ shown below)
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
One Line Case Title Goes Here
:Harmonic Impedance Scan
:Optimal / P,Q / Accel. / Update / Lowest / Highest / Number / Phase / Limit the
:Bus / Mismatch / Factor / Cap / P,Q / Harmonic / Harmonic / of Steps / Sequence / Output to
:Ordering / Gauss- / for Gauss- / for Gauss- / for Gauss- / Mismatch / of / of / per / 0: Zero / Diagonal
:Method / Seidel / Seidel / Seidel / Seidel / Solution / Interest / Interest / Harmonic / 1: Pos. / Elements
:(Integer) / Start? / Start / Start / Start / Tolerance / (Integer) / (Integer) / (Integer) / 2: Neg. / Only?
(I) / (T or F)
(L) / (0.5 pu)
(F) / (1.2 pu)
(F) / (0.005 pu)
(F) / (5E-06 pu)
(F) / (1 - 49)
(I) / (1 - 49)
(I) / (1 - 100)
(I) / (0, 1, 2)
(I) / (T or F)
L / M / N / O / P / Q / R
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 17
Harmonic Load Model
for PQ Linear Loads
0 or 1: Resistive-only (recommended) / Global
Scan / and / and / and / and / 2: Parallel R,L Model / Resistance
This / This / This / This / This / 3: Series R,L Model / Doubling
Bus * / Bus / Bus / Bus / Bus / 4: Ignore PQ Loads (i.e., No Model) / Harmonic
(I) / (I) / (I) / (I) / (I) / (0 - 4)
(I) / (0,2,3,4 …)
Format: (I) Integer, (F) Floating point, including E±00, (L) Logical, (A) Character
Note: The first line of these option files should be the case title. Additional header lines, prior to the actual data,
must begin with colons. Any line beginning with a colon is treated as a comment.
* Note: A negative number in any of the “Scan This Bus” columns will invoke a scan of all system busses.
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