
DRAFT TABS BUSINESS PLAN 2016.17 – updated JULY 2016 (still to consult with members)

1.0  Introduction

This plan covers the next few months until October 2016, around which time the new contract for managing Bikeability should be in place. Consequently the plan may need to be reviewed in relation to a revised delivery structure, as well as the development of the DfT’s own Bikeability Strategic Plan.

2.0  TABS main aims/objectives

TABS aims to support all schemes to deliver Bikeability to a consistently high standard, to every school child in England to Level 2, and improve the quality of cycle training delivery across the sector. TABS will work with partners to ensure that children receive Bikeability training which gives them the confidence and skills to cycle more safely on the road as a result. TABS ultimate aim is to get more people taking trips by bike more often and more safely.

TABS objectives are to:

·  Provide practical support for our members including professional training opportunities, facilitating discussions/networking and producing guidance/best practice notes.

·  Provide a ‘voice’ for our members to ensure long term future for Bikeability and Bikeability Plus

·  Undertake positive advocacy for, and promotion of the Bikeability brand to both the public, key stakeholders and decision makers.

·  Provide expert advice about everyday cycling skills inputting into the development of the national standard for cycle training

3.0 Constraints and opportunities

The cycle training sector has much enthusiasm to ensure that awareness of the Bikeability brand increases. There is also increasing commitment to maintaining professional standards; and raising the quantity and quality of training being delivered on-the-ground.

The Bikeability brand is gradually gaining recognition amongst the public as well as decision makers, including DCMS and Public Health England. There are strong marketing messages about the value of Bikeability that can be used to raise this profile further. Furthermore there are committed funds for Bikeability training from the DfT for the next 5 years.

Having said this, it is important to remember that TABS has limited financial and human resources. Therefore any activity needs to be carefully targeted, essential and achievable.

KEY ACTIONS – 2016.17

TABS focus in 2016.17 will be to address the fact that not every child in England yet has access to Bikeability Level 2. And that where, and how much cycle training is delivered is primarily dependent on local authority/SGOH decisions whether to bid for funding from the DfT.

Collecting evidence about the value of Bikeability will be particularly important part of preparing the ground / collecting evidence to influence the next Spending review in 2020. Through positive advocacy work, TABS will undertake the following key actions. The first 4 are the priority items, with the first 2 being the most important of those.

There are additional actions that have been identified (see Annex A) however TABS Board has agreed that, given resources, we need to focus on a few top priority items only, in order to see some definite progress. A review of progress on these items will form the basis of TABS Board meetings.

PRIORITY Action 1 (Liz Clarke to lead)

Collect evidence for delivery of Bikeability (Levels 1,2,3) in England, Wales and Scotland

·  Research how much it would cost to provide training for every child, where and how large the gaps in training provision currently are. ie how many children not currently receiving training in each local authority and what the latent demand is, if more funds available. Identify how much training in being provided in areas of social deprivation. Produce case studies and supporting evidence, clear compelling infographs, maps, messages (by September 2016)

·  Develop distribution / promotion al strategy for delivery of messages (by November 2016)

·  Promote / distribute key messages (by March 2017)

PRIORITY Action 2 (Nick Chamberlin & Liz Clarke to lead)

·  Develop a ‘tool kit’ for schemes to do PR / promotion at regional level themselves (building on promotion workshop from TABS conference) in liaison with DfT (by December 2016)

·  Distribute to / promote with TABS members/Bikeability schemes (by March 2017)

PRIORITY Action 3 (Nick Truran, David Dansky & Greg Woodford to lead)

Develop and distribute relevant materials /templates with key messages aimed at key audiences (councillors, LAs, school governors/heads/young teachers, MPs etc) building on the messages developed in the ‘tool kit’ (Action 2) and the evidence collected (Action 1)

·  Set up Task and Finish Group to review what materials we need to produce and why, by when and how do we distribute them. (by December 2016)

·  Undertake distribution / promotion of materials produced to target audiences (by March 2017)

PRIORITY Action 4 (Julie Fox & David Shannon to lead, in partnership with Louise Grey )

·  Develop, in partnership with YST, a distribution strategy for the ‘What Bikeability can do for my School’, find funding for additional leaflet production (by November 2016)

·  Consider production of similar paper, aimed at parents (by January 2017)

·  Implement distribution strategy (by March 2017)


Action 5 (David Shannon to lead)

Run focus groups with schools, parents, schemes, local authorities to collect/document qualitative data about the impact of Bikeability and develop case studies

·  Set up working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (by October 2016)

·  Collate existing evidence (by January 2017)

·  Decide on what additional research required, in discussion with DfT/BST (to tie in with their M&E programme) (by January 2017)

·  Plan and undertake research (by March 2017)

·  Develop plan to publicise research results / action (by April 2017)

Action 6 (David Dansky to lead)

Deliver regional training events for Bikeability schemes, SGOs, teachers and health professionals building on national conference

·  Review TABS conference findings / lessons (by end May 2016)

·  Set up working group to develop programme / content / financial plan for Autumn workshops, post TABS conference (by end June 2016)

·  Deliver workshops (by October 2016)

·  Review options for further training in 2017 (by end December 2016)

Action 7 (Greg Woodford & Phillip Darnton to lead)

Identify a series of potential ‘ready-to-go’ projects and potential funding sources

·  Set up working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (by end September 2016)

·  Identify series of projects, Eg. a regional benchmarking series (peer-to-peer review) (by end November 2016)

·  Identify potential sources of funding (by end November 2016) including underspend, potential opportunities via the Sugar Tax (discussions with DCMS, PHE, DOH) – find out who to talk to, explore definitions of ‘sport’, engage with eg Sue Campbell/Ben Bradshaw MP? Eg. £530 million for School Games in 2017, just 3% ie £10 million ensures all kids get training, plus £5 million additional for Bikeability Plus.

·  Maintain discussions with DfT/ possible funding sources re. opportunities (ongoing 2016)

·  Implement projects if funding forthcoming (by end March 2017)

Action 8 (Isobel S to lead)

Develop fundraising strategy for TABS including:

·  Review of existing budgets / charges for workshops/conference etc. (by end August 2016)

·  Produce promotional video as membership recruitment tool (from TABS conference) (by end Sept 2016 – underway)

·  Develop membership recruitment strategy (by end October 2016)

·  Talk to Bicycle Association re. possible bursaries etc. (by end November 2016)


(in no particular order)

Action 9 (led by Nick C and Liz Clarke)

Work with local authorities to increase levels of aspiration to achieve more training, rather than retain status quo based on knowledge/evidence.

·  Set up working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (by August 2016)

·  Collect evidence about what local authorities are currently doing (Links to Action 2) (by September 2016)

·  Develop engagement strategy / series of meetings with key authorities (by October 2016)

·  Undertake engagement / meetings (by January 2017)

·  Publicise positive stories about local authority ‘achievements’ (by March 2017)

Action 10 (led by David Shannon)

Continue to develop ‘best-practice’ guidance to support the industry

·  Set up working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (by August 2016)

·  Identify what ‘best-practice’ guidance required, based on consultation (by end September)

·  Establish working groups to consult, review, compile 2-3 ‘best-practice’ items (Task and Finish Groups) (by end December)

·  Produce 2-3 ‘best-practice’ documents and publicise/distribute (by March 2017)

Action 10 (led by David Dansky)

Develop materials and courses for the Bikeability suite including and Internal Quality Assurer qualification and CPD guidance and outcomes for Bikeability+ modules

·  Set up working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (Underway 2016)

·  Produce draft guidance and consult on this (by July 2016)

·  Final report, for review / discussion with DfT (by September 2016)

Action 11 (led by Phillip Darnton & Julie Fox)

Develop a national campaign to raise awareness of cycle training / Bikeability

·  Set up advocacy working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (by October 2016)

·  Develop campaign ideas, explore financial requirements, identify who to engage with, including key /active MPs (eg. new Tory MP for Bath, Ben Howlett, is a member of the APPCG, and interested in child cycle training), invite Andrew Jones to training session etc. (by December 2016)

·  Action key tasks / publicise results (by March 2017)

Action 12 (led by Isobel Stoddart)

Establish systems to communicate / gain feedback on items in Action Plan above, as appropriate, to ensure maximum engagement, and to gain credibility that TABS is an effective ‘voice’ for the industry.

·  Set up working group to review, develop this workstream/answer questions below. (by August 2016)

·  Decide how to get maximum engagement/valuable feedback eg (by September 2016)

o  Stakeholder ‘consultation group’ comprising of cross-section of members with useful experience

o  Establish quick yes/no poll system for members to respond to questions posed

·  Start to deliver plans (by January 2017)

·  Start to publicise responses / demonstrate effectiveness/representativeness of TABS views (by March 2017)

Action 13 (led by Nick Chamberlin)

Review membership with a view to considering opening it up to individual instructors, especially in order to boost the relevant attendance at the national and regional conferences. So many instructors are expected to be freelance now that there is little specific attachment to one scheme anymore.