Guided Reading Activity 6-1

DIRECTIONS: Recalling the Facts Use the information in your textbook to

answer the questions. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

1. Who were the Patriots? ______

2. Give two advantages the British had over the Patriots. ______

3. Give two serious disadvantages suffered by the Patriots. ______

4. Who were the Loyalists? ______

5. How did the location of the war help the Americans? ______

6. What was the main difference between Hessian soldiers and Patriots? ______


7. What did Margaret Corbin and Deborah Sampson have in common? ______


8. Who said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”?


9. Who wrote the inspiring pamphlet Common Sense? ______

10. Why did George Washington read words from The American Crisis to his troops?


11. Why were enslaved African Americans not allowed to enlist in the war?


12. When did Washington cross the Delaware to surprise the enemy at Trenton?


13. Where did British troops hope to separate New England from the Middle States?


14. Who surrendered to the Patriots on October 17, 1777?


Guided Reading Activity 6-2

DIRECTIONS: Filling in the Blanks Use your textbook to fill in the blanks

using the words in the box. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

Continental Congress gold and silver alliance France

Casimir Pulaski Loyalists Spain inflation

Bernardo de Gálvez women Martha

Marquis de Lafayette Valley Forge slavery

Gaining Allies

The victory at Saratoga lifted the Patriots’ spirits and encouraged (1)_____ to

form an (2)_____ with America in 1778. Then (3)_____ declared war on Great

Britain in 1779, and (4)______, the Spanish governor of Louisiana, raised an army that forced British soldiers from Baton Rouge and Natchez. While awaiting the arrival of French troops, George Washington and his troops set up camp at (5)______, where they suffered a cold winter with little clothing, shelter, or decent food. Volunteers, including Washington’s wife (6) ______, helped by making clothes and caring for the sick. Several Europeans, such as French nobleman (7) and Polish cavalry officer (8)_____, worked for the Patriot cause. The (9)_____ had no power to levy taxes. Therefore, Congress printed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of paper money that soon lost its value because there was not enough (10)_____ to back it. This caused (11)______.

Life on the Home Front

The war caused many (12) to flee their homes in America. The ideals of

liberty and freedom caused some (13)

Guided Reading Activity 6-3

DIRECTIONS: Recalling the Facts Use the information in your textbook to

answer the questions. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

1. Explain why more Native Americans sided with the British than with

the Patriots.



2. Who set out to end the British attacks on western settlers? ______


3. Where was the victory that strengthened the American position in

the West? ______

4. What did the British do to prevent supplies and reinforcements from reaching

the Continental Army? ______

5. What were privateers? ______

6. Describe how privateers helped the American cause. ______

7. Who was the daring commander of the privateer Bonhomme Richard?


8. What response did this commander give to the British captain of the Serapis

when asked whether he wished to surrender during a long, fierce battle at sea?


9. What strategy did the British use in an attempt to finish the war and bring the

colonies back into the empire? ______

10. Where and when did the worst American defeat of the war take place?


11. Who was in command of the British forces in the South? ______

12. Why was the hit-and-run technique of guerrilla warfare successful

against the British?


13. Who was known as the Swamp Fox? ______

14. When did Charles Cornwallis retreat north to Virginia? ______

15. Where did Cornwallis set up camp? ______

Guided Reading Activity 6-4

I. Victory at Yorktown

A. Introduction—In 1780 George Washington camped north of New York City,

Waiting to attack whose army?______

B. Change in Plans

1. Who commanded the British army at Yorktown, Virginia? ______

2. Why did Washington decide to attack the British at Yorktown? ______

3. What three groups would meet for the attack? ______

C. The Siege of Yorktown—By the end of September, how many American and

French troops had trapped how many British and Hessian troops? ______

D. Cornwallis’s Defeat—When did Cornwallis surrender? ______

II. Independence

A. Introduction

1. What decision did the British make after the Patriot victory at Yorktown?


2. Who represented the United States in the Paris peace talks? ______

3. Where could the Americans fish after the treaty?

B. The Newburgh Conspiracy

1. Why were American soldiers angry with Congress after the

British surrendered?______

2. How did Washington end the threat of American soldiers refusing

to disband? ______

C. Washington’s Farewell

1. Who said farewell to his officers in Manhattan on December 4, 1783? ______

2. What did Washington do after he resigned from the army? ______

D. Why the Americans Won

1. What did the British have to transport thousands of miles? ______

2. What did the British have difficulty controlling? ______

3. What two countries contributed to the American victory? ______

E. The Influence of the American Revolution

1. Influenced by the American and French revolutions, who led the fight for

independence for Saint Dominque?

Guided Reading Activity 7-1

DIRECTIONS: Recalling the Facts Use the information in your textbook to

answer the questions. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

1. What were the goals of the writers of the state constitutions?


2. State constitutions made which branch of government the most powerful?


3. What plan for a national government did Congress adopt in November 1777?


4. What could Congress do and not do under this plan?


5. When did the Confederation formally become the government of the United States?


6. Who proposed the 1784 plan to divide the Western territory into

self-governing districts?


7. What did the Ordinance of 1785 establish?


8. What area did the Northwest Ordinance create?


9. Why did the value of the money printed during the Revolutionary

War plummet?


10. What did Robert Morris propose to help pay the national debt?


11. Why did the British trade policy upset American merchants?


12. What did Spain do to halt American expansion into its territory?

Guided Reading Activity 7-2

DIRECTIONS: Filling in the Blanks Use your textbook to fill in the blanks using

the words in the box. Use another sheet of paper if necessary.

Great Compromise Virginia Plan Shay’s Rebellion lands

George Washington population Quakers farmers

September 17, 1787 slave trade Philadelphia money

Alexander Hamilton

Economic Depression

There was a serious (1)______shortage in America after the war. American

(2)______suffered because they could not sell their goods. When farmers could not pay their state taxes, state officials seized their (3)_____ and put some debtors into jail. In January 1787, more than 1,000 farmers marched to the federal arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts, an event known as (4)_____. The (5)______in Pennsylvania organized the first antislavery society in 1774.

A Call for Change

Some state leaders were satisfied with a system of independent state governments. Others wanted a strong national government. James Madison and (6)______, a New York lawyer, were active in the movement to reform the Articles of Confederation.

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention began in May 1787 in (7)_____. The delegates

unanimously chose (8)_____ as presiding officer. Edmund Randolph introduced

the (9)______, which called for a two-house legislature, a chief executive chosen by the legislature, and a court system. Delegates from small states objected to the plan because representatives were chosen according to the (10) of the state.

Compromise Wins Out

In order to resolve the convention’s disagreements, Roger Sherman proposed an

agreement known as the (11)____. Congress would not interfere with the (12)_____until 1808. Delegates assembled to sign the Constitution on (13)_____.

Guided Reading 7.3

I. Roots of the Constitution

A. British System of Government

1. What British document provided an important model for

the Americans? ______

2. What idea did the Enlightenment promote? ______

II. The Federal System

A. Shared Powers—What is federalism? ______

B. The Constitution Becomes Supreme Law of the Land—Under the new system,

what became the final and supreme authority in disputes between the federal

government and state governments?______

III.The Organization of Government

A. The Legislative Branch—What are the powers of Congress?______

B. The Executive Branch—Who or what indirectly elects the president and

vice president? ______

C. The Judicial Branch—Which courts are included in the judicial branch?


D. System of Checks and Balances—What does the separation of powers prevent?


E. National Citizens—What did the new government pledge? ______

IV. The Constitutional Debate

A. Federalists—What are the names of two highly respected men who were

Federalists? ______

B. Antifederalists—Why did the Antifederalists fear an energetic central

government? ______

C. Protecting Rights—What was the strongest criticism against the

new Constitution? ______

V. Adopting the Constitution

1. What two states were important to the future of the

new government? ______

2. When would a bill of rights be added?