Arturo Blanco and Mary Boyer, Co-Chairs

EPA (OAQPS) FTE (1) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff /
  • Adopt procedures or methods to identify courses that need updating;
  • Prioritize courses for updates;
  • Adopt methods for approving course updates
  • Adopt universal course evaluation form;
  • Adopt method to evaluate instructors;
  • Provide links to MJO/EPA/CARB training sites on each other’s website;
  • Adopt schedule to explore alternative instructional methods;
  • Adopt schedule to merge EPA training events information (OECA and OAQPS);
  • a single point of contact to whom MJOs and CARB and submit the annual training plan;
  • Decide on leadership process from October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010;
  • Merge individual CARB and MJO “core training courses” needed for new hires; mid-level employees; and senior-level employees
  • As funding becomes available, update identified courses in order of priority
  • Implement universal evaluation form;
  • Migrate all air quality training information to one website;
  • Provide instructor evaluations to MJOs, EPA, CARB;
  • Implement alternative instructional methods where feasible;
  • Merge EPA training events information;
  • A national office/national air quality training director that has primary responsibilitiesto house all AQ training materials and master training schedule; work with NACAA, MJOs and CARB to maintain quality training for AQ staff throughout the U.S.; provide reports on course evaluations and feedback from instructors on needed updates; track APTI updated courses;
  • - A national training program that enables local, state and federal air quality professionals to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively contribute to attaining and maintaining healthy air quality, to quickly learn new job responsibilities and to maintain, enhance and update skills in their existing areas of responsibilities;

Explore taped training options; / Electronic Report disseminated to NACAA, MJOs and CARB / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
Explore distance learning networks; / Electronic Report disseminated to NACAA, MJOs, and CARB / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
Explore ways to collaborate between state and tribal air quality training / Electronic Report disseminated to NACAA, MJOs, and CARB / Federal, state, tribal, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
Plan for transfer of information, course materials to EPA from Rutgers and other college contractors / Electronic Report disseminated to NACAA, MJOs, and CARB / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
Designate a national data base that houses course materials / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
Designate a national data base that houses course evaluations / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
Communicate with EPA Regional Grant Officers, CARB and MJOs the date and content of Annual Training Plans / Email to EPA Grant Officers, CARB and MJOs confirming date of submission and content to be included in the Annual Training Plan / EPA Grant Officers, CARB, and MJOs
Compile and communicate all air quality training plans from CARB and MJOs / Electronic compilation sent to EPA Grant Officers, CARB, and MJOs
Communicate to CARB and MJOs the availability of EPA web and satellite courses when they are posted to the EPA website / Email to CARB and MJOs of the availability of EPA web and satellite courses when they are posted to the EPA website / CARB and MJOs
EPA (OECA) FTE (?) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / Federal, state, and local environmental regulatory staff
Provides compliance and enforcement training opportunities for federal, state, and local agencies / Courses offered / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
EPA (OAQPS) and EPA (OECA) / Provide for a consolidated EPA training calendar / Website provided for consolidated EPA training calendar / Federal, state, and local environmental air quality regulatory staff
NACAA / Provides forum for air quality training coordination between states/locals and EPA through conference calls and meetings / Conference calls and summary notes, meetings and summary notes / EPA, States and Locals
Considered different options for achieving the training vision whether it is a MJO or a training manager. Recommendation was a multiple organizational approach. / WESTAR to provide electronic report to NACAA, other MJOs, and CARB / EPA, states, locals
Advocate for training funds
CARB FTE ( ) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, and state air quality officials on an on-going basis. / California state and local air quality regulatory staff; EPA and MJOs;
Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local and state air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost-efficient training methods.
Utilize course material that is up to date, complete and easy to use.
Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new and emerging technologies where appropriate.
WESTAR FTE (1.25) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / State and local air quality staff
Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local, state and federal air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost-efficient training methods. / State and local air quality staff
Utilize course material that is up to date, complete and easy to use.
Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new and emerging technologies where appropriate. / State and local air quality staff
Serve as Training Coordinating Agency through 9/3/09 / Report outlining pros, cons, lessons learned. / EPA, MJOs, state, and local air quality staff.
Participate in national air quality training strategy / NACAA JTC meeting and calls;
CenSARA FTE (1.25) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / Add to information from a previous survey from annual Training Coordinators meeting to plan courses and course schedule / State and local air quality staff
Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local, state and federal air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost-efficient training methods. / A schedule of courses posted to CenSARA website; signed contracts with training providers; summary of course evaluations; / EPA, state and local air quality staff
Utilize course material that is up to date, complete and easy to use.
Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new and emerging technologies where appropriate. / copies of course materials developed by contract trainer or other training providers; copies of instructor evaluations; / State and local air quality staff
Participate in national air quality training strategy; / NACAA JTC meeting and calls;
And $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / State and local air quality staff
Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local, state and federal air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost-efficient training methods. / State and local air quality staff
Utilize course material that is up to date, complete and easy to use.
Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new and emerging technologies where appropriate. / State and local air quality staff
Participate in national air quality training strategy; / NACAA JTC meeting and calls;
METRO 4-SESARM FTE (?) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / State and local air quality staff
Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local, state and federal air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost-efficient training methods. / State and local air quality staff
Utilize course material that is up to date, complete and easy to use.
Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new and emerging technologies where appropriate. / State and local air quality staff
Participate in national air quality training strategy; / NACAA JTC meeting and calls;
MARAMA FTE (1.25) and $ / Understand the training needs of local, state and federal air quality officials on an on-going basis. / State and local air quality staff
Provide training opportunities that meet the needs of local, state and federal air quality professionals utilizing effective and cost-efficient training methods. / State and local air quality staff
Utilize course material that is up to date, complete and easy to use.
Ensure that training is effective by using instructors who are recognized subject matter experts, communicate clearly and are effective teachers. Enhance the delivery of training through the use of existing, new and emerging technologies where appropriate. / State and local air quality staff
Participate in national air quality training strategy; / NACAA JTC meeting and calls;