NAME: …………………………………………………………….……. DATE: ……………………

CLASS: …………………………………………………………….……. MARK: ______


(Time: 40 minutes)


A Write the correct word/phrase under each picture.

•gold medal •knee pads •bats •racquet

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1 ……………..……… / 2 ……………..……… / 3 ……………..……… / 4 ……………..………

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Β Use the words/phrases from Ex. A to complete the sentences.

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5 I didn’t play tennis yesterday because my brother was using my ......

6 Get the ball and the ...... and let’s go play baseball!

7 People who do motocross wear ...... and a helmet to protect themselves.

8 My brother finished the race first and won
a ......

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TEST 1 (Module 1)

C Underline the correct item.

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TEST 1 (Module 1)

9 Joanne didn’t enter the singing contest because she had a sore head/throat and couldn’t sing well.

10 Stephen isn’t playing tennis with us tomorrow. He has sprained/twisted his wrist.

11 You need a strong rope and a good helmet for rock climbing/table tennis.

12 There’s no better syrup/drink than a hot cup of tea if you have a cough.

13 What’s the name of the athlete who broke the world chart/record in archery at the 2004 Olympics?

14 I’ve pulled/broken a muscle in my leg and it really hurts!

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TEST 7 (Module 7) STUDENT A

D Fill in the correct word. There are three words you do not need to use.

•done •game •gone •art •sessions •dangerous •played •boring •bruised

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15 James ...... rugby for his school team when he was younger.

16 Stewart has five training ...... every week because the swimming competition is only a month away.

17 Speed skating is a ...... sport and you can easily get hurt.

18 Have you ever ...... judo?

19 Karate is an ancient martial ......

20 Alex has ...... snorkelling with his friends.

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TEST 7 (Module 7)


E Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

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21 Travis (win)

three medals for swimming so far.

22 (you/ever meet)

a famous person?

23 Jenny

(not/know) Christina for very long.

24 (Pete/take)

any medicine for his cough?

25 I (not/see)

George this week.

26 Paul and Harry

(join) the local sports club.

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TEST 7 (Module 7)

F Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.

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27 Jim (have) an

accident last month.

28 The athlete (not/recover)

from his injuries yet.

29 (you/ever hear of)

a frog jumping contest?

30 Mark (not/play)

cricket at the weekend.

31 (Matthew/come)

to school on Monday?

32 Susan and I (not/see)

each other since we finished high school.

33 Lisa (hurt)

her knee during the race.

34 Mary (just/leave)

for work.

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TEST 7 (Module 7)

G Fill in for, since, already or yet.

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TEST 7 (Module 7)

35 We’ve ...... had our lunch.

36 Jake hasn’t decided what to do ......

37 Liam hasn’t played tennis ...... he twisted his ankle.

38 Sarah has been out of town ...... a few days now.

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TEST 7 (Module 7) STUDENT A

Everyday English

H Use the sentences (a – d) to complete the dialogue.

a You should see a doctor.

b What’s wrong?

c I suppose you’re right.

d Have you taken any vitamin C?


I Read the text and match the headings (A – D) to the paragraphs (43 – 46).

A Equipment B Injuries C Who plays D How to play


J Your English penfriend, Oliver, wants to take up a sport but he doesn’t know if he wants to do swimming or play baseball. Write an email (about 50-70 words) to help him decide which sport to choose. Read the article in Ex. I again and use the ideas below to help you.


K Listen to four different people talking about sports and choose the correct

answer (A, B or C) for each person.

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TEST 3 (Module 3)

47 What sport does Tony want to try?

A basketball B speed skating

C cricket

48 What made Lisa stop gymnastics for a little while?

A she had a lot of schoolwork

B she broke her leg

C she pulled a muscle

49 What did Sarah lose when she went rock climbing?

A her knee pad B her helmet

C her glove

50 Which sport will Bobby try next?

A judo B tennis

C kayaking

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TEST 3 (Module 3)

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