St Mark Catholic SchoolSAC Meeting

January 23, 1014

7:30 AM

Board Members Present

/ Paula Allgood, Claudine Humphries, John Garvey, Bill Wray, Janiece Evans Page, Andy Crider. Ex Officio: Father Clifford Smith, Suzanne Bacot, Kathi Ehring




Opening Prayer
-Father Cliff has approved the $800 increase (in 2014-2015 tuition);
at his former parish, the increase was $1,200 from one year to the next. / Father Cliff
Old business and approval of last meeting’s minutes / Andy Crider
Principal’s Report
-Distributed calendar of events for Catholic Schools Week.
-Annete would love to have us (SAC Members) attend the tour (on Tuesday, January 28th) for prospective families/students; Student Council students will host the tours.
-The school has just completed the high school application process. Number of applications for the high schools are as follows:
  • Bishop Lynch: 22
  • Jesuit: 20
  • John Paul II: 48
  • Ursuline Academy: 12
  • Other: 5
  • Public High Schools: 12
-Enrollment (after holiday break) is showing a net increase of 2:
  • 7 transferred out (due to relocations, financial reasons)
  • 9 students entered school
-Action item: We need to prepare/complete the tuition letter for families – informing them of the tuition schedule (and increase) for 2014-2015 school year.
Assistant Principal’s Report
-PSIA: New software is not working properly; may have to create schedules, and other documents, for competition manually.
-GREAT group of volunteers on board for PSIA Competition.
-Science Textbooks: New Science textbook samples have arrived; new books also include interactive technology components. (Copyright date for current science books is 1999.) / Suzanne Bacot
Kathi Ehring
Committee Reports
  1. Finance: On sabbatical.  No report
  2. Technology
-Has continued discussions with John Paul II; we approached them to seek their consideration to manage our campus technology infrastructure as a managed service. (Whomever is hired could also support multiple Diocesan schools.)
-We received a quote of $45K for cabling; we still need a quote for installing the wireless infrastructure/gear which will be close to $55K.
-Recommendation is that we wait to install wireless gear until ready for use. We need to decide when where we want start, e.g. middle school.
-Father Cliff said that the infrastructure is not going to get less expensive by holding it off.
-The technology needs (i.e. cabling) could be funded out of our surplus.
  1. Plant & Facilities
-Provided committee’s input for Strategic Plan.
-Suggested that we use money from surplus or get a grant for $500M for entire roof placement.
-We have money for everything other than the roof and AC unit.
-We need to circle back with Will (and Parish Council).
-We had to commit to Diocesan Office that we would get double security doors – as a response to the Risk Management report.
-Risk Management wanted double security doors installed last summer, as well as an alarm system update.
-Contact is Jim McKee at Sinacola.
  1. Marketing
-Presented Marketing Communications/Community Relations part- time position description. This person would report to the school administration. (Separate job description was presented to SAC; soft copy sent to Suzanne and Kathi.)
-First goal of marketing person is to increase enrollment and retention
-Marketing person will also increase visitations to the school and will focus on increasing parents’ satisfaction.
-Jackie Fleming is John Paul II’s marketing communications professional. Prince of Peace has a similar paid position in place who works with Development lead and Registrar.
-Paula shared marketing collateral from her previous Catholic school as a reference.
-The search for an intern to help with marketing is not going well. We could consider UTD, UNT or SMU candidates. / John Garvey
Andy Crider