Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 7th October 2013 at 1.30pm

South Ockendon Centre, Derry Avenue, South Ockendon, RM15 5DX

The meeting started at 1.30pm

1.  Present and apologies


Arthur Barley (Chair) Belhus Park Scout Group

Glynis Pettit Age Concern Thurrock

Sonia Dewell South Ockendon in Bloom

Jean Hagger South Ockendon in Bloom

Daniel Agbonson Thurrock Council – Youth Service

Cllr Wendy Curtis Thurrock Council

Linda Saunders Resident

Eve Dymond Young At Heart/ TOFF

Mary Kimberley Holy Cross RC Church

Kirsten Regan Surestart ‘Where Kids Come First’

Linda Buckingham The Ockendon Academy

Tom Alford Resident

Sarah Chartres Rural Arisings

Marie Stacey Rural Arisings

Richard Armfield Rural Arisings


Cllr Charles Curtis Thurrock Council

Valerie Clapham Destiny Chapel

2.  Minutes of the last meeting of September 2nd 2013 were accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.  Matters arising:

·  It was asked if any reply had been received regarding the proposed letter regarding the Arena Essex planning application - Not yet.

4.  Discussion on Proposed Wind Turbines in Little Belhus Country Park

Marie Stacey from Hallmark Powers – (Town Planner working for Rural Arisings) introduced the subject explaining that as part of the development of the Little Belhus Country Park there was a proposal to site two wind turbines to provide a source of energy for the local Ockendon Academy with the surplus being sold to the National Grid to provide an income for the future upkeep of the park.

Concerns of those present were addressed:

·  Would the turbines increase the noise levels?

MS said that any noise from the turbines conforms with the standards/guidance and that this all would be considered by the planning and environmental department when the planning application was submitted.

The noise of the adjacent M25 Motorway has been monitored from different points and it has been found that the expected noise of the turbine would be well below the present noise levels from the motorway. This would result in the sound of the turbines not being heard.

There was some discussion on the different types of noise and their effects.

Signed as a correct record: ______Date: ______

·  Would the turbines have any effect on the wildlife in the park?

MS explained that Thurrock Council and Ecologists would be assessing the impact of the turbines on wildlife as part of the process of considering the application prior to deciding whether to not to give approval.

The plans conform to the habitat regulations. Also a bat survey had been conducted and there would be no significant impact on the wildlife. It may be necessary for the turbines to be turned off at times when certain bats were about so that they would not be affected but this would be part of the proposed plans. In any case the turbines would be turned off at night.

After some extended discussion AB thanked MS and the representatives of Rural Arisings for coming and they left the meeting.

5.  Correspondence

·  A letter has been received by SOCF from the young people of the local Youth club asking for more volunteers, as sometimes they are unable to use it because it has been locked for lack of staff. It was suggested that the Youth worker approach Roxanne Scanlon of Thurrock Council email

Tele. 01375 652312.

·  An email was received from Andy Lever, Media Officer at Thurrock Council to say that the government would soon be announcing the decision on the second Lower Thames Crossing.

6.  Organisational updates

Thomas Alford – Resident – Nothing

Ockendon in Bloom (Jean Hagger) – Nothing

Friends of Dilkes Park (Sonia Dewell) – Nothing

The Ockendon Academy (Linda Buckingham)

·  New build for Studio School and 6th Form now completed and being used.

·  6th Form stated in September with 29 students. Already up to 34 with the students from out of area.

·  Year 6 Open Evening well attended

·  The school is still over subscribed

·  Year 7s have settled in.

·  Year 11s working on work experience.. Experience provider H.C.S. ceased trading on 31st August but the Learning Skills have agreed to take over with heads of senior schools paying to cover costs.

·  Wednesday 9th October sixth Form Open Day at the Studio School.

Surestart (Where Kids Come First) (Kirsten Regan)

·  The new children have settled in well.

·  The recent warm weather had allowed the children to continue to do outdoor activities.

Holy Cross RC Church (Mary Kimberley)

·  Everything ticking over well.

Young at Heart Walking Group (Eve Dymond)

·  Many different walks. All going well.

Thurrock Play Network (Maggie Pollock)

·  TPN are helping SOCF by providing aa letter box for their North Pole project (letters to Santa).

Belhus Park Scout Group (Arthur Barley)

·  The Cub section attended the District Activity at Thriftwood Activity Centre, Bentwood.

·  The Scouts have attended a fishing competition at Thriftwood Activity Centre.

·  The numbers in all sections are increasing and we are gaining a number of adult volunteers as helpers.

·  A Jumble Sale has been arranged for 30th November at 11am-2pm in the Scout building, Faymore Gardens. Admittance free.

Age Concern Thurrock (Glynis Pettit)

·  The Annual General Meeting is on October 8th 4.30pm-6pm in the Beehive Centre.

·  Nominations are invited for Age Concern Thurrock’s Christmas Wishes. This is a scheme to send nominated older people flowers at Christmas. There are two categories either an older person who has had a particularly difficult year and is in need of some Christmas cheer, or an older person who had worked hard during the past year on behalf of other older people. Nominations are needed by 30th November email to .

·  Age Concern have been going around giving talks to clubs and groups and had a stall at the recent Older People’s Conference organised by TOFF.

7.  SOCF updates

·  Christmas events – SOCF is holding regular Christmas events meetings. We plan to hold a Winter Fayre on Saturday November 30th in the South Ockendon Centre. £5 pitch fee per table for clubs/groups. All proceeds raised will go to the club or group concerned.

·  The Derry Avenue consultation took place and comments from residents were taken back.

·  The consultation on the Lower Thames crossing has now finished and the results of the government deliberations are expected soon.

·  There will be a meeting with SOC to discuss the new company which is to be formed to run the Centre.

·  MP gave a talk to the forum in Chadwell who are hoping to host the next community hub. She has also given a similar talk to Tilbury forum concerning a hub in their area.

·  SOCF are continuing to work developing the community role within SOC. They have been feeding back comments from the community to the SOC board.

·  The South Ockendon Centre is planning to change the signs outside to building to make it more noticeable.

·  The SOCF AGM will be held on Monday November 4th at 1.30pm. All welcome.

8.  Any Other Business

·  JH remarked that it is good to see the new fence around the Belhus Chapel and she hopes that the seat on the corner will be replaced as so many older people find it useful.

9.  Date of next meeting –

SOCF AGM on Monday 4th November at SOC

The next General Forum meeting will be on Monday December 2nd at the SOC

South Ockendon Community Forum

General Forum Meeting – 7th October 2013

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