
1SOV revised analysis

we saw how SOV is problematic because it is harmonically bound by OSV

similarly with VOS which is harmonically bound by VSO

the problem is that we cannot reduce the effect of sAp or sAp by ranking them low when both arguments have to be on the same side of the predicate

SOV and OSV do equally well on the argAh and so sAp will always settle the matter, regardless of where it is ranked

2But what appears to be going on here is not that the subject needs to precede its predicate, but that it needs to be first amongst all relevant elements

3First and last phenomena are quite common

a wh-element doesn’t weakly want to precede a predicate, but strongly wants to precede every element in its scope

nothing can come in front of a wh-element

(contrastive) topics are another element that strongly want to be first

only other topics can precede a topic

on Wednesday, Mary, John will have to sack
this contrasts what will happen on a number of days and to a number of people that John will have to sack

final position tends to be reserved for focus promotion

what surprised me was that a man with a suitcase arrived

what surprised me was that a man arrived with a suitcase

4Gaspar –First/Lastconstraints

Gaspar suggested that we can capture something coming first or last out of a number of elements by introducing the notion ‘Domain’

a domain is a set of input elements which act as the host for an alignment constraint

x precedes every element in domain y

a domain can be defined in terms of the shared properties of input elements

e.g. all input elements related to the same predicate (=predicate domain)
e.g. all input elements related to the same interrogative predicate (=interrogative domain)

whFirstDint> wh-element is first in the interrogative domain

5SOV analysis


















=> SOV





































6Are domains phrases?

the syntax does not define domains as a syntactic unit

there is nothing to say that the elements of a domain have to be together

only that certain things must be in front or behind them

the syntax does not manipulate domains

there are no positions defined where a domain has to go

not all domains are easily defined in terms of a phrase

the set of all topics, the set of all arguments

not all things that are phrases are easily defined as domains

VP, IP as opposed to CP

7Finish data

predicate domain

contrast precedes predicate domain

subject precedes predicate

prominent things last in predicate domain

hence SVAO

focus first or last

adjacent to a domain = at its edges

subject focus is first

object focus is last

adverbial focus is last

if there is a contrastive element, subject is last

German word order

argument domain

arg1 arg2 arg3Root
weil Peter demStudenten das Buch gab
because Peter the students the book gave
arg1PDarg > arg2PDarg > arg3PDarg

inflection domain

Root pass perf tense
weil der Brief geschriebenworden istbecause the letter write-[pass] become-[perf] be-[tense]“because the letter has been written”


root acts as pivot – arg domain precedes inflection domain, not because there is a specific constraint, but by interaction with root

arg1 arg2 agr3 root pass perftns

8Domains and Cyclicity

once the notion of a domain is introduced, we might question the validity of evaluation cycles


this will put the wh-element at the beginning of the interrogative domain, which may be bigger than the predicate domain

hence a wh-subject can be dragged away from its own predicate

treatment of German word order shows how it might be possible to derive the notion of subject rather than define this as basic

in this case we don’t need constraints like sPp

this analysis positions the predicate (root) with respect to the arguments, not the arguments with respect to the predicate.