MINUTES of ASHBY MAGNA Parish Council Meeting,
Ashby Magna Church, 8pm Mon 13th Sep 2010.
PRESENT:Cllrs M Fox (chairman), K Gamble, S North, R Smith, M Thompson, (after Dunton Bassett meeting, 8.25 Cllrs W Liquorish & P Fuchs)
Parishioners: A Kenney, R Withers.
1031. MINUTES:of meeting Mon 12th July, no corrections, signed by chairman.
Balances at NatWest£3384.69+reserves£833.22(includes VAT reclaim£1391.88)
INVOICESreceived prior to meeting, agreed and signed
684LCC AMOS£182.07Inc VAT
685Clement Keys audit £141Inc VAT
INVOICESsubmitted to the meeting
686Church for 2 meetings£20 no VAT
RIGHT OF WAY DOCUMENT. Cllrs Gamble & Thompson have collected from Lutterworth:
2 Declarationsdated 1st August 1974 that land between 22 and 20 Peveril Road was Parish owned.
Conveyance 15th January 1975 of land adjacent to 20 Peveril Road, leaving a 10ft strip ofCouncil'sretained property.
Clerk to verify if this is land is registered and if not to arrange Registration at Leicester Office.
COUNCILLORS REVIEW, response email from HDC Sheena Mortimer received, suggesting - "full review near futurewill not be time before May 2011 elections" therefore will not do CGR.
Clerk to request timeframe for the review from Beth Murgatroyd at HDC.
AMOS, EUCALYPTUS TREE; Cllr Thompson has a contact who can remove the tree in winter at no cost.
To be arranged.
ROAD CLOSUREDunton Bassett to Peatling Magna, various edge patchings completed,junction Old Forge Rd to Peatling Road already showingtyre marks from speeding vehicles.
1033. MATTERS RAISED:by parishioners/public
AMOS wooden shelter, were "windows" to be replaced.
No –in case of further damage.
AMOS.Approx 100 old slabs still remain.
Mr Withers said the Great Central Railway could use them.
-agreed that they can subject to their own trailer etc and waiting until winter to find their locations in the overgrown parts.
PASSED garage at Willow Farm (barn conversion) Peatling Rd;
Revisions for Baigent, Old Forge Rd;
PENDING Elvidge, new dwelling, Flat House Farm;
Broadview Low Spinney Windfarm Conds 10 11 13 16 26 27
Clerk to respond with observations.
NEW Johnson/Hill/Denton New dwelling, Old Hall Lane;
Broadview Low Spinney Windfarm 2 more sets of Conditions
Smith Oak Farm, res home office
Cllrs to circulate plans when received and provide observations for clerk to respond.
ENFORCEMENTS Caravan Clay Field Stables, no action yet from Cllr Fuchs as to why no action from HDC.
Circularsin batches as received.
Completed Audit documents,
As no person has requested sight of, these have now been returned to clerk.
Suggested Conservation Area,
Clerk to pursue.
Low Spinney Community Fund
Broadview offer of £16K pa between 3 parishes. A meeting was notified to 3 parishes Mon 6 Sep no response from Dunton Bassett or Gilmorton (possibly emails were out of date or malfunctioning)
Further meeting set for 6pm Wed 29th at North Kilworth where Broadview are to outline progress and discuss Communityfunding.
Cllrs Fox & Gamble, Liquorish & Fuchs and DBPCand GPC attendees to be forwarded via clerk.
Gilmorton Rd
Nettles etc across footway,clerk to re-report to LCCCroft who had cleared it once.
Thrones Lane
Y84 footpath has been blocked by housing for at30- 40 years.Clerk to contact S Loach at HDC an P Lindley at LCC County Hall
BTCV have done a days work, invoice awaited.
A request from a parishioner to consider allotments on AMOS site.When request received in writing, Clerk to enquire from HDC how to initiate.
The Herald
Cllr Fox said new team required to re-launch."Copy" by 10th October please.
Village signs
Four boundary signs are old,StationRd is leaning, and Willoughby Rd is spray-damaged.Clerk to enquire if LCC can renew.
Holt Lane
Unauthorised gateway at corner with Station Road.Clerk to bring to attention of LCC Highways at Croft.
Meetingclosed 9.25pm.
Next meeting 8pm Mon 8th NOVEMBER 2010