There are approximately 1 million different species of insects. They have a body divided into head, thorax and abdomen, and typically have 6 legs and one or two pairs of wings.

A)Web site name: University of Florida: Singing insects of North America

Web site URL:

Read “How to recognize crickets, katydids and cicadas”

1).How do Ensiferans produce calling songs? ______


Click on “Crickets” then “List of Species”, click on several different species and then and fill out the information below:

2). Name of species #1: ______

Where is it found? ______

Describe its song: ______

3).Name of species #2: ______

Where is it found? ______

Describe its song: ______

Click on “Katydids” at the top of the screen, then “List of Species”. Click on some species then fill out the information below:

4). Name of species #3: ______

Where is it found? ______

Describe its song: ______

5). Name of species #4: ______

Where is it found? ______

Describe its song: ______

One group of insects that has had a big impact on human disease is mosquitoes, which transmit several fatal diseases including malaria.

B)Web site name: BBC News

Web site URL:

Read “Little progress in Malaria war”.

6).How many cases of malaria are there every year? ______

7).How long will it be before a vaccine is available? ______

8). What is one reason that the “RBM” has failed?


9).Which two drugs are the most effective treatment for malaria?


10).Why is this likely to reach only a fraction of patients who need it?


C)Web site name: NYU School of Medicine

Web URL:

11).In general, how long does it take for tumors to disappear completely in mice infected with Sindbis virus? ______

12).In which parts of the world is Sindbis virus found? ______

13).What symptoms does the virus cause in humans?


14).How many different cancer-killing viruses are in clinical trials? ______

15).Why did adding the IL-12 gene help? ______

D)Web site name: University of Florida Book of Insect Records

Web URL:

Click on “Chapter 10: Least Specific Sucker of Vertebrate Blood”

16).What insect can feed on any vertebrate? ______

17).What animals does G. palpalis fuscipes feed on?



18).Why does this species not rely on scent (olfaction) to find its host? ______

Click on the “Back” button, read a few of the other chapters and select two more chapters on insects that interest you.

19).Which two chapters did you pick?


20).Why did you find these interesting? ______

E)Web site name: Forensic Entomology:University of Florida

Web site URL:

Read “What is Forensic Entomology”

21).What is “forensic entomology”? ______


22).What may be responsible for car accidents that lack a definitive cause?


23).What are “flyspecks”?______

Click on “Insects”

24).Which insect has agradual or "paurometabolous" development? ______

25). What color are adult blowflies? ______

26).How can beetle larvae be differentiated from maggots?


F)Web site name: BBC News

Web site address:

27).Which human-like species is this article talking about?


28). Why was it previously a “puzzle” that this species had significant amounts of a type of carbon associated with eating protein?


29).What were these bone tools used for? ______

30). What type of carbon is laid down in the bones of meat eaters? ______

31).What two nutrients are termites rich in? ______

32).What modern primate “fishes” for termites? ______