
Energy/Chem Quiz #1 - Learning targets #8-14

Equations: Fg = (10 N/kg) (Mass)ag = 10 N/kgEg = (mass)(ag)(height)

Eel =Area under the FT vs. dEel = (½ )(FT)(d)Eel = (½ )(k)(d2)

Ek = (mass/2) (velocity2)Work = (Force)(distance)

LT8:Can represent the energy changes in a system with energy bar graphs.

1. Draw an energy bar chart and write the energy equation for the problem below.

The 1000 kg car starts above the ground level and ends with a velocity of 10 m/s. The system is the car, hill, and earth.

  • Assume there isfriction.
  • The cart starts with 4 units of energy.

Use the diagram below for the next three questions

LT12: Can determine the amount of kinetic energy (Ek) stored in a system

2. At position B, the car has a velocity of 10 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the car?Show your work for full credit, don’t forget units!

LT10: Can determine the amount of gravitational energy (Eg) stored in a system

3.If there were no friction in problem #1, and all the kinetic energy in position B was stored as gravitational energy in position A,determine the height of the cart at the top of the hill? Show your work for full credit, don’t forget units!

LT9: Can determine the amount of elastic energy (Eel) stored in a spring

  1. Use the graph of tension force vs. stretch of a spring below to determine the amount of energy stored in the spring when it is stretched 10 meters. Show your work!

Tension force vs. Spring

LT11: Can determine the amount of work done on or by a system

  1. A student is pushing a box down the hallway. 150 joules of energy is transferred to the box by the student doing work on it. The box is pushed 6 meters. Determine the force exerted on the box by the student while the work is being done.

LT 13: Can identify and describe a physical and chemical change in words and by drawing a particle diagram.

  1. Indicate if each of the following changes is a chemical or physical change and explain your reasoning
  2. Liquid gold is cooled to form a brick of gold.

Physicalor Chemical (circle one)


  1. A powdered drink mix is dissolved in a glass of water.

Physical or Chemical (circle one)


  1. The alka-seltzer tablet was mixed with water in the 6 part lab

Physical or Chemical (circle one)


d.Draw a particle model of the alka-seltzer and water before they are combined and after they are combined. Assume you start with 5 alka-seltzer particles and 20 water particles.

Alka-seltzer / Water / Combined alka-seltzer and water

LT14: Describe the mass and number of particles in substances with different densities.

  1. The beakers below contain 4 different liquids representedby the particles they each contain.
  • The size of the particle represents the size of its mass. Larger particles have more mass.
  • Containers 1,3, and 4 are the same size
  • Container 2 is twice as big as

Rank the liquids in order of most dense to least dense .

Most Dense __________________ ______Least Dense

Explain your reasoning for your ranking.