Paolo Paliaga, pianist, born in Varese

Education and Training:

Initially I was self-taught. I then studied in Milan with Nando De Luca, Sante Palumbo ed Ettore Righello. In 1985 I took part in the Siena Jazz seminars with Enrico Pieranunzi.

Finally I also spent a few years studying with the pianist Arrigo Cappelletti.

In addition I have a degree in Political Science from Milan and a Doctorate in Research in Sociology.


  • 2005 Performed in a number of Reviews and Concert festivals in Italy
  • 2005 Participated in the ‘EuroJazz Festival di Ivrea’ with the Alboran Trio
  • 2004 The foundation of the Alboran Trio with Dino Contenti and Gigi Biolcati
  • 2003 Composed and performed the music for Vsevolod I. Pudovkin’s film ‘La Madre’ (The Mother)
  • 2002 Participated again on Italian Radio 3 Rai ‘Invenzioni a due voci’ (Stories for two voices) hosted by Pino Saulo
  • 2002 Solo piano concert at the Villa Frua, Laveno Mombello
  • 2002 ‘Varese in Jazz’ Festival with the New Horizon Quartet & Luis Agudo
  • 2002 Participated on Italian Radio 3 ‘Invenzioni a due voci’ (Stories for two voices) hosted by Pino Saulo
  • 2001 ‘Varese in Jazz’ Festival with Barbara Casini
  • 1999 ‘Varese in Jazz’ Festival with Enrico Rava
  • 1998 Festival di Novara with my own quartet
  • 1997 The foundation of the latin-jazz group Horizon Quartet
  • 1997 Composed and performed the soundtrack to Brenon’s 1924 silent film ‘Peter Pan’ at the review of Garbagnate Milanese ‘Ombre Sonore’ (Sound Shadows)
  • 1997 Played piano solos to accompany the silent films for the ‘Film Studio 90’ in Varese
  • 1996 In the summer ‘Varese Festival’ in took part in a quartet playing at the EstensiGardens
  • From 1991 I collaborated in Paris with the Spanish guitarist Marco Quesada in the group ‘Faena’. With the same group I took part during 1991 in a tour at Barcelona. Then in 1992 again in Barcelona I played at the ‘Festival Jazz della citta vecchia’ (The Old Town Jazz Festival)
  • In 1991 played in a trio with the French counter bass Marc Buronfosse in a range of Reviews organised from the Splas(h) Club of Varese.
  • In 1990 I moved to Paris where I played in a Trio with French musicians. I played a number of different clubs and concerts, which included ‘Bilboquet’, ‘Baragoin’, ‘New York Café’. Also I played in the Review of ARTHEM at the Villeneuve-le-Roi Conservatory, Paris.
  • In 1989 with my first Trio I participated in the Review ‘Musica targata Varese’
  • 1987 founding of the group ‘Minima Moralia’: concert for two pianos with Arrigo Cappelletti
  • In 1981 met with Stefano Colnaghi which led to the founding of The Stefano Colnaghi Quartet. Participated in a diverse range of festivals including ‘Terra del Sole in Jazz’ (Forli), ‘Festival Jazz di Novara’, ‘Jazz Contest’ in Milan, the review ‘Jazz in Italia’ at the Capolinea, Milan.