Parish Council Barton St David

Clerk to the Council: Mrs Lucy Lapwood

Lark Rise, Broadclose Way, Barton St David,

Somerton, Somerset. TA11 6ES

Telephone 07532 122671 Email

Minutes of the meeting of Barton St David Parish Council meeting on Monday 26th September 2016 commencing at 7.45pm and held at Barton St David Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs Mr D Pye (Chairman),Mrs D Goodman, Mr. P Robinson, Mr D Britton.

In Attendance:Mrs. Lucy Lapwood (Clerk)

Also Present: Twelve Members of the public

Public Question Time

There is a First Aid course running in the Village Hall on 26/11/2016

There are a number of coats that have been left in the Village Hall if they are not claimed by the beginning of October they will go to charity.

Harvest Supper tickets are on sale.

Concerns were raised regarding the parking of cars outside Beech Tree House Retirement home in Keinton Mandeville. Cllr Pye to make the owners/manager of Beech Trees aware of these concerns.

Ofcom have stated that the aluminium wire replacement is too expensive. Cllr Pye to write to David Warburton.

The Village Hall and Playing Field Committee are considering providing Wi-Fi for the Village Hall. Cllr Pye to liaise with Paul Eitzen to recommend best Wi-Fi provider.

District Councillor Report: Cllr Mr. D Norrissent his apologies

County Councillor Report: Cllr Mr. D Ruddle sent his apologies.

Police Report: P.C. Russell sent the crime statistics for the Wincanton North area, however he could find no crimes relating to Barton St David.

Footpath Officer: Phil Bradshaw the footpath officer asked for any complaints to go directly to him. He also reported that a broken stile on the footpath from Hurtle Pool to Barton Brook has been replaced with a metal gate. Dog mess is an ongoing problem on footpaths.

53.16Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given.

Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given.LGA 1972 s85(1)

RESOLVED:- Apologies were received from Mrs H Cankett (accepted) and Mr S Cabble (accepted).

54.16Chairman’s Announcement


55.16Declarations of Interest.

Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 SI No.1159. (NB this does not preclude any later declarations).


56.16Exclusion of the Press and Public


57.16Minutes of Barton St David Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 22nd August 2016

To confirm and sign as correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 22nd August 2016

RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd August 2016 be signed as a true record.


To consider the following applications.


Change of use of part land from agricultural to residential curtilage and erection of garage/store.

The Barn, Silver Street, Barton St David.

RESOLVED: - Approval.


Erection of a new fodder store

Land at Jarmany Hill Barton St David

Additional information has been received the amendments are: re-siting of barn.

RESOLVED:- Approvalsubject to use for fodder only and that there will be no increase in the number of animals on site. It was noted that the revised site would be on top of the water supply for fields behind this site.


Single storey rear extension

Thatches, Church Street, Barton St David.

RESOLVED: - Approval

58.16Planning cont.

For notification

Town and Country planning act 1990 – section 78

Appeal in respect of application decision reference 15/04697/COL Land at Jarmany Hill

Planning inspectorate appeal reference APP/R3325/X/16/3155520

Appeal starting date – 17 August 2016.

An inspector has been appointed and will attend at a time and place to be advised at a later date.

RESOLVED: - Cllrs D. Pye and P. Robinson to attend the appeal if possible


Accounts for payment

To review and approve a schedule of items of expenditure – LGA 1972 s150 (5)

Lucy Lapwood September wages £252.13, Office allowance £10.00 Mileage £4.50 Stationery £7.71 Total £274.34

RESOLVED: To agree the accounts for payment.

External Audit Report.

To update the Council regarding recommendations made in the External Audit Report.

RESOLVED: - The Clerk reported that she had received the external audit report from Grant Thornton. They have recommended that in future the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1) and the Accounting Statements (Section 2) are given separate minute references to clearly demonstrate that the Annual Governance Statement was considered, approved and signed before the Accounting Statements.

Bank Reconciliation.

To agree bank reconciliation figures.

RESOLVED: - Figures agreed and bank statements signed.

60.16Highway Matters

To report any Highway matters

Update on flooding at Hurtle Pool.

RESOLVED: - To review at the December meeting of the Parish Council when we will know whether it has been successfully included in the District Councils minor works scheme.

Over grown hedge around the land adjoining Fairview Close.

The Clerk stated that she had reported this problem to Stonewater Housing to establish the ownership of the hedge, but after three emails she still had not had a reply.

RESOLVED: - To be added to the next agenda.

60.16Highway Matters Cont.

Responsibility for the triangle of land in front of Fairview Close between Mill Road and Main Street.

It is believed that this piece of land belongs to Stonewater Housing.

RESOLVED: - The Clerk to contact Stonewater Housing.

61.16Flooding at Mill Pond Cottage & Japanese Knotweed at Mill House

To report on these concerns which were raised at a previous meeting.

RESOLVED: -Nothing further to report, to be added to the next agenda.

62.16Jubilee Oak Tree sign

To discuss the siting of a new sign for the Jubilee Oak tree.

RESOLVED: - Cllr D Goodman showed the Council a sign with a ‘QR code’ which enables information regarding the Jubilee trees to be accessed via the internet using a mobile phone. This is to be sited next to our Jubilee Tree.

63.16 Parish Issues


Meeting closed 9.10pm

Next meeting – 24th October 2016 7.45pm at Barton St David Village Hall.