Central Missouri
Mule Run
Cross Country Meet
Meet Information
Date: Saturday, September 13th, 2014
Race: 9:00 AM High School Girls (Competitive) 2.5 Mi. (4K)
9:25 College/Open Women 2.5 Mi. (4K)
9:50 High School Boys (Competitive) 2.5 Mi. (4K)
10:15 College/Open Men 4.0 Mi. (6.4 K)
10:45 High School Girls (Developmental) 2.5 Mi. (4K)
11:10 High School Boys (Developmental) 2.5 Mi. (4K)
We will start each race on time. We will not wait for the last race to finish to start the next race.
Site: UCM’s Keth Memorial Golf Course, located in Pertle Springs Park, 1 mile south of UCM’s main campus.
Course: Surface is grass and crosses several gravel cart paths. Spikes may be worn. The course is rolling.
The course will be available for viewing on Saturday September 13th at 7:30 AM.
Entry Limits: College/Open- Unlimited
High School- Unlimited entries in both races
Entry Instructions:
1. Coaches enter all of your athletes as “Varsity” on your roster.
2. Add all of your athletes into the “Varsity” 4K (2.5 Mile).
3. On race day have your athletes report to the race a. Competitive or b. Developmental you wish to have them run. No need to declare – declaration takes place at the starting line.
4. Athletes will score accordingly within the races.
Entries: Entries must be submitted on-line by Thursday, September 11th at 6:00 pm at Online Entries
(Entry Site Opens September 1, 2014)
Entry Directions: (Questions 314-522-6176)
1. Create an Account or Log into an Existing Account
2. Add your roster or Update your Existing Roster
3. Select Meets and enter your athletes into the meet
Changes: Can be made until Friday, September 12th, 2014 at 9:00 am. Scratches/Changes
Entries: High School College
Entry Fee: $150.00 per team. A men’s and a women’s team count as two teams.
$20.00 per individual. Make Checks payable to UCM Athletics.
Mail to: Kirk Pedersen, MPB 206, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO. 64093
Facilities: There are no locker rooms available at the course and portable restrooms only. Athletes should come dressed to compete. Locker Rooms will be available at the Multi-purpose building.
Pick-up: Packets may be picked up after 7:30 AM on Saturday in the driving range, in the finish line tent.
Greens/Tees: Please help us keep this course for Cross Country. Keep all your athletes and spectators away from Tees and Greens on the course, and target greens in the driving range.
Meet Info: Additional meet information including course maps, entry lists and results will be available at:
www.UCMathletics/ and http://www.trxctiming.com
Chips: Chips not returned or damaged will cost $20.00 per occurrence. Please turn in your chips before you leave.
Results: Will be made available immediately after the conclusion of the meet at:
www.UCMathletics/ and http://www.trxctiming.com
Information: Kirk Pedersen Office (660) 543-8309
Questions: Rich Schilling Office (314) 522-6176