Sebago Withdrawal Committee
Minutes of Meeting
21 July 2016
Town of Sebago Offices
1. Call to order and Roll Call
The Meeting was called to order by Chair Tim Mayberry at 7:00 p.m. and roll call. All committee members were present. There were also several guests present.
Members of the Sebago Withdrawal Committee present:
Tim Mayberry, Chair
Joe McMahon
Lisa Johnson
Richard Merritt
Guests present:
Phil Lowe, Treasurer
Dr. Mark Eastman
Daniel Stockford
Claudia Lowe
Chris Balchunas
Donelle Allen
June Allen
2. Approval of minutes
Minutes from the 27 June meeting were reviewed.
Lisa made a motion, 2nd by Joe to approve the 27 June meeting minutes, approved.
3. Comments by the Public
Claudia comments on the statements made by Superintendent Smith about teacher contracts and wanted to know if they were accurate. Mark said that if Sebago withdraws and is their own school district then the teachers at SES may stay with Sebago if they wish, but that the teachers would lose none of their rights currently with their employment contract with SAD61.
4. Old Business
There was an extensive discussion about the meeting held with the SAD61 Withdrawal Committee at the LRHS on 27 June. There was general disappointment that no constructive response or counter offer was made by SAD61 to either Sebago’s withdrawal proposal or to Sebago’s alternate proposal. We had been led to believe that this meeting would be an opportunity to discuss points in the proposals and to identify areas where we could move ahead to resolution or accommodation. Instead the SAD61 committee accused Sebago of making unreasonable demands and no constructive movement or suggestions were made.
Joe felt that SAD61 has shown little inclination to negotiate and is intent on moving to mediation with Sebago on withdrawal.
Mark noted that Sebago currently pays more than $3 million annually as our share of the SAD61 operating budget, but the cost to the district to maintain and staff SES is $1.78 million. Sebago’s leaving SAD61 would result in a net loss of revenue annually to about $1.4 million which would have to be made up from the other three towns remaining in SAD61.
There was discussion on the value of SES to our community, and options involving school choice for our middle and senior grade students. One option might be for Sebago to pay vouchers for our students to go to SAD61, but other school districts would likely also welcome our students and school vouchers would have to be negotiated with them as well.
Claudia expressed the concern that the costs and the progress/non progress in negotiations needs to be presented to the Sebago taxpayers, and that a proposal to withdraw needs to be explained and “sold” to the voters, especially since there have been no “Friends” meetings for some time. Richard said that the option for Sebago parents to have school choice for their children is important and would be a strong selling point. He reiterated that if we lose our school then we also lose our community. Tim said that Sebago parents having school choice would be a very strong positive selling point. Lake region would take voucher students, and it would be a win-win situation for Sebago’s withdrawal.
Joe commented that Janice Barter’s public statements have supported the concept of community schools and that there is a SAD61 board policy. Comments were made that it is not a written board policy, only a statement of goals. Joe said that he has asked Cathy Gerrish for a copy of the community school policy and she has been unable to find one, going back 20 years of board actions.
Phil wanted to recap the meeting with SAD61’s withdrawal committee. He was very disappointed. If the 5-year review goal were agreed to for Sebago, and offered to the other towns in SAD61, what would be the objection by the board? Phil wanted to know (1) if we were to get a commitment to 5-years, would that be enough for Sebago? and (2) if our goal is to withdrawal, what are the next steps to be taken?
Mark commented on a conversation he had with Superintendent Smith that Sebago’s Kindergarten enrollment for next year is projected to be 17, and that 5 transfers from Baldwin have been approved for Sebago. This is a healthy development and supports the idea of one class for each grade year at SES. The comment was made that threats to close SES have been made in the past when there were greater numbers of students.
In response to Phil’s questions, Mark felt that the meeting with SAD61 withdrawal committee was very non productive. SAD61 has not provided any counter offer to our 7 Jun proposal, and no counter to our alternate proposal. Superintendent Smith said that he felt the need to take the proposals to the entire school board, and intended to do so at their 8 August meeting. Mark felt that his direction was to keep the process moving. He also reminded the group that the SAD61 response to our proposal include a significant concession, that if Sebago withdraws before Crooked River project is approved that Sebago would not be required to share in the indebtedness of the new project. There is a strong feeling among school board members that the reason the CRES has failed twice is because of Sebago’s opposition. Phil commented that the anti-Sebago statements are SAD61 propaganda and will become fact in people’s mind if not counted. There needs to be a response posted in the paper after each misleading article. Mark cautioned against turning this into a “he said – she said” verbal argument that would make any negotiations very difficult.
Joe mentioned that comments from the SAD61 building committee indicated that they would continue to resubmit the last CRES proposal until voters get tired of voting it down. There was no apparent interest in reducing the CRES project costs any more than in the last proposal.
Lisa wanted to know if the majority of school board members really want to see Sebago withdraw. Are they aware of the $ impact to the district’s operating budget if that happens?
Mark asked the committee again for direction – where does the committee wish to go? Move ahead with withdrawal or continue to try and negotiate a better deal with SAD61 for Sebago to stay in the district? He has developed cost figures for SAD61 with and without Sebago. If Sebago goes down the road to withdrawal the earliest that could take effect would be July 2018. The cost projections and numbers are based on current and historical figures, and projections out to July 2018 are only best guesses.
Phil said that if the withdrawal route is pursued we need to be prepared for a possible “no” vote. The webpage needs to post updates to keep people informed, and there needs to be an active “Friends” group.
Claudia mentioned Rob Dow’s letter in the Bridgton news recently that multiple grade classes work, disputing Janice’s comments that those are no longer current educational methods.
Claudia distributed cupcakes in honor of Phil’s birthday.
5. Executive Session
A motion was made by Richard and 2nd by Tim to go into Executive Session to meet with legal counsel pursuant to 1 MRS 405(6) (e). Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee and the committee went into Executive Session at 8:10 p.m.
The committee came out of Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. No action was taken in Executive Session.
6. Adjourn
A motion to adjourn was made by Tim, 2nd by Lisa. Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 1 September at 7:00 pm at the town offices.
Sebago Withdrawal Committee Meeting 07-21-16
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