1. Experiment

TitleThe Title should be descriptive and have no more than 250 characters.



Scientific Area (select from list)

KeywordsYou can use keywords in order to provide more information. Keywords should be separated by commas. One "keyword" can have up to 100 characters.

AbstractIn no more than 100 words of plain language, summarise aims, significance and expected outcomes. Maximum 100 words

Scientific Purpose, and the Importance of the Proposed Research

Describe the proposed experiment at a level that can be understood by scientists from a related field, addressing the following points:

· The significance and background of the project: why is it interesting and important?

· The aim of the experiment: what information do you expect to get, and how will it contribute to your project? This should be the major part of this section.

· Originality of the experiment

· The relationship the proposed experiment has to the ongoing work of your group, including the status of preliminary experiments

· Student participation, while not a requirement, needs to be tracked: does this work form part of a Masters/PhD thesis? What is the role of the students involved e.g. sample preparation, data collection or data analysis?

Maximum 600 words

Proposed Experiment

If in doubt on any aspect please discuss the proposed experiment with the relevant beamline scientist. This section should include:

· A detailed description of the proposed experimental plan and procedures such that the review committee and referees can assess the feasibility of the proposed work. Estimate the time required for each part of the plan. A sketch may help if a non-standard setup is proposed and/or you are bringing your own equipment.

· Justification of the number of samples you are planning to measure, and the number of measurements on each e.g. the number of temperature steps you propose.

· An explanation of your estimate of the amount of beam time needed. Include an estimate of setup time and time required per sample.

Maximum 600 words

Experience of Participants, and outcome of previous ASRP/Australian Synchrotron Experiments

Please detail the experience of the principal scientist and his/her previous experiments. Briefly mention experience of other participants. Maximum 600 words

Give a brief description of all participants’ previous experience with synchrotron radiation and the experimental results obtained. Detail the experience of the Principal Scientist on this proposal, and list all ASRP and Australian Synchrotron funded experiments performed during the last three years by the Principal Scientist. Give a brief (one or two sentence) description of the outcomes, for example list any publications (including those in preparation), or give the status of data analysis, whether additional beamtime is needed to allow the research to be published, etc.

The need to use Synchrotron Radiation for this research

· Why is synchrotron radiation required for this research project, ie can't the experiment be done with laboratory facilities? Describe results from other techniques if this aids in justifying the use of a synchrotron.

· Explain the choice of beamline/facility for the experiment.

Maximum 1000 characters


Please reference publications relevant to your proposed research. References from the above sections should be listed here.

Maximum 1000 characters

Intellectual Property (I.P.) IssuesYes/No

Intellectual Property Details

If there are any issues of Intellectual Properties with respect to carrying out your experiment please inform what concerns need to be addressed.

Maximum 1000 characters

Does this work form a critical part of a student thesis?Yes/No

Note that this should also be indicated in the ‘Scientific Purpose’ section above.

2. Researchers



Role(select from list)

Principal Scientist, Co-proposer (editor), Co-proposer

AttendingYes/No(select from list)

3. Beamlines

Beamline (select from list)

Desired starting date

Alternative Dates (and/or dates NOT suitable)

No. Days Requested

Experimental Setup

Please provide the beam parameters you require from the beamline in order to carry out your experiment, such as energy range/wavelength, beam size/divergence, and so on. Give values for parameters marked with an * in the table above.

Ancillaries, Detectors, Sample Environment

Select from list

4. Samples

For each material or substance that will be used

Principal Name


Mass (g) or Volume (mL)

Please provide the physical form of your sample(select from list)

SolidPowderSingle CrystalLiquidGas

Status of samplePrepared (tick) or Date ready (fill in box)

Please indicate what will happen to sample after experiment(select from list)

Disposed by ASRemoved by User

Safety information

Please enter safety details for your sample. You must select at least one box.

ToxicCorrosiveFlammableExplosiveRadioactiveCarcinogenic Biological Hazard Not Hazardous

Sample and Safety Comments

Single Crystal Information (if applicable)








At Temperature (K)
Space Group

5. Figures

Upload figure
