Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on MONDAY 15th DECEMBER 2014 in The Claydon Room, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.
Chairman: Michael Edwards
Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr
Councillors: John Harrison Stephen Jennings
Mark Burmby Gary Davies
Dr. Michael Blyth
Officers: Laurie Wiebe
Members of Public: 3
District Councillors: Miriam Lewis
Police: None
Other Representatives: Don Benson (Heybridge Residents Association)
In the Chair: Michael Edwards
14/302 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Councillors Lawson, Dobson, Perry and District Councillors Bryan Harker, Alan Cheshire.
RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.
14/303 Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman noted the resignation of Mark Smy and wished him all the best for the future.
The Christmas Drinks Reception that was held on the 12th December 2014 went well.
The Chairman wished everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
14/304 Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th November 2014 were received.
The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 4th December 2014 were received.
The minutes of the Events Committee meeting held on 4th December 2014 were received.
The minutes of the Budget Committee meeting held on 9th December 2014 were received.
It was RESOLVED that the:-
i) Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th November 2014 be approved and confirmed.
14/305 Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests
14/306 Public Participation Session
Gary Young expressed interest in co-option.
There were no other comments.
14/307 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report
Cllr. Miriam Lewis reported that:-
· She enjoyed the Christmas Reception and noted especially the catering;
· Cllr. Lewis had attended meetings acting Leader of the Council whilst the Leader had been away:-
i) The North East Quadrant. The Quadrant aims to capture cooperation of Councils without losing individual identity. It comprises of Braintree, Colchester, Chelmsford, Tendring, and Maldon Councils. The Quadrant wishes to understand the general situation faced by the area and also to protect more vulnerable Councils which includes Maldon as they are a smaller Council. One of the areas being addressed is the future arrangement of Council Tax with a possibility of establishing a larger pool. The Quadrant will next meet in January 2015.
ii) Leaders of Essex met to discuss the devolution by central Government and the impacts on Essex into a ‘Larger Essex.’ This includes governance and credibility of scale. The two tricky areas are the Unitary Authorities. There needs to be a sound procedure in place by May 2015, therefore all Councils will be contributing financially.
· Cllr. Lewis attended the members briefing on the North Heybridge Garden Suburb that was held on 27th November 2014. The Flood Alleviation Scheme was discussed which includes two schemes; strategic (comprising of both developers and riparian owners) and SUDs.
· The Planning Inspector will be discussing the North Heybridge Garden Suburb on the 22nd January 2015.
· The Strut and Parker development of 100 houses will be further investigated and other planning applications are expected to be submitted in January 2015.
· The Locality Board has identified that there is a deficit of doctors in Maldon/Heybridge. With the proposed LDP allocations, NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Group have been working with the two practices [Blackwater Surgery and Longfields Surgery] and have agreed in principle the need for a third surgery. A business plan was being developed.
· Aquilla on Causeway has been recommended for approval by P&L Committee. The development will create 200 jobs and offers new retail space including Waitrose and Premier Inn. It was noted that Brooks Bros. will relocate within the current site.
· Cllr. Lewis noted that although it is not located in her ward, she supported Cllr. Bryan Harker regarding the sad state of the Cemetery Chapel.
· Cllr. Lewis had been approached by the WI regarding the lack of hiring availability of Plantation Hall.
14/308 Planning
(a) Planning applications
RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-
i) Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/01185
Proposal: Convert existing conservatory into an orangery
Location: 17 Basin Road, Heybridge
Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/01186
Proposal: New front porch.
Location: 62 Rowan Drive, Heybridge
Application No: OUT/MAL/14/00990 PP-03715069
Proposal: Outline planning application with all matters reserved other than access for a residential development of up to 100 dwellings, with associated public open space and infrastructure.
Location: Holloway Road, Heybridge
New Documentation Submitted
OBJECT on grounds already been submitted.
It was noted that there was little support by residents.
Application No: FUL/MAL/14/01197 PP-03835494
Proposal: Application for variation of conditions 9 &14 on approved application FUL/MAL/10/01070 (Wind Farm Development consisting of seven three-bladed, horizontal-axis wind turbines, each up to 126.5m maximum height to blade tip, with associated electricity transformers, underground cabling, access tracks, road widening works, crane hardstanding, control building, substation compound, communications mast and anemometry mast for a period of twenty five years. Also temporary works including a construction compound, lay down area, rotor assembly pads, turning heads, welfare facilities and four guyed anemometry masts – allowed on appeal references APP/X1545/A/12/2179484 and APP/X1545/A/12/2179225) Condition 9 – To facilitate the option to deliver turbine components via marine delivery. Condition 14- Reduce the minimum hub hut to maximise the options in relation to turbine selection.
Location: Turncole Farm, The Mashes, Southminster
OBJECT on the grounds that it is a change to the original application.
(b) LDP Update
Cllr. Prof. Schnurr reported on the LDP briefing that took place on 27 November 2014. A copy of the presentations had been emailed to all Members.
Cllr. Prof Schnurr noted that at the last Planning Committee meeting of the article in the MDC Courier that assumed North Heybridge Garden Suburb. However, in the article there was no mention of ‘draft’ or ‘proposed’ Local Development Plan. Cllr. Prof Schnurr contacted Dist. Cllr. Harker and Dist. Cllr. Cheshire both of whom supported drafting a letter to the Planning Inspectorate expressing Council concern. The letter was drafted and approved by the Planning Committee. A copy of the letter had been sent to Mr. Eric Pickles MP.
Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted that the map in the Courier was out of date.
14/309 Report from the Clerk
A report was received by Members.
The Clerk reported on the Election Day training course.
Members considered:-
a) Replacing or reupholstering the burgundy chairs that are used in the Main Hall. Cllr. Dr. Blyth asked that a plain colour for the chairs be investigated;
b) Quotations to replace the kitchen floor. It was noted that the cooker will need to be moved and reinstalled which would be an additional £100;
c) Relocating the Horse Trough. It was noted that the Horse Trough was listed as a Heritage item and therefore English Heritage will need to be contacted as to the preferred relocation;
d) Moving the Annual Parish Meeting to the 19th March 2014;
e) Ratifying the expense of £172 + VAT to clear the gutters, replace three broken tiles and re-cement the ridge of Plantation Hall roof;
f) To agree in principle a quotation to replace large climbing structure, install new equipment in the Children’s Play Area at Plantation Hall with view of bidding on various grants;
g) The future of Elizabeth Way Children’s Play Area following recent vandalism. It was noted that the Play Area has been regularly vandalised, notably the fence railings. Cllr. Prof Schnurr noted that the area was highly vulnerable to vandalism. It was suggested that a football goal to be located within the amenity area should be investigated.
It was RESOLVED that:-
i) Replacing or reupholstering the chairs in the Main Hall be further investigated ;
ii) The quotation to replace the kitchen floor for £618+ VAT be approved and that moving the cooker at a cost of £100 be approved;
iii) The relocation of the Horse Trough be further investigated;
iv) The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on the 19th March 2015;
v) The expense of £172 + VAT to clear the gutters and replace broken tiles and re-cement the ridge of Plantation Hall roof be ratified;
vi) the principle of replacing the large climbing structure and install new equipment in the Children’s Play Area at Plantation Hall with view of bidding on various grants be approved;
vii) Quotes be sought to install a football goal within Elizabeth Way Amenity Area.
14/310 Plantation Hall Hirers
Members received a report from the Admin Assistant regarding feedback from Plantation Hall hirers. Cllr. Prof Schnurr thanked the Admin Assistant for the excellent feedback report. Cllr. Prof Schnurr noted that in respect of hirers acting on behalf of third parties for fundraising that the hiring rules include a clause to indicate that the Parish Council will independently write to the third party for verification.
Members considered investigating the costs of installing air conditioning in the Main Hall. Cllr. Davies noted that the Hall hiring charges should be addressed in order to cover any additional costs.
Members considered installing blackout blinds on the roof windows in the Meeting Room and Claydon Room. Cllr. Dr. Blyth indicated that there should be priority given to items that have larger visual impact such as curtains and chairs. It was noted that the curtains look tired and should be addressed. Cllr. Prof Schnurr noted that blackout blinds for the Claydon Room had been looked into three years ago and at the time the quotations were £1000s. Cllr. Prof Schnurr noted that current projectors seemed to be suitable for bright sunlight.
Members considered installing a dishwasher in the kitchen. It was noted that there may well be issues of hygiene and therefore quotes should be sought.
It was RESOLVED that:-
i) the installation of air conditioning in the Main Hall be further investigated;
ii) quotations be sought for blackout blinds in the Claydon Room and Meeting Room;
iii) quotations be sought to install a dishwasher in the kitchen.
14/311 Heybridge Cemetery Chapel
Members considered the request from Cllr. Dr. Blyth to contact MDC regarding the poor condition of the Chapel in Heybridge Cemetery.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to Maldon District Council (cc to Cllr. Harker) to express concern of the poor state of repair of the Chapel.
14/312 Ban on Dogs not on lead on King George V Playing Field
Members considered the request from Cllr. Harrison to consider the implementation of a ban on dogs not on lead on the playing field. Cllr. Harrison noted that there have been two notices on the Playing Field for the past 10+ years but the Parish Council have not acted upon it.
Cllr. Prof Schnurr explained the legal process of bylaws and of enforcing a bylaw. It was noted that the District Council does not have a bylaw to keep dogs on lead as the effect would be minimal and cost would be prohibitive, therefore the signs are redundant. It was noted that the Parish Council should bring into force a law which was beyond Council resources to enforce either by paying someone or by enforcing the law itself and in any case a law which the public generally would not support.
Cllr. Harrison noted that his issue is with dogs running loose on the Playing Field.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Prof Schnurr and the Clerk will further investigate.
14/313 Publication of Free Tesco Bus Time Schedule
Members considered the request from Cllr. Harrison to publish the free Tesco Bus time schedule on all notice boards, to Councillors, on Parish Council website and in every Herald.
There was a general discussion on the bus services being provided to serve Heybridge and included the Free Tesco Bus which runs from Park Drive in Maldon to Tesco and return.
It was RESOLVED to further investigate the bus time schedules.
14/314 Consultations and Policies
Members received amended standing orders (no. 48.1 and 69) which will stand as adopted at the next Parish Council meeting.
It was RESOLVED that the amended Standing Orders be approved.
14/315 Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects
(a) Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Cllr. Edwards
The Chairman reported that the next edition of the Herald was in progress and asked that Members submit articles to him as soon as possible.
(b) Basin Matters–Leading Councillor – Prof Lew Schnurr
Cllr. Prof Schnurr reported that the laurel hedge located along the entrance of Daisy Meadow Car Park continues to be investigated.
(c) Projects (including 5 year project plan) and Grants Working Group
Members received notes from the meeting that was held on 27th November 2014.
It was noted that the bid for a grant towards the cost of the 288 Bus was unsuccessful.
(d) Doorstep Youth Club – leading Councillor – Cllr. Dobson
i) The lead Councillor was not present.
It was noted that the Youth Club had finished for the winter and will start again when the clocks spring forward on 29th March 2015.
(e) Neighbourhood Planning Working Group
The working group will meet in January 2015.
14/316 Financial Matters
(a) Accounts for Payment
The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –
L Wiebe / £57.15 / Reimbursement re monthly travel costs / 4201Cash / £106.92 / Clerk and Support Officer’s Petty Cash top up / 4601
T Likeman / £50.00 / Hire deposit refund re 29/11/14 / 2301
L Fryer / £50.00 / Hire deposit refund re 30/11/14 / 2301
A&J Lighting Solutions / £277.20 / Bollard Lighting repairs / 3601
B G Appleton / £330.00 / Quarterly charge re Car Parks sweeping / 3001
S Bishop / £252.00 / Delivery Heybridge Herald November 2014 / 1202
Blackwater Roofing Ltd. / £206.40 / Clean out gutters and replace broken tiles at Plantation Hall / 2401
Water for Work & Home / £49.20 / Quarterly watercooler rental at Plantation Hall / 2501
K Locke / £180.00 / Ground Maintenance for Mth November 2014 / 3001
Mrs. J M Martin / £1260.00 / Support Services for qtr October – December 2014 / 4901
Office Is Ltd / £75.22 / Stationery for Plantation Hall / 4601
SLCC / £210.00 / Annual Subscription Fees / 3301
Stephensons of Essex Ltd. / £575.00 / Bus Services re month November 2014 / 1375
C Rae / £185.00 / Fit new tap in the Janitors’ area, new siphon in ladies WC, release thermostatic pin on radiator in Meeting Room / 2401
Essex & Suffolk Water / £70.15 / Monthly payment re water supply at P Hall / 2201
Maldon District Council / £565.00 / Rates re Daisy Meadow Car Park Dec 2014 / 3201
Maldon District Council / £382.00 / Rates re P Hall Dec 2014 / 2201
Anglian Water / £406.90 / Sewerage charge re Plantation Hall 26/4/14 – 11/10/14 / 2201
Southern Electric / £105.65 / Monthly payment re Street Lightning / 3601
Green Recycling Ltd / £43.50 / Waste collection month November 2014 / 2201
RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.