Please complete this form and email to if you are interested in pursuing a collaborative research project with Seneca College. Someone will contact you within 3 business days to follow up on your request.
Business Legal Name:Business Address:
Primary Contact:
Phone Number:
Is the business based in Canada? / ☐ YES ☐ NO
Is your business for-profit? / ☐ YES ☐ NO
Is your business incorporated? /
☐ YES ☐ NO
How many people do you employ in Ontario?
How did you hear about Seneca Research? /
(Please check as many as appropriate)
☐I am a current partner
☐I know someone who is currently
working on a project with Seneca
What types of assistance are you interested in/looking from Seneca?Check as many as appropriate / ☐Research & Development
☐Product Testing/Validation
☐Market Intelligence
☐Co-op Student
☐Student Intern
If other, please include a brief description:
What sector(s) does your project relate to?
Check as many as appropriate / ☐Art, Animation and Design
☐Community Services
☐Fashion and Esthetics
☐Health Sciences
☐Hospitality and Tourism
☐Information Technology (ICT)
☐Law, Public Administration and
Public Safety
☐Manufacturing and Mechatronics
☐Media and Communications
☐Recreation and Wellness
If other, please include a brief description:
What is the objective of your proposed project? (i.e. What is the key issue or problem that the project would address?)
Please describe the project you would like to collaborate with Seneca College on. What assistance do you require? What are the project deliverables that you are expecting from the College?
What are the technical skills that your company does not have and that you are looking for from Seneca College? (ie. what specific expertise / experience should the Principal Investigator have and be able to bring to the project?)
What is the anticipated benefit of this project to your company/organization (e.g. growth in revenues, profits, jobs, etc.)?
Is there a particular Seneca faculty member/mentor, course, school or program with whom you would like to work? ☐ YES ☐ NO
If yes, please state:
Anticipated project duration (months):
Desired Start Date:
Desired Completion Date:
☐I consent to have this form forwarded to other non-profits in the regional innovation eco-
system for added assistance.
Seneca College Collaboration EOI Form –updated January 2017 (v2)Page 1 of 4