Call to order - 4:42 by Board President Sarah Priest

In attendance - Sarah Priest,Tanya Jackson,Kelly Blindauer, Kathryn Nelson, Lyn Clark Peg, Callie Ronstrom, Kym Young (via phone)

Quorum present.

Staff Members Present –Karen TeHennepe, Danielle Norkunas

Absent –Nathalie Crowley, Greta Ireland-Klumb, Elsa Swenson, Karen St. George, LeAnn Littlewolf, Sheryl Boman

Mission Moment

Staff Presentation (Melissa Hellerud-Storie)

State of the Agency (Karen TeHennepe)

Consent Agenda –

Resignations – Elsa Swenson and Greta Ireland-Klumb

November 10th minutes

December minutes

December Financials

Tanya moves to approve, Kelly seconds, approved.

Finance Committee (Kelly Blindauer) –

Supplemental incomes for Karen, Melissa, and Danielle were discussed. Personnel will make recommendations, pass them through Finance, and then they will be brought to the board for approval.

Living the Mission Committee (Sheryl Boman)-

Did not meet.

Marketing and Fund Development Committee (Kelly Blindauer) –

The committee met with Helen Smith-Stone to discuss the March gala and possibly future events. Because of staffing and time constraints, the March gala will not happen this year. Danielle is contacting the Depot about rescheduling (note: Mary Karl with the Depot is fine with postponing; we will just need to work with her for rescheduling an event there.) We are going to focus on MDWR. Karen will follow-up with why we aren’t at the DECC when we have historically had the race that weekend even though other years there have been graduations. Karen will talk to Kris to see what her background is as well. Helen is willing to help out with MDWR if needed. It is suggested that a letter to membership be sent in March. Finally, grant abstracts on the Positive Alternatives and DHS Child Welfare Disparities grants were handed out and discussion on whether they may need more or different information. Sarah suggested adding outcomes. The goal is to give abstracts before grants are submitted in the future.

Personnel Committee -

The Personnel Committee is still working on the handbook. Once finished, the intent is to have it reviewed by the MN Council of Nonprofits and then the attorney to cover all our bases.

Executive Committee (Sarah Priest)–

The Committee met briefly on the 4th. Sarah, Kelly, and Kathy drafted a committee job description and agenda. They will email the description to the Board for feedback. A new slate of officers have been nominated for 2016, they are:

Board President – Kelly Blindauer
Vice-President – Karen St. George
Treasurer – LeAnn Littlewolf
Secretary – Kathy Nelson

Tanya moves to approve the slate, Callie seconds, approved.

Nominating Committee (Sarah Priest)–

The Committee met and generated 50 names. Sarah sent invitations to apply to 25 of them to whom she had personal connections.

Items for Discussion -

LeAnn has a work obligation that has come up that will prevent her from attending board meetings prior to 5 pm. As a result, meetings will move from 4:30-6pm to 5-6:30pm effective immediately.

The Annual Meeting is 2/23. Details still need to be ironed out.

MeetingAdjourned–5:55 PM

Tanya moves, Kelly second, meeting adjourned.