Guidelines for Use of Temporary Signs On TEP Property

No temporary signs/banners are to be displayed on TEP property without authorization. Unauthorized signs will be removed and properly disposed of.

No political or commercial signs are allowed on TEP property or adjoining VDOT right-of-way.

Authorized temporary signs/banners may only be displayed for up to two (2) weeks. If the temporary signs/banners are used in conjunction with an event to be held at TEP, the temporary signs/banners must be removed within one (1) day after the event.

Temporary signs/banners may only be displayed on sign frames provided by TEP. These sign frames have permanent “in ground” mounting supports and the frames may not be used at any other location on the property.

The sign frames are five (5) feet high by eight (8) feet wide. We recommend using temporary signs/banners smaller than 5’ X 8’ and it should be noted that current Franklin County Sign Regulations do not allow signs larger than thirty-two (32) square feet or up to four feet by eight feet (4’ X 8’).

Temporary signs/banners should be attached to the sign frames via bungee cords which are NOT supplied with the sign frames.

Temporary signs/banners may be attached to each side of the sign frames.

In the event of multiple requests for temporary signs/banners to be displayed during the same period of time or overlapping times, the TEP office staff will coordinate which temporary signs/banners are displayed where and when.

Temporary signs/banners used for TEP functions have priority over all other requests for sign display space. Trinity Preschool will be allowed to display their banner for two weeks any time there is a vacancy in their classes.

At no time shall there be more than four (4) temporary signs/banners displayed and only using the two (2) provided sign frames. No other methods of displaying temporary signs/banners shall be used.

TEP is not liable or responsible for the loss or damage to any temporary signs/banners displayed on its property.

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