Wednesday, September 20, 2017

9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Coville Conference Room


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:

A meeting of the Student Government Senate will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

Call to Order – 9:04 AM

Roll Call


Post Date Here Approved date here

  1. Senator of Academic Affairs
  2. Senator of Alumni, Graduate & Credential Matthew Federis (P)
  3. Senator of Commuters & Transportation
  4. Senator of Housing & Residential Education
  5. Senator of Social Justice Mia Fernandez (P)
  6. Senator of Student Engagement Noelle Ewing (P)
  7. Senator of Sustainability & Technology Raul Perez (P)
  8. Senator of Veterans & Non Traditional
  9. Senator of Wellness & Recreation Angela Christopher (P)

Post Date Here Approved date here


Post Date Here Approved date here

  1. President Karina Hinojosa (P)
  2. Vice President Alexis Mumford (P)
  3. Director of External Affairs Samuel Martinez (P)
  4. Director of Operations Lisa Mireles (P)
  5. Director of Events Katherine Mitchell (L 9:07)
  6. Chief of Staff Chelsea Lincoln (L 9:07)

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  1. Chief Justice


Post Date Here Approved date here

  1. Bethany Bañuelos (L 9:09)
  2. Helen Alatorre (P)

E.Members of the public

Post Date Here Approved date here

Approval of the Agenda

  1. September 20, 2017
  2. Senator Fernandez motioned to approve the agenda
  3. Senator Christopher seconded
  4. 4 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention

Approval of the Minutes

  1. September 13, 2017
  2. Senator Fernandez motioned to approve the minutes
  3. Senator Perez seconded
  4. Senator Christopher motioned to amend the minutes to include all the members of the public from the previous meeting
  5. Senator Fernandez seconded the motion
  6. 4 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention to amend the minutes
  7. 4 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention

Public Forum

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.


Reports presented by the following shall be attached with all weekly packets. Weekly packets will consist of agenda, any supporting documents, minutes, and reports.

  1. Legislative Reports
  2. Vice President’s Report
  3. President’s Report
  4. Executive Branch Report
  5. Judicial Report
  6. Advisor Report
  7. Committee Report

Special Presentations

Unfinished Business

  1. None

A.Informational Item

B.Discussion Item

C.Action Item

New Business

i.Informational Item (15 minutes)

  1. CSSA Update (President Hinojosa & Director Martinez 15 minutes)
  2. President Hinojosa spoke in regards to Rise California, which is working to make community colleges more inexpensive/free and are currently looking for students to work in their open positions
  3. President Hinojosa discussed the different resources available for DACA, undocumented & AB540 students on the Chancellor’s website, including:
  4. Fee waivers
  5. Free legal help
  6. President Hinojosa explained that the website holds the most updated CSU information, and encouraged all members to spread the word to students and let them know about this resource
  7. President Hinojosa spoke about in relation to DACA
  8. President Hinojosa stressed the importance of understanding that not all DACA recipients are students and some faculty are also under DACA and will not be able to work if they are unable to renew
  9. Director Martinez spoke about all 23 CSUs coming together on a “Day of Advocacy” to phone bank and contact representatives in support of our DACA students and faculty
  10. Director Martinez emphasized that the efforts are focused on reaching Republican representatives and turning their votes
  11. President Hinojosa spoke about a postcard idea to provide to our students to send to representatives specifically in regard to DACA
  12. President Hinojosa spoke about the renewal application for DACA which is due on October 5th, not postmarked by October 5th
  13. President Hinojosa spoke about a case within the state of California which makes it illegal for the federal government to cut funding to the institution
  14. President Hinojosa discussed that there are new general education requirements and will be a topic of focus
  15. President Hinojosa mentioned an upcoming presentation focused on student athletes and their academic affairs and how the two are affected and related
  16. President Hinojosa opened the floor for any questions
  17. Senator Ewing asked for clarification on all of the bills mentioned by Director Martinez and for a brief summary of Executive Order 1110 & 1100
  18. President Hinojosa explained that the Chancellor has created a new set of general education requirements that must be implemented within all CSUs by Fall 2018
  19. Director Martinez stated that he will be researching and providing further information in the near future
  20. Vice President Mumford asked if there was a reason for the Chancellor establishing this Executive Order
  21. President Hinojosa explained that the requirements are still similar but slightly altered, making note that certain disciplines will no longer be required
  22. Advisor Alatorre explained that Executive Order 1100 has been out since 2015 and its purpose is to expedite student graduation

i.Discussion Item (85 minutes)

  1. Lobby Corps (Director Martinez 20 minutes)
  2. Director Martinez presented on the topic of Lobby Corps, which will be provided as a supporting document
  3. Director Martinez opened the floor for any questions
  4. Senator Christopher yielded time to Chief Lincoln
  5. Chief Lincoln asked if there are any specific requirements to be a part of Lobby Cops
  6. Director Martinez mentioned that there are no requirements
  7. Senator Ewing yielded time to Advisor Alatorre
  8. Advisor Alatorre mentioned that the student must be in good conduct standing
  9. Senator Christopher asked if the meetings will still be held at 8 AM again
  10. Director Martinez responded that times will be established once there are members
  11. Senator Federis asked how the Lobby Corps will establish what they lobby for
  12. Director Martinez explained that it will be dependent of what issues arise and what other CSUs are advocating for
  13. Senator Christopher yielded time to President Hinojosa
  14. President Hinojosa mentioned that she will be leaving the CSSA policy in the office for anyone who’d like to read it
  15. Minute to Win It (President Hinojosa 10 minutes)
  16. President Hinojosa presented on the layout for Minute to Win It, which will be added as a supporting document
  17. President Hinojosa mentioned that members are needed to sign up for different times and areas to set up and clean up
  18. President Hinojosa offered to send out a reminder text to anyone who would like one
  19. President Hinojosa opened the floor for questions
  20. Senator Fernandez mentioned that each person has to conduct a game but cannot be at the event until later
  21. Vice President Mumford mentioned that she believes it to be beneficial for members to come out when they’re introduced
  22. Vice President Mumford mentioned that by tomorrow, 9/21, Director Mireles will be the point-person and have a list of different tasks and duties for everyone
  23. Senator Christopher asked when members are going over games because she is unavailable until late, due to class
  24. President Hinojosa mentioned that she will go over the games as much as she can during the meeting and if time is cut short, members are welcome to search the games and their instructions online
  25. Director Mitchell asked if the games are played at stations all happening at the same time
  26. President Hinojosa stated that there will be 3 game tables and there will only ever be 2-3 students playing at a time and they’ll be playing the same game and competing against each other
  27. Communication Club Event Collaboration (Vice President Mumford 30 minutes)
  28. Vice President Mumford mentioned that she’s been in contact with the Communication Club President, Anthony Mendola, and there will be a Communication Ball at Harley’s Bowling Alley which is $20 per student and they are asking for donations from Student Government
  29. Senator Fernandez asked what type of participation is needed
  30. Vice President stated that any donation, ideas or participation we are able to offer, i.e. candy, prizes, etc.
  31. Senator Ewing asked if this will set a precedent for other clubs to ask us for money and/or donations
  32. Vice President Mumford stated that it depends on what we are able to offer them at the time and the Communication Club isn’t asking for money
  33. Senator Ewing mentioned that we have a lot of clubs and they may ask for specific donations from Student Government
  34. Vice President Mumford stated that it can be a non-monetary donation,“if we’re promoting communication collaboration, how are we collaborating with other clubs?”
  35. Senator Fernandez stated that it doesn’t make sense to her to provide donations to this club in order to enhance our communication
  36. Vice President Mumford explained to Senator Fernandez that the event isn’t working with communication but it would allow Student Government to begin collaborating with more clubs on campus, as President Hinojosa and Vice President Mumford have been working toward
  37. Senator Ewing asked what other clubs have been contacted to help with this event
  38. Senator Fernandez yielded time to Director Mitchell
  39. Director Mitchell stated that she believes this event is a good way to promote communication collaboration
  40. President Hinojosa stated that as senators, it’s completely within their right to vote on whether or not this is a good, efficient use of money and/or resources so if they feel that this sets a bad precedent she encourages them to speak up and find better opportunities for outreach
  41. Senator Perez stated that he doesn’t believe this is a bad idea but agrees with Senator Ewing that it will set a precedent and if we’re ready to do that, it’s OK but we need to think about what will arise
  42. Senator Ewing agreed with Senator Perez that we should promote and connect with the clubs as much as possible but this will set a bad precedent for clubs to ask Student Government for donations and she’d like to be more informed before making a decision
  43. Vice President Mumford mentioned that every year during finals the library provides free drinks, snacks and activities and they reached out to Student Government to request an allocation of money, which was then approved
  44. Senator Ewing stated that this event is charging students $20 while going to the library is free
  45. Senator Federis stated that as club president, he’d like to see more collaboration between clubs and doesn’t believe it is our goal as Student Government to help in ways that use our finances or resources
  46. Senator Fernandez yielded time to Director Mitchell
  47. Director Mitchell asked if the money will be paying for the club and its resources
  48. Vice President Mumford explained that none of the profits will be going to the club directly
  49. Senator Christopher yielded time to President Hinojosa
  50. President Hinojosa stated that Director Mireles can always help making flyers, videos or boomerangs on our social media for them and we as Student Government can provide any clubs the opportunity to promote their events and/or meetings at our Minute to Win It event
  51. Senator Ewing stated that she believes this to be a good idea
  52. Senator Christopher stated that a good place to start communication collaboration would be interactive marketing
  53. Senator Ewing mentioned that if it were for a greater number of clubs, it would be ok but since it’s only one, it makes it difficult
  54. Vice President responded that she’d like to see more collaboration between Student Government and the clubs on campus
  55. Office Norms (Vice President Mumford 25 minutes)
  56. Vice President Mumford opened up the discussion for Office Norms, which will be added as a supporting document

ii.Action Item

  1. None

Closing Comments

  1. Director Martinez encouraged all members to attend the Constitution Day event today
  2. President Hinojosa stated that one thing not covered in the CSSA presentation was additional ideas to tackle food insecurity and encouraged members to send her their thoughts
  3. Senator Christopher mentioned that Black Student Union meets every Tuesday from 8-9:00 PM and encouraged members to attend as they will have a lot more content and presentations this year
  4. Senator Ewing informed the members that there are new political clubs on campus: Democratic Socialists and Libertarians
  5. Vice President asked Senator Ewing to explain what each club discussed
  6. Senator Ewing stated that the Democratic Socialist club is very concerned about events happening on campus and she will be attending their next meeting
  7. Senator Fernandez asked if they’ve set up their next meeting time
  8. Senator Ewing explained that they’re having a hard time finding times and spaces to meet but informed members that clubs are able to meet in the Mission Lounge across from Clubs & Organizations
  9. Intern Genna asked how the new “No Smoking” law is being enforced on campus
  10. Vice President explained that enforcing it is difficult and it’s more of a social responsibility
  11. President Hinojosa offered to speak to her after the meeting

Adjournment – 10:35 AM

  1. Senator Federis motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:27 AM
  2. Senator Christopher seconded the motion
  3. 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions