News from the Lion’s Den


Acting Principal: Shannon Atherton

Acting Vice-Principal: Sheila Baker

(506) 357-4075

Lion’s Pride. Lead and Learn with the Lincoln Lions.

Fundraising Updates

Our recent fundraisers have been very successful! Santa’s Little Helpers campaign helped us raise close to $2900.00 which helps fund student activities.

Our Christmas Bazaar also raised almost $5000.00 for our school and we are still selling tickets! The time and effort put in to this event is much appreciated! We had PALS and parents who spent a great deal of time soliciting local businesses for donations, not to mention the time to organize, set up and clean up. What a great event!

With these funds, we are able to reduce and cover costs for a variety of student activities that take place throughout the year, as well as student breakfast. So far this year, our students have been able to have Celtic Rathskallions and will be enjoying a concert from Art Richard in January. Fundraising also allows us to reduce the cost for busses for field trips.

Christmas Extravaganza is Coming Up!

We are still in need of donations for this event! These can be sent in up until Friday, and students can bring a maximum of $2 to purchase their gifts so students can purchase two gifts.

Students will be buying gifts on Tuesday, Dec. 20! Thanks to the Grade 2 class who are helping organize this event!

POWER Challenge Update

Congratulations to all students and families who have been regular participants of the POWER Challenge!

The next 6 week POWER Challenge will be sent out after Christmas Break. Let’s set a school wide participation goal of 85%. All students that participate will have a chance to win prizes at our monthly CARE assemblies and students who participate in all 6 weeks of the challenge will earn a certificate and a prize.


For those students in grades 3-5 who participate in afterschool CARE CLUB on Thursdays, please note that the last day for CARE CLUB before the holidays is December 1st. CARE Club will resume on Thursday, January 12, 2017.

Dates to Remember:
Thurs. Dec. 8 / After School Movie – “The Search for Santa Paws” 3:05pm-4:30pm
Mon. Dec. 12 / The Grinch comes to visit our school for a read aloud!
Tues. Dec 13 / Christmas Concert 9:30am and 11:30am (snowdate Dec. 15)
Fri. Dec. 23 / Last Day of School Before Holidays
Mon. Jan. 9 / Professional Learning Day for Teachers – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Tues. Jan. 10 / First Day Back After Holidays

It is COLD Outside!

The temperature outside has definitely changed and students need to be dressed for the weather. All students should be coming to school dressed to go outside. We go outside each day at least twice and students look forward to playing outside with friends. Please ensure that your child is dressed with coat,boots, snowpants, hat, mitts. Thank you!

Candy Grams for Sale!

The grade 3 -5 students will be selling Candy Cane Grams at recess on Monday, Dec. 12 and Wednesday, Dec.14. They will also be sold at the Christmas Concert on Tuesday, Dec. 13 if parents would like to buy for their child.

The Candy Grams will be sold for 50 cents each and students can write a special message to be attached for a friend. These will be delivered the week before Christmas break to students. Half of the money raised will go towards the fundraising for the Grade 3-5 Field trip and the other half of the proceeds will be donated to theOromocto Food Bank.

We also have a bin that we are using to collect food for the Community Kitchen. It is set up outside the office. Please feel free to drop off food items anytime.

Our students love to give back to the community!

Our students are participating in Dots for Kids Day – Ring a Bell Campaign on Friday, December 2.This campaign is about taking positive actions and improving outcomes for kids’ mental health in New Brunswick.

The Public Health Agency of Canada describes positive mental health as “the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. It is a positive sense of emotional and spiritual well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, interconnections and personal dignity.”


1)Be Active Everyday

2)It’s all about teamwork- Learn to ask for help

3)Take time to yourself-Make time to do things you enjoy

4)Have courage to be imperfect – no one is perfect

5)Laugh out loud everyday

6)Take time to focus on the good things

7)Spend time with people who make you feel good – good friendships and family relationships are important!

8)Get your zzzzz’s

9)Give yourself some headspace-Take time for yourself to clear your head

10)Talk out your troubles – let your family and friends know when you are having a bad day

11)Join a club or activity

12)Remember, this too shall pass. Try not to be negative about things. Focus on things you can control.

Hot Lunch and Milk Program

Please remember that Hot Lunch orders need to be sent in on Thursdays. We will not accept any orders on Monday. Also, check to ensure that you have your child’s name on each form, and that the items are checked off.

Menus for the rest of December will be sent home soon– please remember that there is milk only the week of Dec. 12-16 as there will be no milk the last week before holidays. Also, there will be no hot lunch the first week back after the holidays, but will start up again January 16, 2017.


If your child is not attending school on a given day or has an appointment, please call 357-4075 and leave a message to let us know. Thanks!



Our studentshave been working hard on Perseverance this month. Students have been reminded not to give up and to keep trying, even when something is difficult. Throughout the month of December, we will focus on RESPONSIBILITY. Students are responsible for their actions and behaviours, and we have a responsibility to do our very best here at school. It is important for students have responsibilities at home too!

After School Movie – The Search for Santa Paws

A reminder that the permission slip for this was already sent home and is due back by Wednesday, Dec. 7. The cost is $5.00 (includes juice and popcorn) and the movie will begin around 3:05pm on Thursday after school. Parents are asked to be here by 4:30 pm for pick up. Proceeds go towards Art Supplies and Wellness initiatives. Please send back the permission slip if your child is attending. Students will not be permitted to phone and ask for permission the day of the movie.

Reminder - School Cancellations

We are ZONE 7 for school closures. Also, please remember that we need to be able to reach you at all times during the school day, in case of emergency or closure during the school day. Make sure that your contact information is updated.


Bus Loading Zone
