Congregation Promotional Sheet

Announcement, Calendar Listing, Newsletter Article, Promotional Notice


  1. Personalize the Calendar Listing and/or Newsletter Article for your specific event.Highlight each gray fillable area, including the brackets, to personalize the information for your event. (Note: Gray area will disappear if it is modified.) Delete information that does not apply.
  2. Copy and paste article text into an email or save the document to your desktop and attach it to an email.
  3. Send an email to the appropriate contact person at the church to help you promote the workshop.


(For the church leader or other church staff member to read during a church service.)

When it comes to your financial life, even one change can make a big impact. We’ll show you how.

Join us for an informal discussion calledDOONETHINGDIFFERENT. During the discussion, you’ll:

  • Exchange ideas with others—what works for you; what works for them.
  • Get tips on how to make more informed and intentional choices about how you steward your resources.
  • Choose to do one thing different—to positively affect the way you share, save and spend.

DOONETHINGDIFFERENT will be held on [day, date] from [start time] to [end time] at [location]. [There will be refreshments/a complimentary lunch/dinner afterward.]

For more information, contact [Name] at [phone number] or [email address].
Calendar Listing

When it comes to your financial life, one change can make a big impact. Find out what you can do to help improve your financial picture. Attend an informal discussion: DOONETHINGDIFFERENT. During the discussion, you’ll exchange ideas with others—what works for you and what works for them—and get tips on how you can better steward your resources. Then commit to do one thing different—to positively affect the way you share, save and spend. DOONETHINGDIFFERENTwill be held at [address], [address] on [date] from [start time] to [end time].

[Refreshments/A complimentary lunch/dinner will be served afterward]. For more information, call [name] at [phone number].

Newsletter Article

Change: Make one. See a difference.

Get quick tips, creative ideas and innovative tools to help you do one thing different to improve your financial life. Even one change can make a big impact!

Join us for an informal discussion: DOONETHINGDIFFERENT. You’ll have an opportunity to:

  • Exchange ideas with others—what works for you; what works for them.
  • Get tips on how to make more informed and intentional choices about how you steward your resources.
  • Choose to do one thing different—to positively affect the way you share, save and spend.


When:[Day, Date], from [start time to end time]


[Refreshments/A complimentary lunch/dinner will be served afterward.]For more information, call [name] at [phone number].

Promotional Notice

Change: Make one. See a difference.

Get quick tips, creative ideas and innovative tools to help you do one thing different to improve your financial life. Join us for an informal discussion:DOONETHINGDIFFERENT.

During the discussion, you’ll exchange ideas with others—what works for you and what works for them—and get tipson how to make more informed and intentional choices about how you steward your resources.Then, choose to do one thing different—to positively affect the way you share, save and spend.

DOONETHINGDIFFERENT will be held on [date] from [start time] to [end time]. For more information, contact [name] at [phone number/email address].